GrumpyHeadmistress Member


  • I do a 5km every Sunday, 4km on mon and fri and 3.25km on Wednesday. I’m doing the 15km Swimathon challenge in March
  • Apple Watch requires you to have an iPhone generally but not actually at the poolside. I use mine in the pool and it seamlessly syncs to MFP when I grab my bag (containing my phone) out of the locker.
  • I only use “active”. “Total” includes the calories that you would have burned for that same period of time just by being alive. However MFP already allocates you those calories (the ones for just being alive during that period) so if you take “total” as your figure then you are double logging those calories. Over time…
  • Does the medicine actually cause weight gain or does it just increase appetite? Drugs which cause weight gain can normally only be prescribed to in-patients in hospital or hospices because of the inherent dangers in them.
  • Meh, like 3lbs. It’ll come off with a small deficit over the next few days and weeks. I’m not going to panic, crash diet and over restricted only to be unable to sustain, binge, give up and put even more on. Slow and steady loss is the way forwards.
  • I occasionally do a 5-10km run on the same as a leg work out and it’s tough. Basically asking already stressed and damaged muscles to do sustained cardio is a lot. Probably not a great idea in the long run.
  • Lululemon and Sweaty Betty are great but expensive. Decathalon are good and cheapish. I recommend Tikiboo if you are in Europe.
  • There are several in the UnderArmor range that would work. Also MapMyRun, Runkeeper etc. I think you need the latest Apple Watch to get the number of stairs climbed as my watch doesn’t have that capacity. Even if your chosen app has it as an option.
  • Ditto. Even in a hard core, full 60 minute session at my absolute limit I rarely record more than 200 calories (5’4” female 125lbs).
  • Yeah treadmills are great when it’s inhospitable outside but not really a great replica for running outside. No wind, no terrain or lateral movement. And really you’re not powering yourself forwards. You’re just sort of jumping up and down whilst the treadmill belt moves itself. Don’t get me wrong - it has its place and…
  • Walk a bit. Then rest. Then walk a bit further. Rest a bit more. Repeat as often as you like. When you feel comfortable with walking at a steady pace for 20 mins or so invest in a good pair (not necessarily expensive, but good) of running trainers and download or print off a couch to 5k plan. Follow the plan and take as…
  • 112lbs in 20 months (237 to 125). 5’4” female. Dress sizes 22 to 6 (18 to 2 in US). Basically just ate fewer calories than I burned. Maintained now for over 12 months, stayed within maintanence range of 5lbs or so.
  • @SummerSkier One word - Flunarazine. I went on it as a desperate last ditch effort before the surgery (and because Mertysergide was withdrawn). Took a few months but worked amazingly. Migraines stopped completely. And zero side effects. It cannot be manufactured in the Uk and is red listed so my neuro had to import it from…
  • Well, any of the tripan family can do it if you take them often enough for long enough. It’s one of the known side effects. The side effect leaflets mention it (at least mine do) and a (funny?!) potential side effect is your blood going green... This medication was red listed and could only be taken for very short periods.…
  • Yep, did it whilst losing 112lbs. Now run 3 times a week plus races.
  • Awesome job @Styggian! If you like C25K then you’ll love Parkrun. It’s like being surrounded by loads of Lauras encouraging you along. You mentioned in one of your posts that you sometimes find the first 3 mins or so the worst. Someone once told me about the “nightmare 10”. Essentially it’s first 10mins or so of every…
  • I’m in awe (and slightly envious) of those for whom over the counter medications help. Mine were never affected by paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen, migraleve, excedrin - any of that stuff. Most “normal” medications didn’t work either. Ended up under a neuro consult for several years with nothing working. He wanted my to…
  • I agree with the others that there are some concerning things in your post. It’s great that you’ve identified that you’ve had a problem in the past with over-restricting and it sounds like you might be slowly slipping back that way again. Please please please seriously consider going to your GP (or primary healthcare…
  • I think the Apple Watch might have the option of syncing workouts. Never tried it though I must confess.
  • Yep, I have two different types of severe migraine (aura no pain and classic) and have run with both of them. Different problems with both - the aura one I struggle to see where I’m going, the classic one I wanna throw up. Not running wasn’t really an option because they’re chronic - I had the classic one every single day…
  • Yeah, crash dieting suggests VLCD which is sort of a “no no” around here. Best to stay away from stuff like that at the risk of getting your question closed down or worse doing significant damage to yourself. And likely not having sustainable weight loss. Slow, steady and maintainable are the key words for weight loss.
  • I usually do a 5km on a Sunday morning and then treat myself to a movie and a Costa. My “go to” is a massimo skinny gingerbread latte. Works out around 160 calories. Equivalent is a Starbucks venti skinny caramel macchiato with sugar free syrup. Also around 160 calories.
  • I get terrible runners runs so for any race (or indeed any cardio) I don’t eat beforehand.
  • Extra sweat on the skin is a breeding ground for bacteria. Add some dead skin and/or open pores and you get zits, condones and acne. Try to wash as soon as you can after exercising to remove sweat and excess sebum. Exfoliate regularly (but not so often that you are damaging your skin surface) to remove dead skin. Use an…
  • Put toast on plate, put plate on scale. Zero scale (TARE). Add butter. Review weight shown on scale. Log.
  • Nope, the opposite. Apple Watch will credit you steps up and until you then record a work out. Once you have recorded a work out, Apple Watch then deletes your credit for steps to avoid double crediting. Makes sense if you have run or walked during your workout but it’s annoying if for instance your work out was a swim.…
  • Check your stats are correct in Apple Health.
  • Alcohol. Peanut butter. Full sugar pop (soda). Cheese.
  • I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling (I guess that’s the mobile equivalent of switching it off and back on again). Seem to fix the problem - my last run was a nice accurate 5km parkrun.
  • I have an awesome high fibre breakfast cereal that tastes yummy and is vegan. That, combined with a wholemeal wrap at lunch and five portions of fruit and veg, gets me over my recommended amount.