pointkoala Member


  • The guy you're with is such a jerk and you deserve better. You can't just wait around for him to improve. No matter what your size, your partner should be your partner and love you for who you are. I went to my partner when i realized my stress eating was out of control and he is helping me and supporting me. Not cheating…
  • Ah I was such a mess yesterday but definitely appreciate the support. New day. You can't just beat yourself up over one day. I'm trying not to let the stress get to me but it's hard. I didn't think about it before but having the unhealthy food first thing in the morning probably did set me up for a bad day. It's like....…
  • I'm sorry, I took it out of context, I'm a mess today. I know I ate a lot. 800 more calories than I should have eaten. Granola bars, crackers, and pasta... :-( Last month when I went overboard with the veg ice cream, it was an extra 600 calories that day. I know I ate a lot, I guess I just don't like hearing it. But last…
  • Thanks for judging, just what I needed
  • I'm vegan! I have been vegetarian since September 2011. Started transitioning to vegan slowly about a year and a half ago. IDK exactly when I became vegan. If you are transitioning from vegetarian to vegan.... my advice is do it slowly. Cut out the big things - cheese, milk, eggs. But don't stress too much if there is…
  • I'm 24 but have felt like I'm mid 20s for the past few years LOL. does that count?
  • Agreed. Dogs are animals. If you only get them for exercise, you clearly don't care about them as another being on this earth.
  • Most definitely! That is (part of) how I account for food events, work dinners, etc. I know I'll be eating more calories on a certain day. Save 50-100 calories each day for the earlier part of the week. It seems to work OK for me.
  • I'm vegan!!!! I was vegetarian for a few years..... since September 2011 I think. Anyway the past probably year I've been transitioning, eating less and less byproducts. And now vegan! :) I honestly love it. Any questions, feel free to ask! :D
    in vegans Comment by pointkoala August 2015
  • Love being pale!! I'm super white too and I don't change colour at all..... unless it's lobster red. Sometimes there are pics of me with a group of friends outside in the summer.... all the other white people are super tanned and there is just me, standing out. Hehe. A couple summers ago, I got self conscious and used…
  • I got stretch marks on my stomach :( Nothing wrong with stretch marks in general (I don't have kids but I know a lot of mothers have them and a lot of people in general have them from growing around puberty and stuff). But as a 24 year old, I should not have them just because I gained weight.
  • Oh my, I completely understand that! I work basically next to the food department and they are always bringing in food. My excuse though? I'm vegan. Those donuts look lovely but sorry I can't have them, I'm vegan. ALWAYS pack your own lunch. And always have snacks on hand. Granola bars or crackers or rice cakes (that's one…
  • Are you eating completely balanced meals and getting all vitamins? Multi-vitamin could come in handy, I'd say try it out and see how it helps. It's hard to know exactly what you're missing without going to a doctor (which I'd still recommend) but try the multi-vitamin right away. I'm vegan and I sometimes start feeling…
  • I've gotten that as well. Also when I don't have my profile pic as a cat (on a previous account), tons of creeps would message me. So yeah, now I have a pic of a cat, and I ignore people when they start on with that. I'm interested in people for support. If I CHOOSE to purchase things from one of these programs or whatever…
  • Honestly, for those types of events, I just guess, and guess on the higher range. Try to figure out which are the lower calorie items, eat a few of those. Say you're not very hungry. If it's a potluck, bring something healthy yourself so you know exactly what's in it. Estimate on the higher end and then just go from there.…
  • I am too! I'm 5'0". So far I have lost almost 10 lbs. ALMOST!!! OK probably about 8. I'd like to lose 50 in total. I started beginning of July. I'm eating a calorie deficit so 1200 cals/day. I do that most days. Some days I will end up at like 1400 cals but that's still a calorie deficit for sure. I should exercise more…
  • I dream of being on the west coast. I'm going to move there someday..... I swear!! I'd like to move to San Francisco ideally. But I'm Canadian. So Vancouver is more logical. Stuck in Toronto now lol
  • pretty and I want to know how to do my hair like hers :)
  • move to Australia start a cat sanctuary own and design my own club
  • That's a great guideline actually! I have a pretty terrible immune system, I have my whole life. I get a cold once a month in the winter. Doing light cardio line walking or something is still important. Even when you just have a head cold + sore throat/coughing + stuffy nose + headache..... working out sounds terrible. But…
  • I honestly thought everyone drank orange juice when sick. Lol. It just goes down your throat so smoothly.... (at least for me :-P). Ahhh yes I used to have jello when I was sick! But I am vegan so no jello now lol. That does remind me though, I eat pudding when I'm sick too! We make this homemade pudding out of avocado and…
  • I more just drink OJ because it is really nice on a sore throat. Everything else is so hard to drink. Noodle soup (vegan) can get pretty high calorie if you have like three in a day. And if that's all you're eating + orange juice then it can get up there. I'm great for vitamin C as I have an orange every day lol. And…
  • Exactly, when I'm sick, I don't want to eat. The only thing I can eat is soup and noodle soup can have a lot of calories. And drinking calories too like orange juice, I never drink calories. Ah I definitely just meant working out at home. Would never want to get others sick. I do go into work but Lysol wipe everything lol.…
  • For me, no. I'm just getting back in the healthy eating routine and I intend to stay eating like this for a while.
  • Carrots and hummus Rice crackers and guacamole And then any fruit lol, usually bananas to fill me up
  • I'm 5' too and eating 1200 cals/day. Not gonna say my weight on here but I have a bit to go. We'll do this :-)
  • I have this too. This is the reason I started back on MFP. Last time I was on here, I would lie in my diary of foods I ate. I was embarrassed. I still am embarrassed. I got stretch marks on my stomach from gaining so much weight. I finally knew that I had to do something. I told my partner and he has been helping me. It…
  • Log it. Things happen. Account for it. Figure out how you could change it for the future. But not think too much about it. I was weak and had way too much veg ice cream a couple days ago. Ugh. I went over my calories for the day. But I'm still okay for the week. Those things happen, it isn't the end of the world, move on…
  • I find a couple good meals and stick with them and only experiment when I have some days off. I work my day job five days a week but have a second contract job so I understand the "busy" thing (although my second job is on and off). I make a lot of meals with rice. Put rice in a rice cooker and it's sooooo easy. I…