

  • Robert Pattinson. He was cute in Harry Potter, but since then I dont think he's good looking at all.
  • I like working with the married men. I feel it's easier to talk to them. Women are harder on other women, so I feel it's inappropriate to act my age with other women; I feel like I need to act strictly professional all the time. But with the married men, I like to believe (and hope it's true) that they're not skeeving on…
  • I wonder that too, and I don't think I'm too funny either. But I request the people who are realistic and funny also.
  • I go to a smaller gym so our level is probably like a 5..
  • On fridays I like to get an egg white omelette with tomatoes, onions, spinach and some feta. YUM.
  • In my family, for the adults, we just make it part of Sunday dinner, the cake is just dessert and we give them cards. It's just hanging out with "Oh, by the way, happy birthday". It's their last birthday before being in their 30's, I understand why they'd want to celebrate it if they wanted. Tell your husband to go without…
    in Birthdays Comment by jly33403 July 2012
  • @ashtynplatt: yes, you look so friendly too!
  • The fact that you just said "'tude" and "rawr"...plus a fun picture
  • My mom and I work with the same company, both desk jobs, but different departments. She's jealous because I get to wear my sandals that have a thong, and she doesn't because people in her area don't understand the concept of "No rubber flip-flops". My boss is really cool with being a little lenient with our dress codes.…
    in Dress Code Comment by jly33403 July 2012
  • Right? I'm in a philly suburb and one of the cheapest around here is $1350
  • I'll be 22 in a month, and I'm a recent college graduate. I make $15 an hour and in a month I make about $1900. I still live with my parents and give them about 600 dollars a month which covers groceries, phone bill and my insurance payments. Next month I'll start paying them an additional $400 a month for student loans,…
  • I'm glad it worked for you. I would say just start a casual conversation if she's not in the middle of her work out, say at the water fountain. And keep it pretty brief, so both of you can get back to work. Try again next time, and if she seems flippant, then stop.
  • Well, to be fair, I wouldn't want anything that size in my eye.
  • I also hated the Fifty Shades books. I took it on vacation and forgot to pack others, so I tried getting through it. I had to find a shop that sold books in English because it was so awful.
  • Friday and Saturday when I was feeling a little down, I got myself to the gym and burned a little more than my recommended goal. I also ran for four minutes straight when two weeks ago I struggled with two minutes.
  • I normally force myself to go. I get on the treadmill for ten minutes. After that time if I'm still not feeling it I leave. Sometimes forcing myself to do it makes me feel better, and sometimes I know it won't happen. It's not easy to get myself there. Even if it's only ten or so minutes at least you tried. I always feel…
  • I think the issue is more along the lines that the poster is not comfortable with this man seeing her naked. She prepared herself for a bunch of women to see her naked. It doesn't matter that he might be interested in her sexually, it is a person that she is uncomfortable with seeing her naked. We all have our own comfort…
  • I'm almost 22 5'5" and 218 pounds. I have always been one of the chubbier girls, but in high school I cheered on my high team and an Allstar team, while doing gymnastics as well. Being that active I could maintain my weight while still eating the awful things I wanted. I was only slightly unhappy with my weight. Once I got…
  • I drink vodka and water with a little splash of cranberry with a lime. Must be cold though, do not ask for no ice. Less vodka, but warm is slightly repulsive.
  • I say keep flaunting it! Normally I am against saying people are jealous, but in this case I have to say she definitely is. You've worked hard for how you look now and I wouldn't hide that. also a good testament of your friendship that she stuck up for you; a lot of people would just say "yea" and leave it at that.…
  • No but we have private "Touchdown" rooms for cell phone calls, and sometimes I go in there and do some wall sits or squats when I need a break from thinking.
  • In Pennsylvania it's taxed.
  • Haha yeah, I realized after I posted it, and figured everyone knew what I meant. Dad would kill me if he saw that, long day at the office I guess. Sorry, Harley people. I'm ashamed.
  • My dad has a Harley Dinoglide, and I want my own so badly. Because of how dangerous they are, he won't let me get one while I'm living under his roof. Once I move out though, I hope to save enough to buy my own, preferably pink with some sort of glitter.
  • ashtynplatt: yep, cute smile
  • I have a water bottle from college that marks two cups. Then I split my day into four, two hour parts. then I make sure I drink the two cups by the time the two hours is up. I add more water in by drinking it with dinner, and drinking two water bottles full at the gym. I usually have naturally flavored water by throwing…
  • I normally drink vodka and water, then when the drunchies kick in, rather than going to Taco Bell or some sort, I convince my friends to go to the diner. There my friends can get their bacon and whatever while I get an egg white omelet with broccoli or spinach.
    in Alcohol! Comment by jly33403 July 2012
  • Next time they bring it up I would just say something about how thats personal and would rather not discuss it. Then just change the subject. They should get the hint.