Diet pop/soda

Soooo, should I be drinking this stuff? I read so many conflicting opinions on the subject :| I'd say 60% of what I drink is water but the other 40% is diet pop (Dr Pepper Zero, pepsi Zero etc.)


  • Horrorfox
    Horrorfox Posts: 204 Member
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day, and if you like, enjoy a glass or two of diet soda with your lunch and dinner. Don't just buy a bottle and drink it throughout the day, that is what you should be doing with water.

    Diet soda is fine, but it's not a water supplement. I personally would make sure it's caffeine free though.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    You may drink it. I allow it.
  • dezon72
    dezon72 Posts: 1 Member
    I drink diet drinks but very rarely was i know there not the best for you
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    I drink a couple a day. It has no impact on weight loss.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member

    That whole article is to do with regular soda. OP is talking about diet soda - most of the issues mentioned here are to do with the copious amounts of calories, mostly from a sugar overload (before anyone bites my head off, I don't believe sugar is da debil, just an extreme excess of it, just like any other food) and the diuretic effects it mentions you'd get from any other caffeinated beverage.

    OP, as long as you're not drinking only diet soft drinks, it's not really an issue. It's too late at night to find the link for where I read this, but as to the other ingredients in the diet soft drinks such as aspartame, to drink enough to get a toxic dose, you'd be ill from consuming too much water (hyponatremia) first.

    As with all foods, enjoy in moderation.
  • Conspiracy19
    Conspiracy19 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks everybody! :) They're more of a treat than anything. I do like a dr pepper :P
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member

    That whole article is to do with regular soda. OP is talking about diet soda - most of the issues mentioned here are to do with the copious amounts of calories, mostly from a sugar overload (before anyone bites my head off, I don't believe sugar is da debil, just an extreme excess of it, just like any other food) and the diuretic effects it mentions you'd get from any other caffeinated beverage.

    OP, as long as you're not drinking only diet soft drinks, it's not really an issue. It's too late at night to find the link for where I read this, but as to the other ingredients in the diet soft drinks such as aspartame, to drink enough to get a toxic dose, you'd be ill from consuming too much water (hyponatremia) first.

    As with all foods, enjoy in moderation.

    It's a piss-poor article even when talking about regular soda, but this thread isn't about that.
  • meulf6f
    meulf6f Posts: 32 Member
    I am a diet soda-holic. Just like drug or alcohol addiction, I keep my distance and stick to water. Hopefully you don't have this problem, OP, but if you do, be ready for caffiene withdrawals. I had headaches for at least a week after I quit.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Soooo, should I be drinking this stuff? I read so many conflicting opinions on the subject :| I'd say 60% of what I drink is water but the other 40% is diet pop (Dr Pepper Zero, pepsi Zero etc.)

    Diet dr pepper is delicious-have you tried the cherry? It tastes even more like regular dr pepper! You lost me at Pepsi zero, though. Coke zero is my favorite ever

    Diet soda will have no impact on your weight loss. You may see studies about it increasing sugar cravings or that people who drink diet soda overeat. But generally these claims are taken out of context or blown out of proportion.

    Their are TONS of people on here that have lost weight using diet drinks and sugar free products. If I drank regular soda instead I would be consuming anywhere from 160-1000 more calories a day! So, for me, diet soda is a big help on my weight loss
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    edited July 2015
    Honestly I LOVE mio these days, to the point where I never crave soda (and it mtn dew used to be my biggest vice)...With Mio I can drink almost a gallon of water through the day, because I loveit. I'd highly recommend it, reminds me of the good ol' days drinking coolaid.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I've mostly switched to diet soda now - still have the occasional mountain dew or mello yello, but it's mostly diet dr. pepper.

    If you want to cut back on soda entirely, try sparkling water. Still has that carbonation and a little bit of flavor and it might do the job.

    But carry on with the soda if it's a thing that you like.

  • Conspiracy19
    Conspiracy19 Posts: 36 Member
    edited July 2015
    oooh, the cherry one sounds nice :) Cherry Pepsi max is lovely too!

    Thanks all :D All of this is good to know :)
  • sdraper2014
    sdraper2014 Posts: 81 Member
    I got a soda stream because I love fizzy water. I just don't bother with adding syrup to it 99% of the time. I did get a few flavours that are sugar/sweetener free and one diet syrup, but mostly I just like it with nothing added.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I drink it. Only as a treat with my dinner if I fancy it. The majority of my intake comes from water.
    If you stayed away from things because they are not good for your body then what you actually eat would be limited.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    I drink 4-6 a day. (I don't do coffee.) It's perfectly fine.
  • Jenskiski
    Jenskiski Posts: 67 Member
    All things in moderation. I used to drink a couple of Diet Cokes a day. Now I might have one a week. Once I got used to water, soda started to seem harsh. I drink more iced tea than I used to.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    That article is terrible. I can't figure out if my favorite part is where they casually mention diet soda but keep talking about sugar sugar sugar or if it's the part where they say quitting soda is good for your bones because you'll drink more milk
  • ediewharton
    ediewharton Posts: 23 Member
    I love diet soda. In fact, I know I am addicted to it. It is my biggest vice and I don't care lol.
    I make sure that I drink lots of water.
    As far as it increasing sugar cravings, I find that what really induces my sugar cravings is simply eating something sugary (not that I totally abstain). Diet soda doesn't do this to me.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I love deit cola but I gave it up about 2 years ago. my doctor, an orthomolecular doctor who specializes in nutrition, basically ordered me to give up my diet soda because it was not good for brain health and may raise levels of formaldehyde in the body. I complied. I'm not sure he was 100% right, but I am sure that it is a non-food and should be consumed in small amounts or not at all.... Which was hard to admit because I was having a diet cola every day or too.

    Like a dummy, I switched to having normal cola thinking if it was just once in a while the extra sugars wouldn't be too bad. I wanted it almost every day within a few months and I'm pretty sure it contributed to my weight gain.

    I've now given up all pop. If my willpower stays strong, hopefully forever. I love colas but I am pretty sure it isn't something I should be putting in my body, so I'll try not too.

    I've switched to carbonated water with lime. It's not a bad substitute for taste. It's not as satisfying but I think it is for the best....darn it.