Nicklebee93 Member


  • I hate(d): My double chin Taking pictures - i refused to be in them at one point Bathing suits Lying about my weight Feeling ugly Clothes shopping I still have a lot of insecurities about myself. But i've stopping lying about my weight. I feel proud to be 140 pounds, i've come a long way and i'm still working on it.
  • Moderation: not eating in excess. For me that's eating something "bad" once in a while. Made blueberry muffins, i had ONE that week. Eat a couple squares off the candy bar, not the whole bar. Have a scoop of ice cream, not 4. It's not so much about denying yourself the food you love, just eating it in less amounts. You…
  • My dream body has always been athletic. Not meaning 6 pack abs, athletic. Just a built body that you know is just not... stick and bones, ya know? Like you can tell i workout but it's nothing like WOW, either. As far as weight goes, as of now i just want to hit the 120 mark. Wether or not a gain or lose when i start…
  • I use Cascadian Farms Honey nut O's in the morning... or if you obviously don't want organic, you can do regular old Cheerio's. I'm not one for sweet things in the morning, it just hurts my belly. But i do use cereal as a snack mostly. And i have no problem using Lucky Charms, Coco Puffs or the like. Just remember to…
  • To add onto this, you do realize there is sugar in fruits, right? Sugar isn't an "enemy" but people over-due it. Just like somoene can actually drink too much water. The key is: Moderation.
  • Normally an orange or an apple. I don't really care for banana's. And yeah, i always eat a piece of fruit. Goodness! I wish i could stay that full.. i could eat at 8am and need to eat again by 10.. !
  • Nope. I eat 2 full eggs, no egg whites. And i drink water as soon as i wake up, and normally don't eat anything for an hour after waking up. No matter what i'm hungry 2-3 hours later. But maybe i'll add in some bread. Toast and some jelly instead, maybe? I'm always hungry for breakfast as i'm not a fan of eating late.
  • Thanks for all the sugestions! I try to keep things balanced but i tend to get bored! And my calorie restriction doesn't give me much room to mess around. 2 eggs this morning with red peppers and a orange. Already at 300 cals this morning! I will have to try a healthy stir fry, and i might try spinach with my eggs, that…
  • Eating under calories should only been done with the supervision of a Doctor. Why? Because you don't know what your body is lacking or if it's getting the right nutrition, even if you are taking over the counter vitamins. Just eat at a proper deficit. You more than likely gained all the weight back, maybe even some extra,…
  • MFP is a great tool, makes tracking while out and about much easier. And the community is great, a lot of really helpful people!
  • I think we all have those types of realizations, the "oh god i became that person!" I hated looking at myself in the mirror, i had a ugly double chin and felt completely disgusted with myself. We all need that kick in the face sometimes. Good luck on your journey, it's well worth it.
  • Feel free to add me too. Im on here everyday :)
  • My first 20 pounds came off easily. I was averaging a good 3 pounds a week. Losing roughly 8-9 pounds every month. I stayed in my 140's (140-145) for about a year. I came back and had the most difficult time getting down into the 130's, i was losing inches but my weight fluctuated 5 pounds for that whole month. Then i got…
  • Well no such thing as starvation mode, so don't worry about that. But yes. MFP doesn't set up your calories to include exercise. So it gives you that back to eat. Some do and some don't. Completely up to you. In general if you do eat them back, only eat about 50%-75%. Like it was said, MFP can sometimes overestimate…
  • I would take it slowly. Being on a calories deficit and over working can make you even more tired. Start off slowly and yes, do stretching before and after you exercise. And make sure you're sleeping enough and take breaks. Try walking for 20 minutes 3-5 times a week. And see how you feel.
  • Have you been working your tricep? Though you can't really target your weight loss i'm sure it can help to some degree with your arms.
  • Could it be visceral fat? It's pretty much fat around the organs which causes belly fat, mostly. Though you are in a healthy weight, you are on the higher scale, you could be holding fat in your stomach. Have you ever tried to lose it through calories deficit? I would first rule out any medical possibilities. Have you ever…
  • Myself. It's the only thing that will ever truly motivate you. You need to do this for you.
  • TDEE is BMI plus your activity level. BMI is what your body burns if you literally did nothing all day. So TDEE is BMI calories + activity level. So your TDEE might be right at 2,300 calories but your math is off. It's 3,500 deficit per week to lose 1 pound.
  • You have to restrict your calories if you wish to lose weight. But you don't need to go on a crash diet, either. Take out 200-500 calories. And add in some exercise. But it won't be in a few months, with so little left to lose it'll take some time. Aim for no more than 1 pound a week, or you're probably losing muscle and…
  • Go to users profile and you will see a "add friend" button :)
    in Hay Comment by Nicklebee93 April 2016
  • I do archery, but far from a pro! Welcome to the site :)
  • 1. counting calories is the most important thing. Buy a food scale to weight solids, and use measuring cups for liquids. And double check calories on MFP, they sometimes are not correct. 2. start slow, a huge deficit isn't the most effective way to start off. Take out 500 calories and go from there. 3. exercise. though…
  • I actually don't think i've gained anything off binges... I try my best not to go too overboard.
  • Yes... i'm down to my last 15 pounds. I'm so proud of what i've done but i just want these last couple pounds off me already! :s
  • I agree, running isn't my thing. I've tired countless times to start doing running/jogging in the summer and last no more than a couple weeks. But i enjoy doing sports, i like racquetball/tennis, swimming. Doing bike rides and hiking/walking. In terms of actual workouts though, i mainly do Jillian's workout videos. I do…
  • Its why crash diets do not work. Go in slow, moderate steps. Relearn to eat. Learn how to have your treats but stay in calories limits. How big food actually looks when measured properly, so you know just how much you overeat. 1. Don't take food out that you like. Moderation is key. Some people on MFP eat sweets each and…
  • Besides just forcing yourself to keep in calories? I have no idea... There are days i'm 100% content eating 1,200 calories. Other days? I could eat a steak the size of my head and still want more food. It seems to only happen when i do strength training. It just runs me into the ground. I've recently added more protein but…
  • Pancakes? Icky. Waffles? YES! Waffles with some strawberries = pure heaven.
  • I tend to see people that are extremely helpful and nice on these forums. Most people do recommend to only eat about 50-75% of exercise calories back because MFP can only give you an estimate. How does MFP know your intensity? If you followed a modified version, vs the normal or the higher version? The only way to…