Protein powder shakes/smoothies and overnight oats

How much do you all use protein shakes or smoothies during the day/week? Do you use as a meal replacement, entirely pre/post workout, etc?

Also, while eating healthier, we are incorporating more egg whites into our mornings instead of our normal cereals, peanut butter toasts, etc. We are shooting for hitting macro counts which in turn is helping us lose weight. However, this breakfast is getting monotonous. I have read some about overnight oats... any thoughts on them?

Sorry for the questions, i just want to make sure i get info from those i trust. Thanks all!


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Protein shake--not a meal replacement for me. I use them when I need a bit more protein. Tends to be at the end of the day.

    Overnight oats--Part of my normal routine. 40g oats + 1 scoop protein powder + 6 oz. milk + whatever fruit I want (generally 140g berries) is my normal recipe.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    I use some sort of protein powder every day. Rarely as a meal replacement* much more often one of the following:
    • Couple of scoops in milk as an afternoon snack
    • With cocoa powder and 85% dark chocolate pieces as a Beltsander brownie for supper
    • I often make butterscotch protein mousse and bananas as a supper
    • I sometimes make a protein ice cream using a protein powder blend

    *the only times I use it as a meal replacement is when I'm cutting and going out for a meal. In that instance I will assume that my evening meal is going to be carb/fat heavy and fiber/protein light. So, I fast in the day and a couple of hours before the meal I have a triple scoop shake in skimmed milk with a load of raspberries in it (for fiber). It takes the edge off my hunger and ensures that for minimal calories I get as close to my macros for the day as possible without stressing about what I order in the restaurant.
  • Brocksterdanza
    Brocksterdanza Posts: 208 Member
    We are definitely cutting and on a lifestyle adjustment. Thus looking at incorporating and hitting our macros on a daily basis. We feel much better and the weight is dropping... we are just looking at ways to not get into a rut. Overnight oats are definitely intriguing as its low calorie and has fiber, healthy carb levels for our macros and has some great peanut butter recipes (our fav). The protein shakes would likely serve as a meal replacement for us or a light snack in some instances.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    edited May 2016
    I use a protein shake after lifting if I didn't hit my protein goals for the day. It is after lifting for 2 reasons. 1) I eat diner ~5:30 and start lifting ~1 hour later and don't want to take it before 2) I like to have a snack while watching TV at night so this works as vanilla with PB powder is pretty good.

    I've also been known to take chocolate covered espresso beans as a pre-workout so you know I take my pre/post workout supplements seriously :smile:

    EDIT: and sorry, I can't help with breakfast as I don't eat it myself. I typically like eggs and sausage for breakfast but don't care to spend the time cooking them and prefer using the calories later in the day.
  • Longevity100
    Longevity100 Posts: 84 Member
    How much do you all use protein shakes or smoothies during the day/week? Do you use as a meal replacement, entirely pre/post workout, etc?

    Also, while eating healthier, we are incorporating more egg whites into our mornings instead of our normal cereals, peanut butter toasts, etc. We are shooting for hitting macro counts which in turn is helping us lose weight. However, this breakfast is getting monotonous. I have read some about overnight oats... any thoughts on them?

    Sorry for the questions, i just want to make sure i get info from those i trust. Thanks all!

    1. I generally have a "Super Food" shake for breakfast to start the day off on a very nutrient dense meal, consisting of various fruits, vegetables, spirulina, chia seeds, goji berries, oats, flax, nuts, cacao, honey, bee pollen, various high quality protein powders, etc. I'm a health nut but also an extreme foodie, so I spent a lot of time coming up with a variety of healthy shake recipes that also taste good. Sometimes I'll also have one after a workout, or during the day if I don't feel like eating as many solids meals. I consider every shake a meal.

    2. I like the over night oats as well. I have a lot of different oatmeal recipies where I'll add various things to it, berries+vanilla+flaxseeds, or apples+cinnamon+chia , tons of ideas. I usually will have them with some sort of egg scramble.

    3. What are some of your current breakfast meals?

  • Brocksterdanza
    Brocksterdanza Posts: 208 Member
    We do egg white omelette with peppers,onions, spinach, tomatoes,..... peanut butter toast on whole wheat..... whole wheat cereal.... egg white and turkey sausage... etc. My wife and i are both teachers... thus this summer we have the ability and time to get things figured out and fixed for the long haul.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    How much do you all use protein shakes or smoothies during the day/week? Do you use as a meal replacement, entirely pre/post workout, etc?

    None. The lie is that those products make incredible differences in people, but really most people can get the nutrients they need from normal food. It comes down to ease and what they feel helps. If they work though, do them. Whatever keeps a person on track is good.

  • RandiNoelle
    RandiNoelle Posts: 374 Member
    edited May 2016
    I really love overnight oats! Oats, soymilk, PB2 (chocolate and the plain), frozen fruit. Add whatever flavors you like (cinnamon, vanilla). You can also add nuts or coconut to stir in right before you eat.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I do steel cut oats in the slowcooker overnight- add in nuts and fruit, etc and top it with nonfat Greek yogurt. Because the recipe makes four cups, we usually have leftovers for fried oatmeal the next day.

    We've also started doing oven-baked frittata in the morning. I weigh out and mix everything the night before, then just toss it in the oven before we head for the shower in the morning. Takes about 25 minutes to bake, so it's ready by the time we're showered and dressed. My recipe base is 4 eggs and 1.5 ounces of goat cheese + whatever veggies and herbs I have handy, usually spinach or chard, basil, green onion, zucchini, mushrooms, etc. The leftovers reheat well for breakfast the next day.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I use protein powder to flavor my oatmeal, Greek yogurt, or pancakes, and that's pretty much it.

    I'd say I use maybe two scoops a week at this point, but I like variety so I don't tend to eat the same breakfast more than once a week.

    For overnight oats, I like one serving of oats, 3/4 cup of almond milk, 20g of protein powder, and almonds or almond butter.
  • markswife1992
    markswife1992 Posts: 262 Member
    How much do you all use protein shakes or smoothies during the day/week? Do you use as a meal replacement, entirely pre/post workout, etc?

    i use protein shakes/smoothies about 2-3x/week as a meal replacement post-work-out.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I have steel cut oats with Greek Yogurt or overnight oats nearly every day. I'm not a shake gal.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    I love overnight oats but they work better for me as a bed time snack.

    Protein powder is one of many ingredients in my breakfast smoothie.
