4rtistry Member


  • These are good options. Unfortunately, I know what you're going through; I've had two bone grafts in my ankle that required three months of no weight-bearing each time. The last one was two years ago and I'm just now getting back into running. If you don't have access to a gym, you might look into ankle weights or…
  • Honestly, I don't eat mine for several reasons, the principal being that I don't weigh every single thing I eat down to the gram. I weigh most things and estimate as best I can, but I assume that I'm going to be off a little bit--especially at restaurants--and studies have shown that people routinely underestimate their…
  • I'm sure I'll get a hearty woo for this, but nonetheless, here goes. Since A ) studies have shown that we habitually underestimate our intake and B ) I don't always have time to weigh every morsel I eat, especially at restaurants, I don't log or eat back exercise calories at all. My exercise just improves my overall…
  • getdrunknotfat.com I go for bourbon and ice/water/diet coke/more bourbon, personally. My favorite is a good Islay scotch served neat, but the cost makes me save those for special celebrations.
  • This is what I was going to suggest. Throw in 1.5 tsp of orange or lemon extract with vanilla protein powder and you have a great dreamsicle or lemon cloud cheesecake. I like to grate a little vanilla almond bark on top for garnish, along with a swirl of the appropriate food coloring. Comes out pretty and everyone loves it.
  • In a word, yes. In a picture:
  • https://darebee.com/workouts/booty-builder-workout.html This is a great little bodyweight workout that I've been using lately (recovering from a bone graft, so I'm hesitant to push things with weights). Weight training will give you the best results, but if you can't do that right now for whatever reason, you can still…
  • I get that; I've seen and rolled my eyes at countless "eat for your body type" books and their ilk. My point was merely that all bodies are different and do not necessarily respond to food/exercise the exact same way, which is not to say that they can't all benefit from exercise and monitoring their intake. I would have…
  • I think there is a touch of truth to the somatotype idea in that all bodies are different, and therefore they tend to respond to exercise in varying ways and have different fat storage patterns. Ultimately, however, it doesn't matter: Exercise performed well is good for you, and if you eat less than you burn, you will lose…
  • When they say go by how your clothes fit, they mean it literally; the size tag is inconsequential, especially for women. That number means virtually nothing because there's no standardization. When clothes you've had for a while start fitting better over time, you're doing it right. Vanity sizing is one of those small,…
  • Welp. That's terrifying. Nevertheless, thank you for sharing; it's given me a lot to think about.
  • The great dilemma. I'm in, starting this month. I don't expect life to get any less stressful, but I figure the least I can do is choose to respond to stress in a way that's healthy and doesn't actively impede my other goals.
  • That's true for anywhere, in a sense: the body has a priority system in dumping fat (belly > thighs > boobs, for me), and it takes it off in reverse order.
  • A good Islay single malt, preferably Ardbeg Uigeadail. Other exceptional options would be Ardbeg's 10 year or Laphroaig Quarter Cask. Served neat, because that's the only right way to do it. At least, that's the preference for my calorie budget. My monetary budget suggests I stick to cheap rum and sadness.
  • At a point, I think the best thing to do is lead by example. My mother spent years on cleanses, supplements, bizarre foods, and a whole parade of other "magic bullets." Now, she's finally losing weight through -drumroll- weighing and logging her food, the same way I've been maintaining my weight all along. It just took her…
  • I do. Things like fish oil and CLA can have more calories than you might think.
  • Er, I think lynn was pointing out the impossibility of adding coffee to a 16oz glass when you already have 16oz of milk in it... I confess to being a little baffled by that one myself.
  • Jordan's Skinny Syrups are great, and a little goes a long way. I mix in a few teaspoons and then add unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Sometimes I'll add in a little raw honey if the morning demands it, but even then, I'm out for under 50 cals.
  • I'm fairly sure Niantic just used their Ingress portal locations to create the Pokestops. Unfortunately, I can't get too much use out of either because I live in a fairly rural area and I have to drive to get to stops/portals. Kind of dampens the purpose.
  • I dunno, I can get pretty depraved when I'm deprived...
  • This, for one. But the forums in general are a bit disheartening. I used to spend time on the bodybuilding.com forums, but eventually left because I got tired of the attitudes of superiority toward people were less informed (the casual misogyny didn't help either). I thought this place would be better, but it really isn't.…
  • Set point theory is...interesting. Personally, I'm more inclined to think that the body just doesn't like change rather than being wired for a certain percentage of body fat. Also, it should probably be noted that intuitive eating has its own set of problems given that we now live in a world of foods with which you can…
  • Sarcastic, probably tells good jokes.
  • Confession: I never log the calories in liquor because that will ruin it for me and I don't want the magic to be gone.
  • Both work well with your complexion, but I personally prefer the brunette.
  • Fireball and cream soda is the best combination ever. (She said, sipping her first and certainly not last.)
  • From the sound of it, you want to lose weight because you believe it will make you feel happier. That's an excellent reason, in my opinion. Your appearance shouldn't be your only source of self-satisfaction, but it's deluded to pretend that it isn't a factor in same. Just be healthy about it and do it the right way and…
  • Five Finger Death Punch features very heavily on my workout list, but for running, I tend to like epic instrumental music. Two Steps for Hell, The Immediate, Epic Score, etc. Makes the run feel a lot more important.
  • As someone with BDD, I try to be supportive rather than bitchy when I hear these comments. You have no idea how the other person is feeling or what motivated them to say that. You don't necessarily have to throw out the "No, you look lovely" card, but countering with "Yeah, you've put on a few" is a dick move, imo. EDIT:…
  • Pretty much my thoughts on the matter. I have both a cincher and an overbust that I love, but my main purpose for them is keeping my posture correct when I'm on the computer for long periods. As much as I love the idea of lacing my waist down by an inch or two, the thought of wearing a corset every waking moment for months…