mappeal67 Member


  • It's really disheartening when this happens. You feel like you're making all this effort and it results in nothing! This has happened to me on and off over the last 8 months. What can I tell you, that you don't already know? Sometimes it's a miscalculation on food intake, sometimes it's ToM, sometimes there's no rhyme or…
  • This is really good advice. Get a scales to weigh food, if you don't have one. I got a good digital scales from Sainsbury for about £15. Weighing food is a revelation and makes tracking your food more accurate. Don't guess - you will get it wrong. I did, by quite a wide margin! Also I read something on here that made a lot…
  • I go to the gym sporadically but I do the easy stuff. Treadmill, swimming, classes. I started the "Couch 2 5k" programme. A free to download app from the NHS. It's a good motivator to get you moving. I also try to do Pilates classes. Good for toning and core strength. As for food I think MFP is easier than WeightWatchers…
  • I keep mine as lightly active, because my exercise fluctuates according to work pressures.
  • It sounds like you're fighting a losing battle if your mother doesn't understand nutritional basics. I think you're doing an amazing job and deserve much praise but the problem starts with your mother. She needs to be educated so that she understands what to feed her family. You said she is overweight herself. Is there any…
  • I read on an MFP blog, that maintaining your new weight for one year, after getting to goal weight, increases the chance of keeping the weight off. How you do that is, I guess, up to each individual. Weighing every week to keep an eye on your weight is a good start. If you feel confident about your food choices then don't…
  • Being able to wear things in my wardrobe that I can't currently fit into. I will be able to wear EVERYTHING I own & I won't need to spend any money to have more choice. Cannot wait! (But I will)
  • My weight loss has fluctuated a lot over the last 6 months and there are times when I think I've done so badly (I.e. Gone over my calorie allowance by a LOT) that I feel like it's not worth it & I should just eat what I want. Then I get on the scales for my weekly weigh in and whatever the scale says, up or down, it makes…
  • If the gym is any good they should give you a 1 hour induction included in the membership. I had one when I joined and the guy was super helpful working out an exercise programme for me using machines and equipment and even mat work. He also encouraged me to attend the classes as they help push you a bit further. If they…
  • Yes! Every time. It's hard being a woman!
  • I think the earlier suggestion about setting MFP to maintenance is a good one. Don't aim to lose while you're away, but maintaining should enable you to have a good time without feeling like you're missing out.
  • I think you need to read some of the posts here to get you started: If you log EVERYTHING you eat and keep to your calorie limit you will lose weight.
    in help me! Comment by mappeal67 May 2016
  • I wouldn't eat back calories if I were you. Unless you're burning thousands of cals per day - unlikely unless you're an athlete. Use MFP to calculate how much you want to lose per week and it will tell you what your calorie goal is per day. Then log everything you eat & drink and don't exceed your daily limit. Log…
    in help me! Comment by mappeal67 May 2016
  • Weight loss comes from calorie deficit. Fitness comes from exercise. Average woman requires 2000 calories per day to live. Approximately a 500 calorie deficit leads to a 1lb loss per week. Does that help?
    in help me! Comment by mappeal67 May 2016
  • As long as you're eating approx 1,500 calories per day you should lose a pound a week - though in my experience it fluctuates! Time of day doesn't make any difference. Good luck!
    in help me! Comment by mappeal67 May 2016
  • Inspiring! Thanks for your post. I'm 2 days behind you so am also feeling quite daunted, but now...NO EXCUSES!!!!
  • Porridge, made with one part coconut milk, two parts water. Served with a dessert spoon of maple syrup, a dessert spoon of goji berries and a teaspoon of mixed toasted seeds. Delicious! And low in fat.
  • Pilates! Try to fit a couple of classes per week at the beginning. Or get a Pilates DVD. The 'Pilates for Dummies' is good. Get your core strength & posture right.
  • And my post got curtailed. Not sure why. Here's the rest ( for what it's worth!) When you've increased your exercise to say, 30 mins exercise bike & 30 mins body blade then you might think about eating back a portion of the exercise calories. Does anyone have any stats about this?
  • Agreed! I wouldn't eat back calories from the exercises you're doing now. Exercise to my mind is about getting fit and toning up. It's about running for that bus and not having a heart attack en route. And it really does make you feel good. Slightly smug too!
  • I think it's great that you're exercising and getting fit. I really admire anyone who tries to get fitness into their routine. How long have you been exercising now? Can I make a suggestion? After a week of regularly doing 10 minute sessions, you should try to extend yourself by upping the time to 11 minutes for a week.…
  • Thank you. That's really helpful.
  • Nice advice.
  • Thank you both. I'm still trying to work out how to add people as friends, it's not very intuitive or I've got no intuition!
  • Wow, speedy responses. Thank you all for the messages and tips. Very much appreciated!