VO2Maxlet Member


  • @yirara. I measure my runs on the run portion of the workout as designated by Garmin. The first portion is the warmup and then the "cool down" but that was me just having fun. The portion where it's gray and flat is the measured target pace for the actual run portion. I will stop my runs when I'm doing Zone 2 training to…
  • On top of today, I also got blisters on my foot. I know my moleskin setup today was bad, since I couldn't cover the entire ball of my foot, but does anyone use special running socks to help remedy these things?
  • @noblsheep these shoes look like they're made to make you go fast. I like 'em! @chris_in_cal you're gonna end up killing the next 5K next year. @martaindale definitely enjoy the escape! @quilteryoyo no advice goes unheard. I've really been thinking about ramping up the training to not Z2 and just by feel. My fear is injury…
  • @AmunahSki pathetic PRs?! Those are amazing. Truly a runner in the making with a disciplined approach. This is awesome stuff. 45 .minute 5K may not be impressive in terms of speed, but you're absolutely killing it with consistency, with the slow and steady discipline. Don't stop--rest obviously, so yes, stop running for a…
  • Yesterday I only managed to run 3 miles on the treadmill. It was evening and the only things I consumed were a part of half a Panera sandwich, a part of Panera Mac and too much diet Pepsi and coffee to count. Someone had a free drink subscription to Panera so every other hour I would jog to Panera bread, since apparently…
  • @tarun_yadavA nice! Looks like fun! @ContraryMaryMary this is the type of consistency I aim for. Lol @jem302 I used to wake up at 4:45 for workouts. Out the door. Run to the gym. Slip on black ice. Back with an hour to spare. It was honestly great. I napped during my lunch hour which made me feel even better throughout the…
  • @chris_in_cal I'm somewhat of a morning runner. I used to do evening runs. Fast. Eat rice at ~3PM. Run ~4:30PM. Now I just run whenever I know I won't have meetings somewhere in the morning, fasted. Sometimes it's 6AM, sometimes it's 11AM, sometimes it's 9AM. Depends on the day. Somewhat rare for them to be the start of my…
  • @martaindale I need to get some of these salt tablets maybe. They seem like the hack according to these testimonials. I used Cure in some of my bottles. Not a fan of the taste but I'm no stranger to the food is fuel mentality. Currently using these Clif Bloks Energy. They're chews. I just see carbs on here and I assume…
  • On a side note, reading @yirara post (congrats on the diligence to get that extra mileage in without going into Z5 BTW) I recall using a very weird metric for bodybuilding kg of protein per lb of bodyweight or effectively kg/lb. I wonder what the runner equivalent would be of that. I initially thought km/mile but we don't…
  • Yesterday I only ran 4 miles--not 6. Unexpected day. A few friends I met in uni came to visit so I cut my run short. Not bad for Z2. I was caught two times going out of HR Zone. I guess my speed compared to Tuesday really does show how good rest is. Avg 126 BPM Max 141 BPM Avg 167 SPM Today, I wanted to have fun, so I ran…
  • @henridw2095 that's awesome. Boston's such a great city. Great food. Insanely commutable. People there are so nice. The water everywhere is fantastic. Definitely enjoy! I think the last time I went to Boston I tracked nearly 110K steps with two of the higher days near 50K steps each. Agreed on Pequods. My favorite. Not…
  • I never realized we posted goals, so I will be posting mine as not to get injured this month while ramping up mileage to 25-30 a week. @quilteryoyo I never read up on the book, but I did do my homework on the methodology. Garmin had me doing it for the 10K, and it took me about 4 weeks before I could consistently run…
  • @quilteryoyo bracing for impact. Congrats everyone on finishing up June strong. I just finished my 11 miler. Did it at a slow pace. I swear, every time I do a Z2 I go through all 5 stages of grief. Today's denial was "this is gonna be a great run" and the bargain was food. I passed an H-mart on the way back and wanted to…
  • 5 miler at Z2 yesterday. Super humid. I felt like I was dying and ran out of water during my last mile (luckily). Felt okay. I kept getting more angry at my HR level increasing out of zone. I recall this being a lot harder than it used to be when I did the Garmin 10K training which is an improvement, I hope. Avg 125 BPM…
  • @quilteryoyo I've been thinking so on rest but I need the mileage. My initial thought process was, if TRIMP or injury metrics are based on distance and HR, then if I pick a god and pray the HR is more weighted than the distance, I can decrease my risk for injury. This picture just tells me I'm overdue for an injury but so…
  • @quilteryoyo @martaindale I thought it was fairly normal to prohibit hydration vests. They don't exactly look safe in a public event given some history in the US. To quote the rules, they don't allow CamelBak type vests. The language seems to imply no hydration vests since they exclusively list things like bottles being…
  • @quilteryoyo I've looked into it, but they don't allow them on the marathon. Sticking with a good old water bottle. Just a little weird to run with a half empty bottle and liquid swishing around it. For my long run, I did 8.8 miles. Was aiming for 10. Had to cut it short due to the our checkout time and time to…
  • @martaindale duly noted. I forget who it was telling me to listen to my body but I've definitely got that ringing in my head every time I go for a run now. It echoes louder with your statements! @shanaber don't get me wrong. I am terrified. I signed up to raise money for rabbits. Absolutely adore these animals. I could…
  • Did my pace run on the treadmill. 7 mph for the first 3 miles. I honestly didn't think I had it in me. Been about 2 years since I ran that pace. Back then I would feel really bad around the 15 minute mark and then second wind hits to finish up the last 15 minutes. This time felt strong throughout. My only issue was eating…
  • @ContraryMaryMary a little adds up so fast! Glad you're getting up to a spot where you want to be to consistently smoke Harry! @quilteryoyo I was told for one of them that they've had break-ins and having their things stolen. Apparently it's pretty common to get kicked out. If I were closer to the metro area, I could just…
  • @martaindale I agree. buildup is intense. It scares me just looking at it every day. Yeah, I wasn't sure how to account for that. I believe it was near the middle of the night, I was getting scared just making it, and my brain couldn't figure out "just add 5 to the total weekly mileage" when I was creating this. It is,…
  • I ended up running yesterday. For about 4 miles. The first few were allotted to me trying to find someone's parking garage to use as an incline for hill runs. There are hills around me, but I have strong opinions against driving 30 minutes out to run and then 20 minutes to come back home for a 15-25 minute workout.…
  • Market's are closed today so I have the day off. Yesterday, I had near 50 g of fiber from eating two packs of edamame and some broccoli. Last night, I spent about an hour past midnight talking to a friend from uni. He's currently in South Africa on what I consider to be a sabbatical. He had just started his job and the man…
  • @ContraryMaryMary ditto on the sweat. But I'm not opposed to multiple showers a day. It's a bit of a pain though with running out of clothes for the week so sometimes I have to plan that out. The cutback is starting to sound a lot more desirable. I'm hesitant on it, but if it means I'm coming back better and mitigating…
  • Happy with my run today. Average was 153. Max was 169. I usually walk for my warm-up/cool down but I decided to jog instead to prepare for the mileage ramp up. Got my cadence in the average of 177.
  • @quilteryoyo that's my worry too. I've heard the rule of thumb is no more than 10-12% per month. After some naive calculations, it'll take me ~8 weeks to do this. Achieve both the mileage and the long run. I'd need to ramp up the mileage by 12% each week. That would leave me with 8 weeks to train tempos. My initial…
  • @SummerSkier those look sick! Color is everything. I'm a firm believer that black shoes are equivalent to 5 pound ankle sandbags. The lighter the color, the faster you go. @daria0919 I used to be the same with my garmin. My hand would go numb, I would wake up in the middle of the night, literally throw it at the door, and…
  • Easy run today. It was supposed to be 30 minutes. But I ended up running 25 minutes. My body died from the humidity/heat. The sun hits me; I cook. Ended up getting a blister on my left pinkie toe. I need to practice running more in this weather. I used to be a night runner so the heat wouldn't attack me as bad. 95°F (35°C)…
  • @TheMrWobbly ain't no better time to start than today! @quilteryoyo I keep the lights on for a certain corner of hedge funds. Before this I was on a family office's R&D team for algorithmic trading. @tarun_yadavA that chocolate haul looks awesome! Never tried those before. How were they? @daria0919 nice job on the 5K!…
  • @ContraryMaryMary interesting. I don't see this feature. I'll finagle around with the app to see if I can get it to appear