JUNE 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,504 Member
    Neighborhood 1Mile (at 12"45 pace). streak day 49

    An easy slow run. Sunny and cool. Lots of neighbors out walking their dogs.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    June 4 – 5.27 miles
    June 5 – 1.25 miles
    June 6 – 5.06 miles
    June 8 – 8.06 miles
    June 10 – 5.14 miles
    June 12 – 5.04 miles
    June 14 – 5.03 miles
    June 16 – 4.01 miles
    June 19 – 5.19 miles
    Total 44.05 miles

    5 miles this morning. Running solo this morning so I waited about 30 minutes past my usual start time to get closer to daylight.

    Congratulations on placing 3rd in your age group @Laurz9191!

    Welcome back @noblsheep! Good to see you rejoin the group.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    @VO2Maxlet I hope you can figure out a sound plan to get you to your marathon goal. Just listen to your body and take it easier and take breaks as necessary. You don't want another big injury to set you back to square one again. Nice run yesterday.

    Great job getting out the door @kgirlhart !

    Very nice @ContraryMaryMary . Garmin is so generous with it's comments. :wink:

    You're doing great with your streak @chris_in_cal !

    Welcome back @noblsheep ! If you've already completed 10 weeks of being consistent, I'd say you are back! Keep up the good work and can't wait to cheer you on as you progress to 10K.

    Nice running @Laurz9191 . You're doing great squeezing in your runs between lives necessities.

    You're so consistent @tarun_yadavA . It's an inspiration.

    Nice run this morning @Teresa502 .
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    June 1 - Walk 0.70 miles - Ran 1.40 miles - driveway laps - trimmed trees
    June 2 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 3 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 1.15 miles - driveway laps - Gym 21:03 - trimmed trees
    June 4 - Walk 1.09 miles - Ran 1.66 miles - driveway laps
    June 5 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill wun - Gym 45:31 - trimmed trees and fell
    June 6 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill - Gym 46:51
    June 7 - Walk 1.25 miles - Ran 1.75 miles - driveway laps - push mowed at mom's
    June 8 - Walk 4.10 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - driveway laps wun - trimmed trees
    June 9 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 10 - Walk 1.10 miles - Ran 1.40 miles - driveway laps - Gym 42:19
    June 11 - Walk 1.20 miles - Ran 1.80 miles - driveway laps
    June 12 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill - Gym 37:32 - tennis 1h36m31s
    June 13 - Walk 0.80 miles - Ran 2.20 miles - driveway wun
    June 14 - Walk 2.25 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - driveway wun - Gym 30:56 min
    June 15 - Walk 1.44 miles - Ran 1.56 miles - driveway wun - trimmed trees
    June 16 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 17 - Walk 1.25 miles - Ran 2.25 miles - treadmill - Gym 39:11
    June 18 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - driveway wun - 89°F
    June 19 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 2.00 miles - driveway wun - 81°F

    45.35/80.0 mile goal

    I went to the gym this morning. My workout was a lot of legs and arms.

    I went out for a driveway wun around noon. It was only 81F (27.2C) with a steady light breeze, so it didn't feel too hot, but the run was hard due to my legs already being tired. My plan called for 8 x 2/1min run/walk. I did 0.35 mile warm up then ran/walked 9 x 2/1 min in order to get to 2 miles, then walked 0.65 miles for cool down. Avg "running" pace was 13:37 min/mile. Avg HR was 130 with a max of 155.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    edited June 19
    Thursday 10k this morning. Tired legs but getting it done regardless.

    Interestingly, this is the exact same 10k as two weeks ago, and while that one felt great and easy, it was only 22 seconds faster than today (1:01:12 vs 1:01:35), which felt far more like a plod and had a bunch of walking breaks on the worst of the hills.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    It is interesting how the same run can feel so different @ContraryMaryMary . You did great.

    @steviebee888 I agree. If you are have upcoming races, you do need to try to get out and replicate the conditions as much as possible. You did great in those conditions.
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    edited June 20
    @ContraryMaryMary ditto on the sweat. But I'm not opposed to multiple showers a day. It's a bit of a pain though with running out of clothes for the week so sometimes I have to plan that out. The cutback is starting to sound a lot more desirable. I'm hesitant on it, but if it means I'm coming back better and mitigating injury, then I should be all for it. I'll see if I can bake it in to my schedule!

    Nice job on the 10K! Even if it did feel a little sluggish. We all have those days.

    @noblsheep I know the feeling of stopping. Mainly due to injury though. Let's get that 10K!

    @Laurz9191 thank you! I welcome all advice so no advice is unsolicited! Although, having fun is usually the cause for most of my injuries. Do you have speed work in your marathon training schedule too? I baked them into mine, but I'm afraid the frequency might have been too much. We'll see how I do in practice. I'll be relying on a few Runalyze metrics and 10-12% increase rule to gauge my injury risk--along with listening to my body of course.

    @quilteryoyo definitely! I carved out a schedule. We'll see how I do with it in practice!

    @steviebee888 running in the humidity ain't a joke. Nice job on getting it done!

    @chris_in_cal nice pace for a nice run! keep at it!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,264 Member
    @VO2Maxlet Your plans look solid. The build up is pretty intense because of the timeline but you managed to avoid huge jumps from week to week though your more intense plan undersells the mileage a bit. It doesn't look like your hills/intervals day is added in because the weekly mileage is identical to the second plan.

    I can't remember if this is your first marathon. You mentioned training for shorter distances in your post. Your more intense plan is similar organizationally and mileage wise to what I did to train for my marathon: 1 long run, 1 speed day, 1 race pace, 3 easy. The fatigue was real. I think about halfway through I converted the speed workouts to expected mileage and ran them easy.

    I'm not sure what the ITG or DDR entails. Did that say 3-5 hours?

    I usually use Hanson's for training which is 6 days a week but he definitely has the philosophy that you get better at running by running so he doesn't focus on cross training or strength training. His philosophy on strength training was basically adding in a few bodyweight exercises at the end of your easy run days. All that to say, I'm not sure that I personally could do 3 to 5 hours of strength training and this level of mileage without getting totally burned out or potentially injuring myself. Just something to keep in mind. If you're not currently doing that level of strength training, you might want to consider taking a more tailored approach to strength training while you're building up your mileage and then use the time after your marathon to get better about incorporating that into your week.

    I'm not totally sure how you will fit cutback weeks into such a tight timeline.

    It is a pretty tight timeline, but if you are consistent and stay healthy, it looks like it would get you there in good shape!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    @martaindale I hope they get the system fixed and that you are able to nab a spot. Sorry you had to wait 3 hours. That's the worst.

    Glad you enjoyed your run in @kgrilhart and hope the headache went away.

    I say CONGRATULATIONS too @chris_in_cal ! Awesome.

    @VO2Maxlet I laughed at sprinting to get across the street before you would have to stop for the light. I've been known to do that too. Glad the nap and food helped you mentally feel better. You analyze things way more than I do - not judging. I know that is you and you need to do you. I just tend to go out and run/walk, following some sort of plan if I need it for motivation or training for a specific race.