PigHerder Member


  • Linzi, I wasn't being rude or patronizing you. I was pointing out a fact. You are routinely eating less than the recommended calories for a two year old - and exercising on top of that. That's not good. You need to eat more. If you don't want to eat bigger portions, then think about how you can add calories when preparing…
  • Holy cow! That's a massive loss! How does it feel not to be carrying a 140lb/10st person around all day? :)
  • Linzi, you need to be eating at least 1200 calories a day - more on days when you are exercising. Also, you don't have much to lose, so it will come off very slowly. 0.5lbs a week is probably perfect for your height and weight. Reset your expectations, start eating like an adult rather than a toddler, and realise this will…
  • People, please stop starving yourselves. You might get short term losses that way, but you aren't learning anything about how to maintain your weight in the long term. You're setting yourselves up to fail, and risking physical damage to your body for good measure. Also, I imagine it's completely miserable. You are not a…
  • Update! I've lost 13lbs in the my first 6 weeks. After the big loss in Week 1, it's been an average of 1.5lbs a week, which is exactly what I was hoping for during the first few months. I'm now 4lbs away from hitting my first big goal: No longer being obese! I'm optimistic I'll get there by Christmas. :) LOVING MFP. So, so…
  • I've said it to a few people on here who seem to be (a) embracing extreme and completely unnecessary deprivation, or (b) beating themselves up or sinking into despair because their weight has gone up or stayed steady for a few weeks. But it's a useful maxim for me too - a reminder to put myself first sometimes. This weight…
  • 7.25lbs down from 31st Oct. *happy dance* :) If the scale keeps cooperating, I should hit my 10lbs challenge loss in mid December! So I'm going to to shoot for an extra 2lbs by New Years.
  • I pre-log the night before, with guesstimates. Then course correct with specifics as the day goes by! Helps me stay within my calorie goal, but more importantly, knowing what I'm going to be eating keeps me on the straight and narrow, especially when I get home after work and I'm feeling tired and lazy, and inclined to…
  • Good grief, JellyyBeanz. Please eat more! This will be a very slow process for you because you don't have much to lose (you're already a healthy weight), so plug in your stats, set your loss to 0.5lb a week, and enjoy your full calorie allowance. It'll be a much more pleasant journey for you. You don't need to starve…
  • Ladies, you've got this. Stick to your calorie allowance, log accurately, and amazing things will follow. <3
  • I don't think you can automatically add a specific food to every day of your diary, but if it's something you have every day, you can use the Quick Add tool and choose Copy from Yesterday option. Takes no time at all. And once your "Frequent" lists stack up, it also makes it really easy to add your regular choices.
  • Well, the good news is that you know the whole process of logging and creating a calorie deficit works because you've done it before. :) And while the exercise bit helps, your diet is by FAR the biggest factor in weight loss - so don't worry if you struggle to get time to exercise during the week. Maybe just focus on the…
  • What kind of tips are you looking for?
  • Hello. You don't need to cut out candy and pop. ;) You just need to figure out how many calories you need to eat to create a calorie deficit (MFP does this for you), and then eat accordingly. That may mean carefully logging what you eat to make sure you're not accidentally eating more than you think. And if you want to…
  • Welcome! I'll send you an invite. :smile:
  • This is personal choice I think, and probably depends on what kind of person you are. Personally, I like to weigh myself first thing every morning and log my weight on the Happy Scale app. It smooths out all the fluctuations, and shows me my overall trend, which I find weirdly comforting, especially on days when my weight…
  • Just checking in - I'm 6lbs down since I started the challenge on Oct 31st. Definitely on track to crank out another 4+ during the last 5 weeks of the year! B)
  • Are you me? :) Invite on its way.
  • Apart from the fact that eating like this every day sounds depressing as hell (sorry - maybe you like it, but I'd die of boredom on day three), that "every day" diet sounded calorie-light. I just ran your normal day through my own diary so see how it shakes out and it came out to 1199 calories a day. 301 calories under…
  • Ladies, this is so interesting. I'm only a month into my journey, so it's lovely to see so many of you have made it to the other side and maintained! I'm 5ft 2.5. I started at 186. Currently 177, and shooting for 126 to put me slap bang in the middle of the healthy BMI range - and I can not even begin to imagine what I…
  • So many great recipes around for herbivores. One of my top sites is Minimalist Baker. Just easy (and delicious!) plant-based recipes requiring 10 ingredients or less, 1 bowl, or 30 minutes or less to prepare: https://minimalistbaker.com/
  • Hi @gr3ychik3n. Sorry to hear your tale. Where about in the UK are you? I live in Scotland and there are lots of organisations up here that operate outside of the NHS that support people in similar situations. My mother worked for one for several years, and worked with clients with the same kind of challenges you have.…
  • Be kinder to yourself, Irene. <3 Elphaba is right. Any method of calorie restriction works, but if you can't sustain it in the long term, then it's not really solving your core problem. What happens in the unlikely event that you can keep this up for the months/years it will take to lose the weight? As soon as you start…
  • It's less about macros and more about your overall calorie intake. But you can track them both here - for free! :smile: You'll need to be pretty accurate with your tracking the closer you get to goal, but there are loads of people to help if you get stuck. So welcome and good luck!
  • Keto/Low carb is just one way of reducing your calorie intake, and it works fine as a weightloss strategy if you genuinely enjoy eating that way. I am very much a "CARBS = LIFE" person, and would keel over and die after three days on Keto. :smile: My big issue with Keto is the "what happens when you reach your goal" part.…
  • Same. Data monkey here. I love me a good spreadsheet. If you're not that way inclined I can see why all the data in MFP might be overwhelming, but it you're a data nerd, it's very interesting...
  • Your height means your numbers will be low (I feel you - similar situation here!), but you definitely shouldn't be eating any less than 1200 a day. But the "I can't lose" thing just isn't true. I'm sure you're a very special person, but you are not personally defying the laws of nature. Your logging might need some work.…
  • I like your style, my friend. Good luck to you. :)