Breakfast? Not hungry/nothing sounds good ...



  • ifonly49
    ifonly49 Posts: 8
    It is important to eat something in the morning whether this be breakfast or even just a plain simple biscuit.
    Your body will have been on an approx 8 hour starvation and needs fuel to energise it again and get the metabolism in to gear. The body will protect its self before anything else and if it feels that you are going to starve yourself it will hang on to your body fat..... By eating in the morning you will actually prevent yourself from over eating at the end of the day... Rule of thumb is to have allowed something past your lips by no later than 10am.
    It takes 72-96 hours of complete fasting to have any negative effect on your metabolism. Using your argument, the human race race would NOT exist, as it wasn't until about 200 years ago that people started eating more than one meal a day, 99.99% of human existence was based on eating one large meal every day or every other day. To think that skipping breakfast will have any kind of detrimental effect on health shows a complete lack of understanding of human biology and physiology.

    With out going into a full blown essay for the complete understandings of how the human body works, i gave a general example... a simple but effective general example... so as re my lack of understanding of human biology and physiology i think you will find you are wrong.. Loosing weight and getting healthy is all about re education of eating habits and getting off ones butt and engaging in some form of exercise.... I certainly wouldnt recommend on telling anyone to avoid food, i am more interested in the re education situation... Straight for ward general examples with out confusing anyone with the sicence behind it all...
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Try experimenting with foods of different temperature. I love having an apple or watermelon for breakfast at the office during the week, along with a FiberPlus bar (dark chocolate/almond). On weekends, it's a big, hot breakfast, but usually later in the morning, and I count it as breakfast and lunch.

    Maybe you could try cold foods, room temperature foods and hot foods, to see if something "clicks" with you as a breakfast food.

    I agree that breakfast is an important meal. I didn't used to eat breakfast, and I always found it hard to lose weight. Once I started eating breakfast, I was much less hungry throughout the day, and found that the weight came off much easier. I definitely recommend breakfast to keep the metabolism working properly (not necessarily kick-start it, or boost it, just to maintain a steady metabolism throughout the day).

    Good luck to you!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It is important to eat something in the morning whether this be breakfast or even just a plain simple biscuit.
    Your body will have been on an approx 8 hour starvation and needs fuel to energise it again and get the metabolism in to gear. The body will protect its self before anything else and if it feels that you are going to starve yourself it will hang on to your body fat..... By eating in the morning you will actually prevent yourself from over eating at the end of the day... Rule of thumb is to have allowed something past your lips by no later than 10am.
    It takes 72-96 hours of complete fasting to have any negative effect on your metabolism. Using your argument, the human race race would NOT exist, as it wasn't until about 200 years ago that people started eating more than one meal a day, 99.99% of human existence was based on eating one large meal every day or every other day. To think that skipping breakfast will have any kind of detrimental effect on health shows a complete lack of understanding of human biology and physiology.

    With out going into a full blown essay for the complete understandings of how the human body works, i gave a general example... a simple but effective general example... so as re my lack of understanding of human biology and physiology i think you will find you are wrong.. Loosing weight and getting healthy is all about re education of eating habits and getting off ones butt and engaging in some form of exercise.... I certainly wouldnt recommend on telling anyone to avoid food, i am more interested in the re education situation... Straight for ward general examples with out confusing anyone with the sicence behind it all...
    Except what you stated isn't actually true.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    Thanks for all the feedback! It's nice to hear everyone's opinion and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hearing all those opinions helps one to formulate their own. :)

    That being said I was looking for advice because I'm diabetic (type I, have had it since I was 13 years old) and completely skipping breakfast isn't really an option for me.

    All of your suggestions are helpful! Thanks!

    This would have been important information to put in your original post.
  • koldjin
    koldjin Posts: 3
    Thanks for all the feedback! It's nice to hear everyone's opinion and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hearing all those opinions helps one to formulate their own. :)

    That being said I was looking for advice because I'm diabetic (type I, have had it since I was 13 years old) and completely skipping breakfast isn't really an option for me.

    All of your suggestions are helpful! Thanks!

    Being diabetic for that kind of a time period I would think your body would be used to eating food in the morning lets not call it breakfast that may help things... I eat every morning after I get to work an hour or so after I wake up but to me its a morning snack its never anything big enough to call breakfast. I may have a bagel thin with cream cheese or fresh fruit or a few oz of applesauce its just a snack really but it gets me going to finish work go to the gym and make it home to eat a real lunch. Since I only work a half day it is a little different for me to schedule the rest of the meals of the day but that first snack is pretty important to me. My whole family has some type of diabties from boarderline to type 2 so we have always had to watch and eat on a pretty normal schedule but I dont like to eat just as I get up either. My suggestion would be get up get ready for work or whatever your day holds and have a snack. After a few days you may even start to like having that snack for years I hated to eat early but then I would just have something around and then I worked up to really looking forward to that snack.
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    Skipping breakfast never affected my weight loss. Sorry if this is frightening some people.

    The only two things that ever affected my weight loss was over eating and not exercising.

    For me, forcing myself to eat is miserable and very uncomfortable. Eat when you're hungry. Try not to wait until your ravenous.

    Don't waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback! It's nice to hear everyone's opinion and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Hearing all those opinions helps one to formulate their own. :)

    That being said I was looking for advice because I'm diabetic (type I, have had it since I was 13 years old) and completely skipping breakfast isn't really an option for me.

    All of your suggestions are helpful! Thanks!

    This would have been important information to put in your original post.

    Yeah, OP, that is kind of essential info... if you can edit the post to include it --- you'll probably get better suggestions.
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    ok, so as the OP, I didn't include that I was diabetic in the original post because I felt that the topic would reach more people and be helpful to more people without that information because then people would limit their responses. I went back and added it when I noticed alot of people having a great deal of discussion about the importance of eating breakfast or not, because that wasn't really my question, as I already knew that most people have their own opinion on the level of importance of eating breakfast or not.

    The suggestions of what people were eating and what they did when their body suddenly decided it didn't want breakfast anymore was more what I was looking for. I used to eat breakfast every morning without a thought crossing my mind to do otherwise. Lately I've been waking up and not being at all interested in eating breakfast. That's when I decided to look for suggestions on here.