What's Your Motivation?

Ok, I know we're all here for the same reason: to lose weight. Here's my problem: I am an emotional eater, and my life is incredibly stressful. I started out strong, like for the first week, then have struggled ever since. I lost 6 lbs, gain back 4, and have lost 3 of those.
Here's my question: How do you, on a day-to-day basis, find the motivation to change your eating and exercise habits? What is it that keeps you on track from day to day when presented with the temptation to overeat and not exercise?


  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    To not look like a fat-a** in pictures anymore. I think I've taken 4 pictures total since my daughter was born, She's 3 1/2
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I have a few things that keep me motivated;

    My family, they log in everyday and keep up exercise. My dad has lost a lot of weight with a breathing problem.
    A saying from a trainer and friend of my dad's "I think that in your heart you are a quitter" I don't like being told that I can't do things or that I will fail
    My son, he's only a little over a year now but he sees everything I do and learns quickly. I have to be a good role model for him. Also I have to keep up with his energy and I can only do that by eating right and exercising.
    The mirror. I hate that thing, I've been overweight all my life and every time I pass a mirror all I see are the problems I have with my appearance. I'm getting better at facing my reflection but it's only because I'm losing weight. Yes those sweets look great but a skinnier me would look even greater.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    For me the feeling of regret and not succeeding over-powers the temptation of giving up. Every single day I remind myself WHY I'm doing what I'm doing and why I'm not going to let myself down.

    My thing is... If this is a lifestyle change then I'll eventually get to my goal. No use in rushing things because I have my whole life to maintain this. I take it baby step by baby step.


    Best of luck!
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 102 Member
    My long term my motivation is hanging in the hallway. It's my prom dress from my Sr. year of H.S. I can't believe that could fit into that thing only 6 years ago....

    What keeps me going day to day is just determination. I have have posters on my Fridge and cabinets, on my bathroom mirror and right above my computer. They all have before and after images of girls who started out about my weight and ended where I want to be. Everyone of the posters reads "That sweet snack you've been craving for an hour, or the body you've wanted your whole life. You Choose."
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I got called a fatass today hahahaha. So that's some motivation. Although I know I am not.. Well I am, but I like my big butt.

    Actually, it's the stairs at my university... One day I shall concur them!
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    Motivation for me comes from wanting to be healthy, being smaller than I am now on my wedding day in October, and being closer to the size I once was.

    Resisting temptation is different ... for me I find it's easier to say NO than to have one bite and try to stop after that one bite. So for the most part I just don't have it at all. I usually think about the amount of calories that item is and think about if I have those calories to spare that day. Generally I tell myself that I don't because even if I do I don't want to spend them on junk food I would rather spend them on losing the pounds quicker.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I'm a goal person. I constantly have to have something I'm working toward. I'm a bit crazy about it but it keeps my mind busy and helps to keep me focused because I don't like missing a goal.

    Right now, a big goal is the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon in February. I have some other races planned until then. I just started running so these goals help to keep me focused. Also, my husband and I are going to Hawaii in December and I want to look great in the photos.

    After those two major goals have come and gone, I'll set some more to keep me going. That is what works for me.
  • gimmewellness
    gimmewellness Posts: 81 Member
    I'm an emotional eater too. Sometimes i do give in to the temptation, but just in small doses. Icecream is a huge temptation for me. i can't not eat it. we had some in the house for my daughters birthday and just yesterday i threw it in the garbage. I feel it must by how a crack addict feels. i think about it...and think about it, even though I know it's bad for me. I can't just have a little, so I can't have it in the house. Limit what you stock in your kitchen and you can't give in to the Crap!!!
  • gimmewellness
    gimmewellness Posts: 81 Member
    ...so i didn't really answer your question... my motivation is to Not gain back the weight i lost, or to have to start at square one again. Especially with the exercise stuff. i went from having to do pushups standing against the wall to being able to do 20 in a row on the floor. That's huge for me. I keep going so I don't have to start over!!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm almost 41, with a 2 year old. I want to be spry enough to kick her @ss when she turns into a mouthy teenager :-)
  • mad_222
    mad_222 Posts: 1
    The Body is a consciousness machine, and sort of a marvel of nature. The only way to optimize my experience while here in this body, is to reinforce my mind with good health. I am a parent like many of you here and that is also a huge part of my decision to be in better shape. Children need lifestyle rolemodels and eating ****ty food and sitting in front of the tv is not going to add any value to life.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    + To be slim, healthy and toned
    + To have smaller boobs! So many girls post that they're sad they've lost their boobs, I can't wait for these bad boys to disappear!
    + To be able to do the things my weight has prevented me from doing - wearing certain clothes, playing sports.
    + To be healthy. Cancer and heart disease run in my family and several close friends have died from diabetes. I want to give myself the strongest possible chance to stay healthy.

    I have a few things to help me stay on track. I've worked out rough goals of where I should be with my weight loss by certain dates; 2 and a half stone down by Christmas, 3 stone down by my birthday, about 3 and a half by Download Festival next year. Having some tangible events to be slimmer for spurs me on - I want to wear a really nice party dress for Christmas, I want to finally be able to wear tiny denim shorts at Download! Breaking into smaller chunks helps me more than the one mamoth goal of my ultimate weight loss.

    I also kave a few boards on Pinterest with pretty clothes and bikinis and things that I will be able to wear when I finally lose weight.

    And this last one is vain and petty but...I want to be as skinny as my cousins. I'm the only fat one and I can't wait to be able to be as skinny as them - but equally important healthier than them!
  • birdieman75
    birdieman75 Posts: 19 Member
    I need to lose about 3 stone, strokes and heart attacks at a young age run in my family, I don't want to leave my wife alone.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    My motivation:

    - Getting married to the woman of my dreams on May 18th so I want to look like the man of hers
    - Want to be around as long as I can for her
    - Be able to be active when we have kids
    - Being in the Army I need to be fit and set the example for my Soldiers as a Non Commissioned Officer
    - I like having an active lifestyle. One of my hobbies is skydiving and being light means more freefall time!