Be careful with the search function above your daily log. Some of the entry's are wildly off. Try to stay away from those listed as " 1serving". What is a " serving" ? Also the "1 cup" listings are somewhat vague. Weight and liquid volume are your best values. IMHO.
Without a scale, both a bath type and a food type, how do you know where you're starting at, how much you lose and how much you're eating.. Pre plan your meals, make good choices, follow your goal calories. It will come off. They don't need to be high priced scales to work.
Pay NO attention to weight lose shows. Their big losses are also monitored by on site specialists and doctors, 24/7. Enjoy your weight loss, whatever rate is your NORMAL. It takes time. The weight goes on easy, but comes off hard. There is no silver bullet here, just hard work and determination. You can do it !!
Tuna, canned chicken, lean Turkey ham, ground lean Turkey. Even Tofu, but that's another story..
What MommyMeggo said. If it gets you to drink more water, it's of great benefit.
Can be very tough on your back also..
Watched it one time. I felt I needed to go to confession afterwards. ( FYI, I'm not even Catholic. ) That show is a total waste of time..
Get the snow shovel out.. feel the burn. Be safe. :smile:
How great it feels to buy cloths you actually want to wear.. And have a selection to choose from, rather then what "fits".
Found out along time ago there aren't any "silver bullets". Only hard work and determination.
I always try to get as close as possible daily. This includes my Macros. I await a more knowledgeable poster, but it has worked for me so far. Good luck.
If it's just for weight, why not just do manual logging ?
I haven't seen one. Perhaps Google it ?
Tuna and cottage cheese (not together) are also great sources of protein. I like Optimum Nutrition protein. Mixes very well and tastes great.
ON rocks. Go to Costco and get it. Cheapest there.
If you are having trouble eating the volume of food to reach your daily goal intake, eat higher calorie food, but, less volume.
Watch the calorie eat back. MFP, Fitbit and machine based numbers can be VERY inaccurate. You maybe eating back more than you are really "burning".
Well feds show me the science.
I think .6 to .8 grams per pound of body weight is the norm. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It depends on body size doesn't it ?
Or chop up pickles, or pickle slices. Try different spices on your tuna.
Perhaps a Quest bar. They have 170 - 190 calories per serving with 20 grams of protein.
Let your body tell you when it wants to go.
They believe in there being an easier, "silver bullet", way to lose weight. Human nature, taking the easy way out. It's been engrained in this generation, do it the " easy way". There is no easy way to lose weight, only to gain weight.
Sorry but that isn't working on my Kindle..
Cottage cheese with some red pepper sprinkled on top.
Chocolate chips in the freezer. WEIGH out portion size you desire. Put in a small dish and munch one at a time while reading or watching the tube. Don't over do it...
Stop buying the chips and cheese for a while. Buy some extra healthy, quick grab snacks. Follow some of the above suggestions.
And if you don't have access to good tasting water, buy it in gallon jugs or filter your own. Much easier to meet your hydration goals with good tasting water. Costs at the most 1.00 a day if buying, less if filtering your own.