JUNE 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    What a beautiful place to run @Laurz9191 . I'm glad you enjoyed the easier run.

    I'm glad your running is felling good again @ContraryMaryMary , whatever the reason.

    You did great today @martaindale . Great job on figuring out the technology synchronization.

    Glad your therapist cleared you for running @VO2Maxlet . I hope it doesn't give you any trouble tomorrow.
  • Laurz9191
    Laurz9191 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I had such a nice run this morning. It took forever to get my workout synced to my Garmin but finally I got it to work and then off I went listening to an audio book for 1hr20 minutes of easy running. This was followed by 20 minutes of fast running to music which felt so good to be able to do on tired legs. I was planning to run this part at marathon pace but actually ended up quite a bit faster than that. It just felt good to change the pace.

    The weather here seems to have reverted back to winter. I needed long socks and a jacket (at least at the start). It was under 10C (50F). I am really going to suffer when it warms up around here!

    80.8/200km for June.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    I'm pulling for you @chris_in_cal !

    Nice run @tarun_yadavA . Enjoy your time with your mom, even if it is going to a doctor's appointment.

    Sounds like a great run @Laurz9191 ! We've had pretty good weather here in E TN, but it's going to get into the 90 (32.2C) s later in the week. I'm not looking forward to that.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    I'm pulling for you @chris_in_cal !

    Nice run @tarun_yadavA . Enjoy your time with your mom, even if it is going to a doctor's appointment.

    Sounds like a great run @Laurz9191 ! We've had pretty good weather here in E TN, but it's going to get into the 90 (32.2C) s later in the week. I'm not looking forward to that.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    @chris_in_cal here's a 👍🏽 up for your 500 day MFP streak.
    Thanks, that was my mic drop on the old newsfeed feature.

  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 962 Member
    @chris_in_cal here's a 👍🏽 up for your 500 day MFP streak.
    Thanks, that was my mic drop on the old newsfeed feature.

    Congrats on your 500 day streak @chris_in_cal! I still get the newsfeed, for now.

    Once the feed is gone, is there somewhere else where the streak count still shows up, or will it be lost forever?
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    @Laurz9191 loving it. Long easy runs are so calming and refreshing. Hoping better running weather comes along instead of being attacked by the heat.

    20 minute easy run. Really need to keep my speed in check. Avg 160 SPM, need to get that to an average of 180 SPM.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    @daria0919 My streak count still shows up on the home page when I log into MFP on my laptop, which no longer has the newsfeed. I think it is interesting that earlier today, I still had the newsfeed on my phone.

    Great run @VO2Maxlet .
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    June 1 - Walk 0.70 miles - Ran 1.40 miles - driveway laps - trimmed trees
    June 2 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 3 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 1.15 miles - driveway laps - Gym 21:03 - trimmed trees
    June 4 - Walk 1.09 miles - Ran 1.66 miles - driveway laps
    June 5 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill wun - Gym 45:31 - trimmed trees and fell
    June 6 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill - Gym 46:51
    June 7 - Walk 1.25 miles - Ran 1.75 miles - driveway laps - push mowed at mom's
    June 8 - Walk 4.10 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - driveway laps wun - trimmed trees
    June 9 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 10 - Walk 1.10 miles - Ran 1.40 miles - driveway laps - Gym 42:19
    June 11 - Walk1.20 miles - Ran 1.80 miles - driveway laps

    26.60/80.0 mile goal

    I did a driveway wun this morning. I walked 0.5 miles for warm up, then did a 1/1 min run/walk x 12, then walked 0.7 miles for cool down. It wasn't horrible. Pace was pretty slow, but better than yesterday. Avg was 13:37 min/mile. Overall, the avg HR was 128 with a max of 152 bpm.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 962 Member
    @daria0919 My streak count still shows up on the home page when I log into MFP on my laptop, which no longer has the newsfeed. I think it is interesting that earlier today, I still had the newsfeed on my phone .

    Ok - @quilteryoyo I have only used the App, never a computer. I finally found it on the App when I touch “more” on the bottom right. Thanks!