Brin1956 Member


  • I love squash. Cut in half, hollow out and bake till almost cooked. Take 1 lb. of lean ground, beef, chicken or Turkey. If beef pat dry to remove as much fat as possible after browning. Add onions, celery to the meat and fry. Add any squash that was removed to hollow and add 1cup of spaghetti sauce and spice to taste. Pour…
  • I always seem to add Olives to get the little salt and flavour I like. You can try adding fennel or a little honey or balsamic vinegar. Add your favorite hot pepper or chili If you like cottage cheese instead of mayo.
  • I was hoping to join a gardening group but this looks like it died. I found getting notifications from groups a pain but hoping they have fixed it. I'm looking at starting seedlings soon.
  • I didn't realize how bad a fatty liver was! I was diagnosed with it years ago. My doctor acted like it was nothing but probably the main reason I have diabetes. Lower fat in your diet helps, omega 3 helps, heard that a supplement Berberine might help. I have ordered in 90 days worth of Berberine to try. I think I will pick…
  • I lost 75 lbs on MFP 4 years ago and I have slowly put it on the last 2 yrs.. Fixing our house, putting the house up for sale, and moving has made life rough. Now we just have the renos on this house to do. Back at it but can't exercise right now. I moved too many heavy boxes and sprained all my rib muscles. Able to do…
  • I've reached a lot of my goals for August. I managed to get my house staged and up for sale today. I hurt but there is more cleaning and packing tomorrow. I need to wash out all the kitchen cabinets and declutter them. Lots of work before I'm ready to move. Tomorrow will be another 12000 step day. The weight is melting off…
  • Seems like spouses either go with the flow or end up fighting the change. It will lead to divorce if there is no middle ground. With time his skin should catch up to his weight loss I would hope. I know my husband lost a lot of weight and looked older but now his skin looks firmer. All that surgery to remove skin would not…
  • I took off 65 lbs last winter but than moved back home. Up 20 and struggling not to go any higher. I want to take off 12 lbs. I would do more but I'm really struggling. Now the doctor wants me on less than a 1000 mg of salt a day so there went a bunch of my diet foods. Don't want to unpack my fat clothes to wear again so…
    in Goals Comment by Brin1956 January 2017
  • started
  • I have 3/4 of a cup of porridge, .5 cup almond milk and sweetner, I have a fruit with it, banana, orange, apple, kiwi fruit, any fruit that is fresh. On weekends I will have 1 breakfast of 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon and 1 slice of toast.
  • I Lost 65 lbs last winter but gained 20 back when I moved back home. Hoping to have not gained anything over christmas will weigh-in on friday. Hard to get out and exercise in the cold and dark. I think we are up to 7 hours of sunlight a day. Not even 5pm and getting dark. -14 f this weekend so going to want to hibernate.…
  • I have no sugar added ice cream bars or a pancake with apple and spices added topped with a dollop of whipped cream. If apple pancake I sometimes add a tablespoon of sugar free applesauce to the top of it.
  • Recording sounds great. Record it all and play it back when you think they are sleeping right up against the wall. I'm sure they will recognise the sounds. ha ha.
  • Started a kick start 5 day challenge last Monday and I think it really helped. Either that or the weight loss from my plateau is showing. Taking care of a 1 yr. old the next 3 days should help too. Stats: Name: Edith. Age: 60. H: 5'2" SW:240 GW:140 Starting challenge weight(SCW): 181.4 Challenge goal weight (CGW): 174…
  • I've been doing low calorie too. Got to stay healthy so I can stay living in my own home for the next 20 yrs. I'm 60 yrs. old. Made sure I keep up on my medical but I hate taking pills. I know I need to keep my vit D up to keep the old noggin healthy.
    in Low Carb Comment by Brin1956 April 2016
  • I'm looking for friends to come along with me on our weight loss journey. I've always had the knowledge but never the support. I started at 100 lbs over in August and now down to 40 lbs over. I need to up my physical fitness even more. Weight training has to begin. 60 yrs. old so not getting any younger.
  • Just a little tarty with moving and everything Sorry Stats: Name: Edith. Age: 60. H: 5'2" SW:240 GW:140 Starting challenge weight(SCW): 181.4 Challenge goal weight (CGW): 174 March 24: 180 lbs. Down 1.4 lbs. March 31: 178.9 Down 1.1 lbs. April 7: April 14: April 21: April 28: May 5: May 12: May 19: May 26: Thursdays it is.
  • Stats: Name: Edith. Age: 60. H: 5'2" SW:240 GW:140 Starting challenge weight(SCW): 181.4 Challenge goal weight (CGW): 174 March 24: 180 lbs. Down 1.4 lbs. March 31: April 7: April 14: April 21: April 28: May 5: May 12: May 19: May 26: Thursdays it is.
  • couch to 5 k is a good program to start with. If you are getting pains are you taking any supplements? I get pains if my calcium is too low. Are you taking Magnesium, how is your iron level? So many factors go into the cause of leg pain. Maybe start running for one Telephone pole to the next, then walk for 5 than run to…
  • Thanks for the invite. Stats: Name: Edith. Age: 60. H: 5'2" SW:240 GW:140 Starting challenge weight(SCW): 181.4 Challenge goal weight (CGW): 174 March 24: March 31: April 7: April 14: April 21: April 28: May 5: May 12: May 19: May 26: Thursdays it is.
  • As a diabetic I love my diet pop. It is the one sweet thing I can have. It works to reduce the craving for sweets in my life. It is hard on your teeth and you should not brush your teeth right after drinking pop. Yes they have proven that it will soften the enamel on your teeth but it is temporary. It is important to drink…
    in diet pop? Comment by Brin1956 March 2016
  • My husband has a food addiction so if I want something for just me I have to hid it away. It is not that I want it, I think as much as if I want it I have it. I eat some of it very slowly. Moving up North at the end of the month and wondering if I should take my little hoard with me. I know my son won't eat it so it is…
  • Sounds like you should arrive late for the parties after the cake is served. You need will power. Tell the host you are on a strict diet and a lot of them will understand. I sometimes ask for a piece of cake without the icing. The host just cuts the icing off. Of course being a diabetic helps them realize I can't have it.…
  • I'm halfway there too but I don't look as good as you do. You must be feeling so much healthier.
    in 75 lbs Comment by Brin1956 March 2016
  • Congratulations on the promotion and I hope it is for more than the trail basis. We always worry about our skills but I'm sure you are up for it. Doesn't matter what your husband thinks you are doing this for you. You really need a support group. Start doing things for you and not for others. So sorry to hear about your…
  • Don't go to a gym then. Buy a gazelle used or a exercise bike and while you are watching tv keep moving. Walking is a big plus. Got a large store close by? walk around the outside walls 4 or 5 times a day. Volunteer at your local dog shelter to exercise dogs. Gyms are a $1000 a year up here so I don't do a gym. I did find…
    in Help!! Comment by Brin1956 February 2016
  • They are importing from Spain now so we are seeing prices coming down. I think you are seeing lower prices in the east then I am on the west coast.
  • You should plan to add a protein to your smoothie it will help. Try and pair a protein with your fruit sugar. How do you usually feel the day after these fruit binges? Are you pre-diabetic or on maintence for your weight? They still say cutting your sugar is the best way for a healthy diet. But you are not eating enough…
  • I've been on a plateau for 3 weeks. Not sure if it is because I am building more muscle then I'm losing fat? Hoping the scale moves this tuesday. Because I'm working out more I changed to more protein so we will see if that helps. I'm eating about 1300 calories a day down from 1500 and exercising hard 2 hours every day.…