tammyfranks2 Member


  • 2 a day and now that the farmers markets are open I will buy fresh farm eggs . and fresh bacon too . lots of local farms here . great milk too but I don't drink it , just heavy whipping cream . But My family loves the milk . I do all different kind of eggs too , hard boiled and scrambled, deviled , fried , poached.…
  • Oh hun I know how you feel , I have lost 100 pounds and no one even notices , because I still weigh 372 , I always worry about chairs and seats in places I go , people stare at me , at stores yeah I have had that move out of the way fatty looks and even said to me . This week I have not logged any food or stayed totally on…
  • @BettJo64 You are awesome keep going , and it will workout . once you get all your meds and body healed you be so much better . Whoo Hoo !!!
  • Hello Betty , I am Tammy , when I started I weighted 477 pounds , I am now down to 372 , I get around pretty good now , I am a type 2 diabetic and I have swelling in my left leg that really stops my progress some days . Welcome to our group and I hope we will become fast friends . I am sorry about the heart stuff because…
  • OH and Thank you Both !! @bmeadows380 , @cnavarro002 !!!!
  • @bmeadows380 sometimes taking a break really works, a few days this week I just blew my diet and I actually lost 3 pounds , I am back at it now , but that was an eye opener , maybe once in a while we need that cheat day or week to jump start our bodies back into to losing mode . Good Luck for the rest of this month and…
  • I know I shouldn't say this , talk about other threads , but why oh why do I go onto the open forum in this web site ??? I said one thing in a diet soda thread , about how I don't drink it because it spikes my blood sugar and makes me ill , OMG you would thought I hurt someone LOL BUT I am not going back and reading…
  • My sugar levels are fine, have a perfectly good working pancreas - and my tummy is fine too. I drink diet soda regularly - ever since starting calorie counting. Along with the very occasional non diet version. Of course you can make whatever choice works for you - but blanket statements exhortations like Do your sugar…
  • I have drank diet soda for years like 10+ years and I am very over weight and diabetic , over 14 months ago I went on a keto diet and I have lost 109 pounds and I have not drank diet soda all that time , just a week ago I tried to drink a coke zero , my favorite , and it made my stomach hurt also next morning my blood…
  • So I had the mass removed and I am still fighting it , have to have the wound drained once a week , it's been a month now , but getting much better ................ drum roll I do not have cancer . all the DnC stuff they took out was all benign . so Now I am just focusing on losing more weight and healing up . BUT the…
  • Welcome . we are all here for each other !!! I started at 477 now at 371 !
  • 1st pic was in june 2018 2nd pic was today , 110 pounds down as of today . also the pants in the 1st pic size 5x , pants in the 2nd pic 3x .
  • Just checking in , I am still here and still doing Keto and fasting , BUT big monkey wrench has been thrown in my direction , I have to have a DnC biopsy , and I have to have this mass on my leg removed . I might really have cancer . won't know for sure til the DnC test are done ....but they will not see me until after dec…
  • I have not had a roll or mashed taters since jan 2018 so I am eating , I am going to fast weds and today eat low carb but thanksgiving day I am eating , the dinner the rolls the pie LOL then friday I am back to eating low carb /keto and short term fasting 18/6 .
  • yep eggs, bacon, sausage , chicken , veggies (broc and cauli) and cheese , olives . once in awhile I will have pork or steak .
  • 1st pic at my step daughters wedding , second pic today 79 pounds down !!!
  • sw 413 cw 400
  • sw 413 cw 401 days under goal 22 exercise , 4 times a week at gym but try to walk 5000 steps a day at home or gym .. 2 days this week I only got 3000 feeling good , been fasting , eating keto . 3 pounds down since last weigh in.
  • yes yes you are right , there is a Dr. Fung who talks about this in his books and on his videos , look him up on youtube , his book is The Obesity Code .
  • sw 413 cw 404 fasting so eating under goal calories , 16 days under went 42 hours in my fast last 2 days , so my 404 might go up tomorrow , hopefully not to far up . working out 3 days a week , but trying for 5000 steps a day . 9 pounds so far . thank you @CheezWhiz88
  • sw 413 cw 409 exercising Gym and working at home , doing my 5000 steps a day if I can. doing some fasting on a 42 hour one right now . 4 pounds lost so far .
  • I do less then 10 but I am doing keto diet with intermittent fasting 18 / 6 most days some 20/4 and 1 42 hour fast . I am also going to the gym 3 times a week and trying to walk 5000 steps a day .
  • that is awesome , see i would do that and like it !! you are lucky , really
  • 10/5 starting weight 413 exercise . walking , cleaning the house , want to pick up to at lease 5000 a day. 4 days 5000 + steps per day days under calorie goal . 8 will weigh once a week on Mondays . weigh in 409 ... total 4 pounds down ....also did a 42 hour fast this past weekend , sugars are perfect , so happy I did it ,…
  • @Mellykay88 You look amazing , so happy for you . I can not wait to be 180 down !!! thank you for showing the pics.
  • 3 days in a row over 5000 steps .....also joined a gym planet fitness , walked 18 mins first day and today walked 25 mins . wow that is huge for me . I am in pain , but i am ok with it .
  • oct 5 th 10/5 starting weight 413 exercise . walking , cleaning the house , want to pick up to at lease 5000 a day. last 2 days hit my 5000 steps days under calorie goal . 5 will weigh once a week on Mondays . couldn't wait for monday , down to 412
  • 10/1 starting weight 413 exercise . walking , cleaning the house , most days 2000 to 4000 steps want to pick that up to at lease 5000 a day. days under calorie goal . 1 will weigh once a week on Mondays .
  • we can do that !! I will !!
  • Thank You so Much!!!