MrsLeibas Member


  • ok, so as the OP, I didn't include that I was diabetic in the original post because I felt that the topic would reach more people and be helpful to more people without that information because then people would limit their responses. I went back and added it when I noticed alot of people having a great deal of discussion…
  • Thanks for all the feedback! It's nice to hear everyone's opinion and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hearing all those opinions helps one to formulate their own. :) That being said I was looking for advice because I'm diabetic (type I, have had it since I was 13 years old) and completely skipping…
  • Just keep trying! Remember that not every day is going to be great, heck they might not even be good. But as long as you get up the next day and try to do better, that's all that counts! Also remember it's not about a DIET ... it's about a LIFESTYLE change that you can KEEP! If you change your life in a way that you can…
  • We we might be too brave but we aren't having a tasting. Our venue includes the cake in the cost of the venue but doesn't have tasting and I just said I don't care. I'm not that big of cake fan so I figure it will be fine. We have to layers of italian creme and one layer of chocolate bourbon walnut. I'm looking forward to…
  • One very important thing to remember is that your future husband is going to love you no matter what ... whether you are a "fat" bride or a "skinny" bride. Life is about the journey not the destination and remember you are going to have him there next to you through this journey. As for getting skinny and keeping the…
  • Another idea is type the recipe name exactly as you have it and see if it pops up in the database. We made chicken this past week from a recipe in a magazine I have, come to find out that exact recipe was already in the data base. It made logging my calories very easy and I was concerned it was going to be a challenge…
  • Ok. I'm going to start by saying you have to be your on cheerleader first and foremost. Be proud of yourself for having lost 11 pounds in 35 days with only support of 2 friends ... that's an amazing accomplishment. If you can't be proud of it then why will your friends? They are supposed to be there to support you when you…
    in Hi I'm me Comment by MrsLeibas May 2012
  • Well today was weigh in day and even though I haven't posted daily for accountability, today's update is that I've officially gotten to 10 pounds lost. Actually 10.8 pounds as of this morning! I'm excited to be able to say it's 10 pounds but I'm looking forward to next week's weigh in when I can say good bye to the 180s…
  • You CAN do this!! Just start telling yourself "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!" and before you know it you will have reached your first small goal. And that's the key, start with something small and as you can cross one accomplishment off your list add one slightly hard goal to the list. This is a great site…
  • I'm an RN on an Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit in San Antonio, TX. Happy Nurses Week to all nurses on MFP!! I agree with the other poster as nurses we often forget about ourselves, at times skipping lunches or quickly grabbing something unhealthy, even though we know we should make a better choice. Lets all support one…
    in Nurses Comment by MrsLeibas May 2012
  • I can't say I have anything great that will help, but what I can say is that I'm in the same boat except a smaller wedding but we are building a house. Our wedding is October 6th and we are supposed to close on the house on October 18th! I sometimes think ... what I was I thinking!! But here is what I have been doing and…
  • Living in San Antonio, Texas ... grew up in Belleville, Illinois
  • Yesterday was my worst day in while. Ate half of a large pizza from pizza hut and dipped it in ranch dressing (full flavor, not even light or fat free)!! Today was better, I ate better, I'm under my calories and got a good workout in. I was hoping for 2 workouts to make up for yesterday, but I couldn't make that happen. I…
  • I think the key is packing it either the night before or in the morning. I would highly recommend reheating. I'm not sure how much time you have for lunch at work but we only have 30 minutes and that's not enough time to cook something and eat it with out feeling like you are forcing the food down as fast as you can. I…
  • I measure alot of things, but don't weigh much. Both are areas I could improve on and I'm wondering if I improve on these habits, how fast I would see changes on the scale??? We own a few sets of measuring cups and measuring spoons (I picked them up at the dollar store) and I've been using them pretty regularly on starches…
  • I made beeps recipe tonight, but used 2 cups of shredded cheddar and almond milk. It was pretty darn good, looking forward to having it with my lunch at work tomorrow. Not exactly like mac and cheese ... but close enough! Thanks for the recipe Beeps!
  • @ carld256 - Thanks for telling me how to search for the recipe! @ Beeps2011 - thanks for the recipe! I hope to try one tonight! Now I just need to go get ingredients!
  • I think this is a GREAT idea! I already have my dress for our Oct. 6th wedding. It fit when I last tried it on which was in February when I weighed 190. I'm down to 184, with a goal of 150-160. I think this is going to be a good week for me weigh in wise (I weigh in on Mondays). But everyone's support should make this…
  • I've had my fitbit since Christmas, and I've seen slow results (about 7 lbs) but I haven't been that great with my diet and exercise regimen, I'm still working on that. To answer your question though, if you have you fitbit and MFP accounts synced your activity on your fitbit will cause you to earn more "exercise" calories…
  • I'd love to join the group. Our wedding is October 6 ... so less than 6 months to go! I'm already down 6.7 lbs from January, but have more to go. I don't think I can post a pic of the dress except for one of me in it and I don't know how to do that. I bought the dress last June when I fell in love with it and it fit then,…
  • I find it motivating to not think of it as losing weight from dieting but from changing my lifestyle! Because once I reach my goal weight I plan on keeping this up to maintain that weight so hopefully I won't have to make the journey of losing weight again! I also think you have to know what motivates you and what kind of…
  • Hi and Welcome to MFP! First I'd like to say, don't get frustrated, even though the numbers on the scale aren't changing you say that you're able to see differences in yourself, that you know you've built muscle and and that you overall are starting to feel better ... those are great non-scale victories (you will see…
  • We eat dinner as late at 8 or 8:30, sometimes even 9 but that's not by choice, I'm an RN and I don't get off work until 7pm (if I get off on time) and then there is at 25-30 minute drive home. Usually my fiance tries to have dinner ready when I get home so we eat between 7:30 and 8. I wish we could eat earlier. I don't…
  • I carry Gu packets with me when I walk, because they also have electrolytes in them to help with sore muscles. I took myself off my pump a few years back because I was so non-compliant with it, and saw great improvement when I went back to shots. I hope that you get your pump adjusted so you have less lows, but I'm sure…
  • Way to go everyone!! I'm a type one diabetic, have been since I was 13 ... in my teens and 20s I've always struggled to get my HbA1c in the 7% range ... much less under 7%. In December mine was 7.9% and I felt like I was never going to break that plateau, however for Christmas my fiance and I got Fitbit Ultra's and we…
  • Christina, There are alot of great things here on MFP ... and I sure hope it works for you. I've been on MFP for a while but actually really using it since January and I've started to see some progress. Even though the progress for me is slow, it's still progress and I remind myself that slow and steady wins the race.…
  • Do it (working out) now, so do you don't regret it later! or the one I've learned from my fiance - Pain is just weakness leaving the body!
  • Motivation for me comes from wanting to be healthy, being smaller than I am now on my wedding day in October, and being closer to the size I once was. Resisting temptation is different ... for me I find it's easier to say NO than to have one bite and try to stop after that one bite. So for the most part I just don't have…
  • I have to agree with what most everyone has posted here, you have to take ownership of your choices! You decide what to put in your mouth, no one is forcing you to eat it. If you have gotten your mom to allow you to get Lean Cuisene and Lean Michealinas for when they go out on the boat, it shows that she's at least willing…
  • Thanks for this post ladies, it's really encouraging me to hear that I'm not the only one struggling with weight loss and hypothyroidism (and for me diabetes and chronic tachycardia); I feel like the pounds will never come off. Although I've lost 5 lbs since Christmas and I feel like that's progress even though it's slow.…