Question about Protein Intake

ama3t Posts: 17 Member
Well, 2 questions actually.

1.) Is the MFP protein reccomendation fairly accurate? If it says I needs a certain amount of protein, should that be my goal? If not, what is a good resource I can use to decide how much protein I need? I'm working out about 1 hour four days a week. Either running or doing P90x. I want to make sure my diet is supporting it.

2.) How can I increase my protein intake? I never seem to meet my goal unless its a day I eaat fast food or something. I try to eat it: boiled egg in the morning, lots of fish. But I rarely meet it. I thought about adding a protein powder. Is that overkill? Does it only comie inchocolate (thats all my Kroger had) or is there some kind I can mix with juice?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    You can do like .8 grams of protein per pounds of body weight.

    You can have some of my protein, I am getting a stupid amount. I eat a protein bar every day, greek yogurt, tuna, lean ground turkey, frozen yogurt for dessert. These added with foods that have a few grams here or there get me up to 140 grams per day.
  • DvrDawg
    DvrDawg Posts: 88 Member
    edited May 2015
    There are many recommendations for protein intake - probably between .8 grams per lb of lean body mass (not total weight) for maintenance and about 1.2gram/lean lb for bulking. But, again, many different recommendations out there. P90X is good for toning ad some weight loss but will not build a lot of muscle - need to lift for that. As for ways to boost protein - lots of fish, chicken breast, quest bars, greek yogurt and protein powder. You can find almost any flavor under the sun, including "cupcake" - go to a place like GNC. I make several types of frozen protein smoothies - put chobani greek yogurt in a blender with some ice, frozen fruit and a scoop of protein powder - mix it up and it is like a frozen milkshake. I make one after an evening workout -it is like a treat and has 35 grams of protein. If I use pineapple yogurt and pineapple chunks, I'll use Vanilla protein powder. If I use a berry yogurt, I'll use mixed frozen berries or strawberries and Fruit Punch Protein Powder. For chocolate, I'll do the same with ice and use vanilla yogurt and chocolate powder -sometimes, I'll throw in some PB2 powder (peanut butter powder - all the protein, none of the fat).

    Good Luck!!
  • ama3t
    ama3t Posts: 17 Member
    Crap. MFP had me at 89. I'm been getting anywhere from 65-90. Should be getting about 112 based on that formula. I just had a feeling I wasn't getting enough. I guess I should at least get some protein bars. I don't really like yogurt but I put it in smoothies when I make them. I could also be underestimating my meat portions. I should really invest in a scale!
  • ama3t
    ama3t Posts: 17 Member
    I might get some protein powder too. I probably should. I just feel weird buying it. I know I need to get into doing some weights too, but its sooo hard for me. I'm a cardio person. I was proud of myself for doing an P90X other than CardioX honestly :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    You're not too far off. 112 doesn't seem right, if I am judging by your profile pic. I'm 130 and aim for 115 which is on the high said (and get 140 some days, not necessary though-I'm just a nut).

  • ama3t
    ama3t Posts: 17 Member
    I weigh 140. I'm tall and thats an old picture :) I probably weighed about 130-135 in that picture.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    ama3t wrote: »
    I weigh 140. I'm tall and thats an old picture :) I probably weighed about 130-135 in that picture.

    Oh! Okay :) Sorry I don't like to assume but you look very slim in it.

    Anyway, you're not far off. And the food scale will help you get a better idea too, just because your portions will be properly logged. You can look at my diary if you want.
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    edited May 2015
    The USDA RDA for protein is .8g / kg. for the average person, with increases in intake for athletes or those performing extensive and extreme physical training.

    I personally aim for about 1g/kg.

    Be careful to not go overboard with protein intake, as excess can be turned into glycogen and then stored as fat, similar to over abundant carb intake.

    I easily get all my protein requirements without using supplements, thou i have tried and used them in the past. Dairy is a great source for additional protein, if you can tolerate it, that many people have cut out of their diet due to bad information/guidelines.

    1g/lean lb. is excessive for anyone except a professional athlete or body builder.
  • ama3t
    ama3t Posts: 17 Member
    Dang your protein is way above mine. I really think I'm probably underestimating my meats. Which sucks because it means I'm also underestimating my calories :/ I definitely need a scale. There are (rare) days that MFP shows my protein as less than even one of those protein bars so I should definitely get some it seems! I just don't eat meat at every meal, I don't drink milk, I don't like yogurt. I tend not to eat nuts because they have alot of calories. I need to revamp my diet it seems.

    Also, off topic but arditarosa I saw pre-workout on your diary. Do you feel it helps alot? I was thinking of trying some!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    ama3t wrote: »
    Dang your protein is way above mine. I really think I'm probably underestimating my meats. Which sucks because it means I'm also underestimating my calories :/ I definitely need a scale. There are (rare) days that MFP shows my protein as less than even one of those protein bars so I should definitely get some it seems! I just don't eat meat at every meal, I don't drink milk, I don't like yogurt. I tend not to eat nuts because they have alot of calories. I need to revamp my diet it seems.

    Also, off topic but arditarosa I saw pre-workout on your diary. Do you feel it helps alot? I was thinking of trying some!

    I literally just bought it and tried it this week. It was either that, or throw my workouts out the window. I was just exhausted and stressed and having trouble with my work schedule getting to the gym. And yes, it was amazing. I was falling asleep on the train, and started drinking it...and then my eyes just...opened. And I was ready to work out. I had an amazing workout too.
  • ama3t
    ama3t Posts: 17 Member
    I have a friend who uses it that says its amazing. He said one time he took it and didn't get to work out for some reason and he felt like he was on drugs. Like so much energy he didn't know what to do with himself. I might look into it. I work nights and some days its a major struggle :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    ama3t wrote: »
    I have a friend who uses it that says its amazing. He said one time he took it and didn't get to work out for some reason and he felt like he was on drugs. Like so much energy he didn't know what to do with himself. I might look into it. I work nights and some days its a major struggle :)

    I stayed away from it for a long time because I knew I'd like it and want to use it before every workout, when I'd prefer to take it only on my two longest/most pain in the butt work days. But, I'm pretty sure I'll be taking it more often. I know myself.
  • joe3052
    joe3052 Posts: 28 Member
    You can also adjust the percentage levels on MFP. I have 40/30/30. 40% carbs and 30% protein and fat. I get most of my protein from food base. I try not to rely on supplements. But that's just a personal preference of mine. 112 sounds about right for your protien. As far as getting protein maybe you can try flavored Greek yogurt or edamames. Whenever I rarely use whey protien in my diet I make a shake out of it. I'll mix a chocolate whey with almond milk and a banana and ice. Makes it more tasty and filling in my opinion. U can also make whey protien cookies. They have all kinds of recipes on the Internet for that and are very good.
  • ama3t
    ama3t Posts: 17 Member
    I looove edamame. I just never know what to put it in! I'm used to it in asian food which I never cook really.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    ama3t wrote: »
    I looove edamame. I just never know what to put it in! I'm used to it in asian food which I never cook really.

    Just eat it. Snack on it.
  • joe3052
    joe3052 Posts: 28 Member
    ama3t wrote: »
    I looove edamame. I just never know what to put it in! I'm used to it in asian food which I never cook really.

    They sell a big bag with little packs inside at costco or some other wholesale markets. Just microwave or boil them and snack on them. you can sprinkle some salt on them if you'd like. As far as the pre workouts I know those are very effective. I've never tried them because I know I'll become hooked once I do. Just make sure you get a quality brand and use it sparingly.
  • ama3t
    ama3t Posts: 17 Member
    Ok so by both of you being concerned about over-using pre workout... what is the concern? I mean all things in moderation I suppose, but is it actually BAD to use them every workout?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    ama3t wrote: »
    Ok so by both of you being concerned about over-using pre workout... what is the concern? I mean all things in moderation I suppose, but is it actually BAD to use them every workout?

    I am a very routine person, and I tend to rely on things and have a hard time breaking routine. I don't want to feel like I NEED it to work out. If I was just doing cardio workouts, or light weights-I would not use it. But after a 9 hour day, commuting in NYC, running around with children 4 months to 5 years old...I get to the gym, and not feeling so confident when I'm up near my max on compound lifts.