ElizabethOakes2 Member


  • Is there a way for you to easily suggest a healthier option for going out to lunch? My old workplace was really into the greasy Chinese that was near our work, but I discovered a Hawaiian BBQ place the same distance away where I could get a 'kids plate' of grilled shrimp with broccoli instead of rice or some grilled…
  • Mayo was my kryptonite. I don't even buy it anymore. But yeah! I'm good at estimating, seriously good (worked in a commercial test kitchen for a few years) but I'd pretty much stopped paying attention to portion sizes for a long time. Once I started paying serious attention again, i was stunned by 'portion creep'- "Sure…
  • I don't have 'cheat' days. I'm not cheating anyone by eating a little more on one day rather than another. I have treat days, where I don't stress myself about weighing every last gram and counting every last calorie. For example, lst night, my husband and I went out for a gourmet meal. I drank a glass of wine AND we…
  • Not eating back at least part of your exercise calories can work for some people, but for others (me) it is a great way to rapidly run out of energy and end up malnourished if you're following MFP's formula. If you're using a TDEE/BMR based formula, then it's up to you whether you eat back anything you burn doing exercise,…
  • Walk. Walk walk walk. Walk 20 minutes, then thirty, then forty. Just walk. :) Now I alternate my power-walk days (5-6 miles at 3.5-4.0 mph) with swim days, or, if I can't get to the pool for whatever reason, I have a glider-stepper at home so I can throw in some Game of Thrones and get my cardio that way.
  • I cook ALL the time. I'm so grateful when my partner asks if I want to go out that it doesn't matter if I have fifteen calories left in the day, I say yes. Then I throw in an extra 20 minutes cardio for a couple days, or I plan an extra swim-session. To me, the important thing is to enjoy that time with my partner and not…
  • Lean pork chops. She can't chicken, what about other poultry, like turkey? Or is all poultry no-no? Also, there are TONS of bean and lentil based recipes out there that you can make as a 'side dish' for your husband to go with his hamburger, that make a great main dish for you and your daughter. :)
  • I eat back half my exercise calories, and have lost weight steadily since I started really tracking my intake/output. *shrug* And if I've done serious cardio that day? I NEED those calories or I end up with the hangries.
  • Have you tried Casillera Diablo carmenere? It's totally worth the calories every once in a while!
  • I have a loved one with dissociative identity disorder. And before they managed to 'merge' as it were, one personality was loved to drink and party, the other was as straight arrow as they come. (Guess which one borrowed my designer dress and which one returned it completely trashed...). I can't imagine what it would be…
  • As to what people are saying about swimming and hunger: A study done in Britain demonstrated that swimmers were not losing weight and this is often touted as "you can't lose weight by swimming' evidence, but follow up studies by the same group demonstrated that people who swim in cold water or are outdoor swimmers actually…
  • If you take away favorite foods entirely, you'll likely fail at your health goals. A little pizza or a bit of bacon once in a while won't kill you. :)
  • I didn't do ballet, but I did do jazz and stage dance. And this probably really isn't what you want to hear, but here goes. My experience? The damage that I did to my body in my teens and twenties trying to get to the 'ideal weight and strength' was not worth it. I'm in my 40s now and have damaged knees, ankles, hips and…
  • If getting on the scale bothers you that much, try taking your measurements- neck, waist, hip, etc. Sometimes, when I don't see any difference on the scale, that quarter-inch off the measuring tape can make me feel like a hero. It sounds like you're doing the right things, but unless you weigh or measure, you're own…
  • Okay, firstly, that back bacon looks delicious! But here's the thing. Why eat all five pieces? Why not eat... one piece? My husband and I used to cook eight pieces of bacon for Sunday brunch and eat every single bite (except for the crumb we give the cat. One must pay Kitty Toll, I'm afraid.) Then I started eating just two…
  • I do steel cut oats in the slowcooker overnight- add in nuts and fruit, etc and top it with nonfat Greek yogurt. Because the recipe makes four cups, we usually have leftovers for fried oatmeal the next day. We've also started doing oven-baked frittata in the morning. I weigh out and mix everything the night before, then…
  • French Press. It makes a much smoother coffee than drip. But why force yourself to drink it black if you don't like it that way? Why not just set aside a few calories to actually enjoy your coffee the way you want it?
  • Same here. Back down to 1200 calories to lose a pound a week. :( Being short sucks!
  • My husband says the same thing, but as my real curves are emerging, and my body is healthier and stronger, he's saying he loves the changes. I think our partners biggest fears include that we're trying to change to make them happy, and that we're going to make ourselves miserable trying to lose weight because of what we…
  • I wish, oh how I wish, my boobs would start shrinking! And now that I've lost weight everywhere else, these ridiculous DDD's just look really stupid. :(
  • It was probably just a mistake to flag it- The little flag/quote/like/awesome buttons can be harder to manage on smaller touch screens like my Nexus. :) But to the OP, you're losing about a pound a week so that's perfect! :) Keep up the awesome work!
  • If her clothes fit better and her body is leaner, she's probably doing just fine. There are a lot of factors that can mask weight loss. Remember that scales see EVERYTHING- poo, water, muscle, fat, belly button lint, EVERYTHING> :) Have her stop looking at the scale and start taking her measurements, as well as taking…
  • I had oral surgery last month- fudge bars weren't on my 'able to eat' list, but fudgesicles were. Cool, icy, chocolaty goodness. But I was on primarily liquids and only managing about 900-1000 calories a day. Actually maintained for those two weeks. Remember that your body is healing- a little sugar and fat might actually…
  • Yup. Was 148.8 yesterday morning, today I'm 153.6. By Monday I'll be 148.5 or less, I can pretty much guaranty. The more you track the fluctuations and understand how your body copes, the less that water weight will bother you. :)
  • I like my Garmin VivoFit. For things like swimming, I wear it with the heart monitor, and set it up as an 'activity' and have good results. It's really helped me have a clearer picture of how much activity I do during the day. Who knew I could burn through my 10,000 steps just cleaning house? And I don't even have that big…
  • Ever since I got my husband fixed (bwahahaha!) I kind of stopped paying a lot of attention to my menstrual patterns as much. But, this is crazy, after my doctor started having my track my blood pressure, I can tell when I'm ovulating because my blood pressure will be crazy high for about 20 hours. It drove me crazy the…
  • http://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/fitness/equipment/do-vibration-plates-really-work.html In other words, it can be of help used conjunction with diet and exercise, but if used wrong, can cause serious damage to joints and spine.
  • How much weight have you lost so far? One thing my doctor mentioned to me when I told him I my already hell-periods were getting worse, and my pre-and post ms seemed be starting sooner and lasting longer as I lost weight, was that my body's hormone production hadn't figured out that I was smaller, and to expect things to…
  • Yeah, but in a world where high-profile people like the Kardashians are pushing every juice cleanse and fat-buster starvation diet they can think of, it's refreshing to see a celebrity who just says "Portion control is everything".