joe3052 Member


  • [/quote] I'm giving up alcohol for neither of those reasons. I'm giving it up to live healthier and be a good role model for my children. Losing the calories is a great bonus. [/quote] That's awesome. I too am trying to cut back on alcohol because of my health and daughter. It's the toughest challenge I have ever faced,…
  • It helps to have many friends for extra support and motivation. Anyone feel free to add me! :)
  • I would appreciate more support and help others as well. Feel free to add me!
  • They sell a big bag with little packs inside at costco or some other wholesale markets. Just microwave or boil them and snack on them. you can sprinkle some salt on them if you'd like. As far as the pre workouts I know those are very effective. I've never tried them because I know I'll become hooked once I do. Just make…
  • You can also adjust the percentage levels on MFP. I have 40/30/30. 40% carbs and 30% protein and fat. I get most of my protein from food base. I try not to rely on supplements. But that's just a personal preference of mine. 112 sounds about right for your protien. As far as getting protein maybe you can try flavored Greek…
  • Since you see your body ever day it's hard for you to see the difference. Day by day your eyes adjust to your wieght lose or body size. If you see someone that hasn't seen you since before you lost 20 pounds then I'm sure they would notice. Keep at it! 20 pounds in 6 months is awesome!
  • I usually snack on greek yogurt, fruit (apples, oranges, banana), vegetables (celery, carrots, edamames), beef jerky, almonds, there is all kinds of healthy snacks you can eat all day. As for late at night if I need to I'll usually only snack on low calorie low carb snacks, like celery or light mozzarella string cheese.
  • Of course the best solution would be to cut out the alcohol however in my case that's just not realistic. Sometimes I just want to relax, watch a game, and have a drink. It's extremely tough but you have to learn when enough is enough. I've struggled with this at times but for the most part I can have one and stop. Red…
  • I agree. You always want to ease into it. I was really fit five years back. Then fell into some bad habits and lost control of my body. Starting this year I am determined to get back to where I was, and not for a "beach body"(although that would be nice) I'm doing it for myself to feel better and my daughter. So back in…
  • Best thing to do is relax on vacation. It's healthy to give your body and mind a break every now and then. Turn your app off and enjoy your time. When you come back take time to get back into things. I've seen people come back from vacation and practically starve themselves and workout extra hard, which is extremely…
  • Breakfast-i spread peanut butter on whole grain toast or whole grain waffles, you can also have eggs or egg whites, maybe some cereals with low fat or almond milk. lunch/dinner-a lot of meat, chicken breast and lean beef, or fish is always good. snacks i always throw in some greek yogurt, beef jerky, healthier popcorn (for…
  • I stepped away from this app for a while but it really does help. It also helps to have a good support system. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals. Hope you achieve your goals. Reach out for support and motivation!
  • Quickest would be Chicken Breast, Ground Turkey or Beef, and Fish as your main dish. Sides can be vegetables, rice, sweet potatoes, spinach. Snacks I usually have greek yogurt, beef jerky, edamames, almonds, low calorie popcorn. maybe some hummus or almond butter with carrots or celery. I have a 40 to 60 hour work week…
  • Sometimes I've even re-arranged furniture and cleaned for a few hours. Time flies by when your busy and even if your not do a real physical activity it's still good for your mind and heart. Feel free to follow me, I track my activities and nutrition daily and sometimes I go over but hey we're human. I believe failure only…
  • Just try different things. See what works for you. Diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease runs in my family so I tend to be more careful then other people. Most important is to ease into it, safety first.
  • How long do you lift? And how many months or years have you been practicing that?
  • Agree. It's all personal preference. Trail by error.
  • You can get pretty close with a mixture of body compostions, HRM, TDEE, factor in the rest time. But I've read it's a lot of work so I just take a professionals word.
  • 45 minutes is all you need for wieght lifting. An hour max. Anything over your causing too much stress on your joints. Arthritis is very easy to get when you get older if your not careful. The numbers I threw out are general.
  • Generally when you weight lift your going to burn between 150 to 200 calories. Only way to truly tell is to buy a heart rate monitor. You can also look at estimates online based on your body wieght, age, and gender.
  • Chipotle or El pollo loco are healthy and fast. You can always go to a local market if you have enough time for lunch.
  • Agree. Form is everything when lift. You can really hurt your joints or muscle if your lifting wrong. It's best to warm up with a 5 minutes treadmill walk or something equivalent. Then stretch. Then lift. Then do cardio at the end. Just an opinion though.
  • Motivation is just temporary. It's discipline that keeps us going. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. You just have to push yourself to stay on track. I find myself always saying I'll workout tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. Take baby steps starting with nutrition. Try to count you calories, plan ahead and eat…
  • The right diet, track your calories, and get active. Start with walking, then jogging, then running, wieght training helps. It all depends how quickly you want to do it and what type of body your looking for.
  • Proper diet and pure cardio will give you a lean body with no muscle. However make sure your NOT doing any sprinting or steep incline running. Notice marathon runners are very skinny with no fat or muscle. As far as swimming. I used to be a swimmer and it is true if you don't use your legs it can be very affective. However…
  • I know how you feel. I have a lot of family and there is always a family party or event on the weekend with plenty of alcohol and fatty foods. It's really tough to stay focus but you have to try and keep your discipline on weekends. I can't tell you how many times I've felt dumb taking my own snacks and being criticized by…