crzycatlady1 Member


  • Well said, pretty much the only 'rule' I follow and its worked well for me :)
  • This. Op until you start using a food scale then you have no idea how many calories you're actually intaking. If you're not losing though then you're not in the calorie deficit you think are, simple as that. Do yourself a favor and get a cheap digital scale.
  • Yep, we're an apple growing state and I can get apples cheap during the winter. 3lb bags of Macintosh and Johnathan apples for $1 this week at Meijer, (and with the 11/$10 deal it works out to .90), and they're from my state. Apples are cold stored and are then available during the winter months. Now, come August you won't…
  • So you're against what you think is an extreme diet (keto), but follow an extreme plan yourself (low fat/high carb plant based diet that has just as many restrictions as keto). I'm not keto but oh, the irony :p
  • This. Paleo is a (restrictive) style of eating but it's not a weight loss method, unless you're also incorporating the necessary calorie deficit for your weight loss goals.
  • It boggles the mind how these people are in charge of running entire countries! The group of us could put together a much clearer, simpler guideline, (which includes mushrooms as a veggie, white potatoes and all the darn beans/lentils you want :D ).
  • With what I bought, and what I already had on hand, is enough for me to get in the new requirements of 800g of veg/fruit a day, as well as enough for my kids to have veg/fruit. 800g already exceeds the current recommendations of '5 a Day/500g', and I don't know if there's any health benefits to eating more than the 800g?…
  • Just added up my totals for the day and I got in 741g, so pretty happy with that! It was a mix of lettuce, spinach, tomato, broccoli, onion, bell pepper, cantaloupe and banana. Plus 53g of mushroom, but I don't know if that counts? Technically mushrooms aren't vegetables but I've always lumped them in the same category…
  • -11am-noon -5pm-6pm and then an occasional snack at around 3 pm if I feel like it.
  • As a mom of 3 kids, I totally just laughed out loud because I so get this lol :# I remember those days when you're stuck at home with a little one and your whole world revolves around their nap schedule! Now my youngest is 8 years old and I could do with a little less excitement, (we're entering the teen years with my…
  • Love seeing all the new people joining in! I started by meticulously tracking here on MFP (which I normally don't do), but that took a lot of time so this week I'm doing a more laid back (ie lazy lol) approach and have a notebook on my counter by my food scale-as I measure out the veg/fruit I just write down the number of…
  • It's a fairly common issue, (you see it all the time here), where people think eating 'healthy' (whatever that even means), somehow will cause weight loss. Obviously that's not the case though and the appropriate calorie deficit is needed. And most times just losing the extra weight will greatly improve someones health,…
  • We live outside one of the largest cities in our state and there's a huge farmers market smack dab in the middle of down town in the summer. You seriously have to park blocks away and walk in. Many of the outlying towns also have their own, and if you head to the lakeshore (West MI here), there's a massive one that can be…
  • I actually didn't used to but a couple weeks ago, after the new revised recommendation to eat 800g a day of veg/fruit came out, I decided to challenge myself (there's a group of us here doing it), and I'm hooked! I now aim for a minimum of 600g a day, with a goal to hit around 800g. Eating supper right now and I'm over…
  • I also had some frozen veggies, raw sweet potatoes and onions, and fresh fruit still in the house before I made my shopping trip. Back in the day I used to run a pretty popular frugal living blog and one thing I always pushed was to shop your own kitchen before you make your menu plan and grocery list :) Between what I…
  • To lose weight you must be at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals. What foods you eat to make up your calorie intake doesn't matter though-only that you're hitting that calorie deficit. If you're not losing weight then you're eating too many calories.
  • To each their own-I like LCs and thin breads (which is literally bread that's just cut into thin slices), etc. I don't eat 'food-flavored products', I eat the foods that I like and also help me reach my goals :)
  • That's just not true though, unless that person is burning more calories than their maintenance calorie range ie CICO. There's been plenty of people here who've shared their stories of weight loss stalls/gains while doing low carb-because they were eating too many calories. For weight loss the only thing that matters is…
  • I live in Michigan and yes, people drag carts through the snow (a few of the more creative ones actually load their groceries up on sleds during the winter months). And hiking/walking isn't exactly a bad thing, so not sure why that would be considered a negative? There's always options/choices, most people just don't want…
  • But there's nothing wrong with aspartame and I do know what it is.
  • They're losing weight because they're at the correct calorie deficit for their weight loss goals. In terms of weight loss it doesn't matter what foods you eat, only that you're hitting that deficit. I use artificial sweeteners, thin breads, Lean Cuisines, low calorie cheese, low calorie soups etc etc. These things help me…
  • I don't think I've ever run across a food that has questionable ingredients, so not quite sure what you mean there? When I look at nutrition labels I compare calories to grams, meaning how many calories a serving is.
  • I've only been in the weight loss phase one time, and now I'm several years into maintenance. I went into this whole thing hyper-focused on the long term though, and the first day of my weight loss phase I was already putting my maintenance plan together. I knew from family and friends that it was easy to lose weight, but…
  • Meal timing is a preference thing- you definitely don't need to eat in the morning, For many of us it triggers hunger, and in my case it leads to all day snacking (and I'm not a snacker!). I usually don't eat my first meal until 11am-noon. You might want to look into IF (intermittent fasting), which sounds like your new…
  • I was able to put it into my Amazon cart, so it does indeed look like a real product, (though 'real' may be a bit of a loosey-goosey term in this case :p ).
  • I had to google it, but it looks like it's actually a thing-someone better have been fired over the name lol.
  • This. The weight loss phase is the easy part, and usually only lasts a few months to a couple years. It's the maintenance phase where most people fail miserably. I don't doubt that the OP can lose the weight, but I'd be interested in a follow up a few years from now, to see where she's at. Hopefully one of the few who are…
  • My last cholesterol test came back lower than it normally does (total was at 143), and the only difference I did was I was eating 2-3 servings of oatmeal every day (was going through a phase lol). I'd mix a serving of regular oats with 1-2 pkts of the flavored instant ones, and then mx in nuts or fruit and eat it for…