Breastfeeding while running

Ks716 Posts: 3 Member
Any moms out there Willing to share their tips/tricks for training/running while breastfeeding? Before my pregnancy I would run 3-5 times a week usually 3-5 miles each time, was training for my half marathon and dr said she wanted me to stop running and didn't want me doing the half (high risk pregnancy). So I exclusively rode my bike during this pregnancy- up until 32 weeks and started losing my balance. Blew up a bit after that haha! Anyways, first time breastfeeding and clueless. Probably getting the ok from dr to return to running this week (c section and (I'm 6 weeks post partum)-Got a great new sports bra from vs. any tips that work for full time working moms with other kids on when they train/how/. Do you pump beforehand to make yourself as empty as possible before running? (Will my boobs hurt from running if they're full?) How many extra calories worked for you for a 3 to 5 mile run most days? (When I'm training the most I usually run is 8 miles) I then weight train my legs and arms and also bike and use elliptical rather than run some days. Favorite foods to eat to give energy? (Baby is sensitive to dairy-avoiding cows milk ) any tips running breastfeeding moms can give would be greatly appreciated!


  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Good question. Sorry to see you didn't get much response!
    I breastfed my two until they were about 18 months old but both times didn't start jogging as soon as you because I'm lazy!
    When I did though I'd just go after a feed partly so I knew they'd not need the boob while I was out but also because my sports bra fitted better that way.
    Maybe repost this on the exercise board for a better response?
  • Ks716
    Ks716 Posts: 3 Member
    I appreciate your response.