how do you say NO to delicious food in the moment?



  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I treat everything as if it's not mine if I didn't plan it into my day. If I know I have an awesome bowl of chili ready for me that will fill me up for hours, I'm not going to swap that for a slice of pizza that will leave me wanting more shortly.
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    Physically turn around and walk away. I always have a snack with me - fruit or Greek yogurt or protein bar. After a while, the mediocre flavors of added sugar and whatnot just aren't that appealing, nor are they worth the calories nor how they make me feel bloated and sluggish.

    I do have a hard time resisting peanut butter-type chocolate pb bars or I'll have a small one (or half of one!) and run away with it like a squirrel stashing a nut.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For me it really depends on my mood and what it is. If it's not something I've particularly been wanting lately, it will be easier to say no. Like, sometimes I want a donut and sometimes I want cake, but if something else is offered, I'm just telling myself that I'd rather save the calories for the next time/when what I really want is offered.

    Another thing is to always plan a tasty dinner you really look forward to... it's easier to say no when you're trying to save calories for that special dinner.

    I'm impressed though, special occasions twice a week with homemade stuff... must be nice where you live, lol. I'm the only person I know who actually bothered to make homemade cake out of the last 20 birthday parties I've been to.
  • jeepinshawn
    jeepinshawn Posts: 642 Member
    If you want one just have a small slice, piece whatever. If your calories are all planned out and you don't want one avoid the area. I work in the hospitality and guest service field, we have a bakery at work, and they are constantly setting out day old donuts and various baked treats. Sometimes I have a donut or piece of cake, sometimes I cut one in half, sometimes I ignore it. Just depends on what I can fit into my goals for that day, don't let food rule you, you rule yourself.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited March 2016
    NO. NO NO. NO NO NO. I can't see you. no. no no. no no no. OK, one slice. From the middle. With the icing scraped off. Find someone to talk to about something other than cake.

    Edited to add: log it.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I have binge eating disorder and sweets are my trigger, so I can't do the whole "in moderation" "just log it" thing. I literally have to avoid it.

    My thoughts- just stay as far away from it as you can. If it's in the breakroom, keep your lunch in your office or somewhere else so you don't have to go in that room at all.

    Another trick I have (again, I have food issues) is to completely dispose of something that I don't want to eat. My boss is notorious for bringing me chocolate bars, just to be kind, and if I do not feel that I can eat it responsibly (I'm getting better with binging cravings these days) then I will dispose of it in a permanent way. I've definitely flushed chocolate bars down the toilet, for example. Sounds silly, but if I just put it in my trash can in my office, there's no promise that a binge won't cause me to stoop down to the level of digging it back out.

    Additionally, when people offer you food, just say "no thank you". If they persist, repeat yourself and literally walk away to remove yourself from the person and the food.

    Again, these tips may sound extreme for those with a "normal" relationship with food, but my relationship is definitely not normal, so this is how I have to deal. It's a daily struggle.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I pre-log my food and reserve 200-300 calories for snacks every day.
    Dh brought home some doughnuts today that were not in my plan. They looked good so I ate one and entered it in my diary and deleted one of the snacks I had pre-logged but had not eaten yet. I'm not going to eat more doughnuts just because they are there. It didn't ruin anything.
    If I don't want to snack I pop a piece of mint gum in my mouth.
  • pluto2626
    pluto2626 Posts: 31 Member
    I decide if I want the food enough to either skip out on something else later (glass of wine, part of dinner, etc.) OR if I am willing to add extra cardio that day.
    If I don't want it bad enough to do one of those two, I just walk away. If I do, I am giving up something later.

  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    gogigi333 wrote: »
    My basic diet is very healthy. I do not buy junk food for home. But it seems at least twice a week there is a birthday or party or holiday or other occasion with delicious desserts. Not store bought crap, but homemade with pride by the giver. And I find it so hard to say NO in the moment. And I am not ladylike with just a bite, but usually have seconds, or more. I would love to hear any tips or tricks to say NO in the face of high sugar treats. It really ruins my diet.

    No, thanks.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I like the mint gum deflection. Great strategy @Lounmoun .
  • CChen8520
    CChen8520 Posts: 64 Member
    I'll look at my before picture on the phone :) It even makes my carrot snacks more delicious!
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    That's probably my hardest issue. I prep & plan great meals, pre log most days, plan ahead for family gatherings and most of the time I'm in my little home/work/gym bubble doing my own thing just happy as a clam. But I still have a hard time saying 'no' to those spontaneous 'party-in-my-mouth!' opportunities. I'm a school sub so i'm often just walking through the teachers lounge at the end of the day & suddenly there's baby shower cake or retirement pizza & an offer to join the well wishers and I still feel like I say yes more than I probably should! It's not like it's really holding me back in any significant way; I just don't like feeling out of control. Potluck or cocktail style parties are hard this way too. Luckily for me I lead a pretty quiet life most of the time... Otherwise I'd be one fat politician or diplomat. LOL
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I have it sometimes, but only when I feel it's really worth the calories. I also think about how it'll make me feel. We have donuts at our monthly meeting at work, but I've probably only had two donuts there in the 2 years I've worked there. It's just not worth it to me - I eat a donut in like 30 seconds. Then I feel tired after about 30 minutes, and there goes 200 calories.

    It's okay to indulge sometimes. Just make sure you plan for it. I usually try to leave myself with a couple hundred extra calories in case I need to fit something in.
    Also, it's okay to say, "no."
  • gogigi333
    gogigi333 Posts: 25 Member
    You guys are awesome! Only a few hours and so many helpful tips. There are a few here that I found very helpful
    - have gum, or peppermint to clean the mouth
    - get in the habit of saying "I don't really eat a lot of XXX" . I really like this. If I can say this repeatedly, it might start sinking in and become true. For some reason I like this idea of retraining my response.
    - take the time to decide first, say "I'm good right now". You're right, if I practice saying I'm good now, I can go back later, but I will train myself to start with a no. try to make that my default
    - I need to put a "before" photo on my phone and look at that. Great idea!
    - imagine it covered with bugs or dirt. haha that is so awful it just might work! I detest bugs. If I can picture it crawling with maggots, I might get grossed out by it instead of excited by it.

    I know I need to change my habits, and my mindset, and these are some great ideas to try.

    thanks so much everyone!
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited March 2016
    Repeat after me, "no, thank you".
  • Jbell0213
    Jbell0213 Posts: 189 Member
    Jbell0213 wrote: »
    I won't deprive myself, I would just have a small piece of something.

    Sounds great on paper and this is the stock feel good answer but if your day well planned out is this really always the answer, especially if it's something frequently like office parties, etc. And where do you draw the line? There are basically 9 billion reasons to eat and everything is an occasion these days. At some point you just need to draw a line in the sand and not stray from your plan because you've decided not to.

    Believe me I have no problem walking away. It's called willpower. Thank you.
  • Traveling_Kimw
    Traveling_Kimw Posts: 38 Member
    I know this sounds terrible but when there is a homemade treat that I know I don't need to eat, I picture the person making it doing so in a dirty kitchen. If I know they have pets that is a bonus. Lol
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I have a new for me line "No thanks I can't eat that right now". I received a recent diabetes diagnosis and it has sure helped me saying no.
  • QueenofGuac
    QueenofGuac Posts: 47 Member
    kkibbles wrote: »
    I know this sounds terrible but when there is a homemade treat that I know I don't need to eat, I picture the person making it doing so in a dirty kitchen. If I know they have pets that is a bonus. Lol

    This is a great trick!

    I honestly, drink a ton of water to make myself really full. That way the thought of eating something seems kind of painful or I'll just tell myself over and over again -"This is not the last brownie in the world."
  • swift13b
    swift13b Posts: 158 Member
    I find that pre-logging actually helps me fit in unexpected treats. Generally I plan out everything I'm going to eat Monday to Friday on Sunday night. I tend to eat smaller meals and lots of snacks throughout the day. I usually have something small at 2:30pm and then also at 3:30pm. If a delicious baked good enters my office and it's something I want, I will just skip my 2 snacks and eat the treat. At my work we have birthday cake once a month, always on a Thursday in the middle of the month. I plan ahead that day and eat smaller/less snacks. But in my department we also do individual cakes, sometimes we get an email heads-up about them and other times I'll hear a commotion and suddenly there's 10 people and a cake next to me. Usually a slice of cake is way more calories than the two snacks I had planned, but I just make sure I work out that night and shrug it off. I have a sweet tooth and love cake so I'm not going to go the rest of my life not eating it. I will say though that I am in maintenance so I have more calories to play with than those losing.