What was your 'I need to lose weight' moment?



  • MIpiccolo
    MIpiccolo Posts: 65 Member
    My most recent one (let's be honest trees been one after each baby), was when I sat on a camping chair in the back yard and heard it creak, making me worried that I'm over it's weight limit and that it was going to break under me (and my 7 month old). I'm only a week into the process so far, but feeling good!
  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    I got stretch marks on my stomach :(
    Nothing wrong with stretch marks in general (I don't have kids but I know a lot of mothers have them and a lot of people in general have them from growing around puberty and stuff).
    But as a 24 year old, I should not have them just because I gained weight.
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    I used to exercise obsessively even when I was thin(till 2008) and then I blew upto 78 kgs in 2009 from a fit 53 kgs(I am 5'3"). Last year, I went bungee jumping in December(88kgs) and when the guy brought me back to the ground he couldn't handle my weight and made a face. I wanted to burst into tears then and there.So In February this year, I decided to get back to mfp after one failed attempt.
  • TayFit07
    TayFit07 Posts: 410 Member
    When I thought of my future and possible health issues due to poor eating habits. I have never been overweight, just had to think of my choices and how they may affect me
  • kayte717
    kayte717 Posts: 1 Member
    When i stood on the scale and it read 143lbs....ive gained 13lbs when i wanted to loose 10.. Winter is coming and i want to be healither and be happy when i look in the mirror and on the scale... For me!!

  • coultog
    coultog Posts: 2 Member
    My 5 year old son being excited to go on a rollercoaster for the first time. Husband and daughter are big sooky la-la's and refuse to go on rollercoasters, so it was over to me to take him on. For the lady to put the bar down, I had to suck it all in really hard and push my back hard into the seat. She got the bar down, but my stomach was rolling over the top. One extra cm on my gut and I wouldn't have fit in the seat.

    I have always wanted to be healthy for my kids but never seemed to get around to doing something about it. The thought of telling his we couldn't ride and breaking his heart because his mother was too fat did it for me.

    I had that exact same experience. Also when they tried to release me, it was stuck. You could see people looking thinking "that fat guy is stopping us getting on the ride, I hope he hasn't broken it" or some such. Whatever they were thinking I could feel their eyes probing me with annoyance at holding them up.

    For me the other is on a plane. I used to fly a lot when I was younger and thinner and used to hate sitting next to fat people who take up their seat and somehow manage to invade your seat. Now I'm the fat person I hate flying next to people I don't know for fear of invading their space.
  • joshuajdouce
    joshuajdouce Posts: 70 Member
    Used to be a fit healthy football player then one day I looked in mirror roughly mid 2013 and was almost 16 stone and I was like this has got to change. Now am healthier than I have ever been and have some big goals to chase and strive for. All the best in your goals and wish me luck!