Back to the Start

After two years of steadily putting weight on again, I’m back to the start with My Fitness Pal. I’ve had a few health issues which have caused a lot of pain and made the motivation to exercise not overly attractive. But on top of that I also stopped Calorie Counting and have put 2 stone on in two years. But a new year and trying to lose a bit of weight before going for surgery and here I am back on MFP. I’m on day 11 and have lost two pounds. It’s not that much but just glad to be going back in the right direction.


  • babyblueeyes84
    babyblueeyes84 Posts: 4 Member
    I also am starting over 6 years ago I lost 100lbs. Eating right,exercising, and using mfp. Two kids later and I am back where I started.
  • jockette18
    jockette18 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, yes i have regained the weight i lost 2 years ago and would like to be 50lb lighter for my 50th birthday.
    Plan to start with getting my diet under control this month then improve exercise next month.
    So far 2lb loss...... :)
  • babyblueeyes84
    babyblueeyes84 Posts: 4 Member
    One thing I learned the first time around is diet is 80% fitness is 20% you got this!
  • jockette18
    jockette18 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks, I have usually eaten normally but upped the exercise, which works for me short term but not long term, this time i am trying the diet first, then increase exercise. :)
  • Brin1956
    Brin1956 Posts: 168 Member
    I lost 75 lbs on MFP 4 years ago and I have slowly put it on the last 2 yrs.. Fixing our house, putting the house up for sale, and moving has made life rough. Now we just have the renos on this house to do. Back at it but can't exercise right now. I moved too many heavy boxes and sprained all my rib muscles. Able to do some walking but not outside in my winter boots. My grandson is getting married this year and I want to take it off again.