how do you say NO to delicious food in the moment?



  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know how well you know those people but I've managed to make a deal with my friends, we all offer some lighter options for eating. There can be cakes but quite often there's also smoothies available and with chips there's also vegetables you can dip in sour cream sauce. Could you make that kind of thing with people you know? Smoothies taste really great and having several different tastes or put different ingredients in different bowls and let people choose what they want in their smoothies.
  • Brin1956
    Brin1956 Posts: 168 Member
    Sounds like you should arrive late for the parties after the cake is served. You need will power. Tell the host you are on a strict diet and a lot of them will understand. I sometimes ask for a piece of cake without the icing. The host just cuts the icing off. Of course being a diabetic helps them realize I can't have it. Is a 500 calorie piece of cake worth it. You don't want to end up like me on insulin.
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member
    If you REALLY want it, have a small piece and log it. If you're just eating it because it's offered and you don't want to hurt feelings, just say something like "That looks amazing, but I had better not!" If people push it on you, just say, "No, thanks." If they have a problem with it, that's on them.

    Don't think of it as turning down food. Think of it as saving your calories for a treat you'll really enjoy!
  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    If you worry about the feelings of the person who made the treat, really stop to consider that. How disappointed is that person likely to be if you do not eat the treats? How will that disappointment compare to the other disappointments in that person's life? How long is that person likely to experience that feeling of disappointment that you did not try the homemade-with-pride treat?

    Then stop to consider your own feelings after you've eaten the treats at these types of events. Are you likely to feel disappointed if you eat unplanned for treats at work? How long are you likely to feel disappointed for not sticking to your plan? How much will eating the treats interfere with your ability to achieve your goals? Will eating the treats help build up your confidence and pride in being able to follow your plan to become healthier? How would not achieving your goals impact your present and future health?

    Which is more important to you - protecting the feelings of the person who made the treat or taking the action necessary to make sure you achieve your goals?

    Then make a plan now about how to handle this type of situation. What will you think/say/do if someone offers you a treat? How will you handle any food pushers you might encounter? Is there something else you can focus on at these events to help you stick to your plan? Are you required to attend every event, or is it possible to be selective in which ones you go to? The more detailed and specific your plan is, the better your chance at success.

    These types of situations come up often for you, so it is important that you develop the skills and the confidence in yourself that is needed to handle them well. Focus on the feelings you have after the event when you resist eating the treats. Do you regret not eating the treat, or do you feel pride in your ability to stick to your plan? If you don't resist the treats, examine the event carefully to figure out why you weren't able to stick to your plan, and come up with a way to handle that circumstance in the future.

    The more practice you get handling these situations successfully, the more confidence you will have in your ability to handle challenging situations in the future. While making a thoughtful decision to include a treat in your diet on occasion can be a good thing, doing it in an impulsive way frequently will definitely impede your ability to achieve your goals.