I am new

Hi all I am new to this so if anyone can give some good points would be much appreciated


  • Nicklebee93
    Nicklebee93 Posts: 316 Member
    1. counting calories is the most important thing. Buy a food scale to weight solids, and use measuring cups for liquids. And double check calories on MFP, they sometimes are not correct.
    2. start slow, a huge deficit isn't the most effective way to start off. Take out 500 calories and go from there.
    3. exercise. though food is 90% of the battle, getting in good health requires exercise too
    4. don't take anything you love out. learn moderation and how to incorporate those foods into your diet
    5. don't just rely on the scale. take pictures and measure yourself.
    6. don't be discouraged if the scale does not move, weight loss IS NOT linear. There will be a week were you won't lose anything. don't panic. it's completely normal.