meulf6f Member


  • Please cite your reference.
  • Daily. First thing in the morning.
  • Your opinion. And as I said in the beginning, whatever the OP does gets a good luck from me.
  • If I have a valid point it has been lost thru the last few posts. Diet coke has aspartame. Aspartame is controversial. The OP cited a doctor talking unhealthy sugars. I offered that I have quit diet sodas and feel the difference... spelling it out here, but it is available to read on page 1. Also, everybody is worried…
  • Sorry to ruffle feathers. I have neither the desire nor the patience to argue a bullet point.
  • OP, aspartame is controversial at best. Cancer causing/non-cancer causing... there are studies to support any argument. I was able to remove them from my diet and felt the difference. Good luck to you which ever way you go.
  • 55lbs lost. I am one of those that avoid certain foods. Pizza, ice cream, candies, etc. I set short term goals for myself, lose 10lbs for example. I also set a cheat/Reward meal for achieving that goal, papa john's pizza for example. I don't go crazy with it, but I celebrate my successfully reaching my goal. It keeps me…
  • At 55lbs lost since March, I'm digging this feeling of being debunked. Lol. Seriously, there are way to many studies out there proving every side of the argument. I'm conducting my own study. Low carb/Atkins induction style/1 subject. Me!
  • You can only really say what works for you. Well, some of you may be personal trainers and directly helped others... but the majority have only their own successes and failures. I find it interesting that noone wants to hear another's truth about themself without being argumentative. Hey, I've lost 50lbs since feb. Maybe…
  • There is scientific research enough to prove all viewpoints on healthy diet and weight loss. Pick a strategy (book, blog, whatever) and go for it. Oh, I forgot to mention the golden words... in my opinion.
  • I've seen the commercial, but never tried it. I would be wedging the food items as tightly in those containers as I could. Lol. No cheating the food scale. The work outs look good though. If you like to work out that might be the selling point.
    in 21 Day Fix Comment by meulf6f July 2015
  • I use MFP. Input your info and it calculates what you should eat daily to lose x amount of pounds per week. Then I weigh and log everything. Good luck OP. You've got this!
  • I, for one, am a sugar-holic. Fruit is a bad idea in my diet. I can't eat fruit at 6am and not be hungry by 8am. The people chanting CICO don't have anything to say for satiety. I prefer to eat foods that help me keep from thinking about food all day. But that's just me I guess. If you want to count all sugars. Do it.…
  • Look Into changing your diet to a low carb plan. Several choices out there.
  • Flutter kicks and "hello dollies" will help stregthen the lower abs.
  • I drink a minimum of 64oz a day.
  • Every day. I follow a strategy to keep the scales as close to accurate as possible. 1. Fast for my bedtime hours (including water)(I try for 8 hours) 2. When I wake I empty bladder & bm. 3. I calibrate scales and weigh naked.
  • I just found an almost identical post. Lol. Opps!
  • Cheat/reward/refeed/ whatever the cute little words are... YES. I say do it. They keep me focused. Delayed gratification... maybe. I want nothing. I crave nothing. It is all handled through the cheat/reward. I want to lose X amount of lbs for my next cheat/reward. Success! Reward. Back on track for next goal. Enjoy it too…
  • Protein and fats work for me. I eat around 6am and fast until after my afternoon run, usually @6-7pm. Carbs trigger my hunger.
  • I love the Atkins approach. DANDR opened my eyes to carb sensitivity and cravings due to insulun spikes. New studies still coming out due to his observations, even if only trying to prove him wrong. He, and the others after him have given us greater choices to navigate through the madness. Cool. I'll look through their…
  • Where do y'all get this from? I know it has to be a book by some guru or another. Please share. I would definitely find it enlightening as I love a good read.
  • If you are watching/restricting carbs then those things will have to be watched. There are hundreds of paths to choose in a sound weight management strategy. Choose a side, read a book on the choice and go for it!
  • Maybe it's a dance? We learn as we go... Lighten up Francis.
  • You're right Raynard. Protein is known to make you feel full for longer periods than carbs. And to answer your question, yes. Follow the calories. If you still have some, eat up.
  • Erm, isn't that what she said?
  • I am a diet soda-holic. Just like drug or alcohol addiction, I keep my distance and stick to water. Hopefully you don't have this problem, OP, but if you do, be ready for caffiene withdrawals. I had headaches for at least a week after I quit.
  • You may need to get a good book on low carb lifestyle. Educate yourself on your eating choice. Failing to plan is planning to fail. You can do it!
  • Take out the first 25 lines and you've got a winner. It's always great hearing someone else's view/story.