JUNE 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    June 1 - Walk 0.70 miles - Ran 1.40 miles - driveway laps - trimmed trees
    June 2 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 3 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 1.15 miles - driveway laps - Gym 21:03 - trimmed trees
    June 4 - Walk 1.09 miles - Ran 1.66 miles - driveway laps
    June 5 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill wun - Gym 45:31 - trimmed tress and fell
    June 6 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill - Gym 46:51
    June 7 - Walk 1.25 miles - Ran 1.75 miles - driveway laps - push mowed at mom's

    16.00/80.0 mile goal

    I did a driveway wun. Following my plan, I walked half a mile for warm up and then did a run/walk of 1/1 min x 12, then walked 0.75 miles for cool down. The "run" was slow for my effort. Avg pace was 13:51 min/mile. Avg HR for the entire 3 miles was 132 with a max of 154 bpm.

    This afternoon, mom, William (neighbor) and I mowed mom's lawn. I push mowed for about 22 min. Mom had push mowed for almost an hour. I really don't know how she does it at 88 yo.
  • steviebee888
    steviebee888 Posts: 902 Member
    Today, I ran/walked 1.8 miles. Total: 7.1/40. Trying to understand the drill workout on my Garmin training program. It’s not really clear on what I should be doing. Going to have to do some research. 🧐
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    You did great @steviebee888 . I haven't used a Garmin training plan yet. If you can't figure out what it is wanting you to do, just ask here. I'm sure someone will be able to help you out.
  • steviebee888
    steviebee888 Posts: 902 Member
    @quilteryoyo Thank you. ☺️ Currently, I’ve just been doing my normal run/walk until I clearly understand that drill workout
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,237 Member
    @henridw2095 ♥️new shoes!! I use the machs as well and really like them. Enough cushion for longer runs but springy for workouts and racing.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    @martaindale You did great to get out and run when you are that sore. WTG!

    Yeah @chris_in_cal ! I knew you could. Keep it up.

    @tarun_yadavA Oh no. I hope your son feels better soon and no one else in the family gets sick. Good job taking advantage of the situation and getting your run in early.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,098 Member
    June Goal: 215 Miles

    6/2: 11.02 miles
    6/3: 3.15 miles
    6/4: 6.26 miles
    6/5: 1.10 miles
    6/6: 6.27 miles
    6/7: 6.51 miles

    34.31/125 miles completed for June

    I didn't post yesterday, but I did get out and run 6.5 miles. It was another pretty pleasant morning. 75°F, dew point 66°, humidity 73% and 8 mph winds. It wasn't perfect running weather, but that's about as good as it will be in Texas in June. I'm taking today as my rest day and tomorrow I will try to get out early for my long run.


  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,807 Member
    I got out at 5:45 this morning and ran 8 miles. Wore my new Asics and they felt pretty good. The temp was only 51F so it was a perfect June morning. I love hearing all the birds chirping at this time of morning and watching the sky turn from dawn to daylight.

    @daria0919 - I hope your knee is back to normal and @quilteryoyo - glad the injury to your hand wasn't worse. Hopefully your fingers are also getting back to normal.
    @tarun_yadavA - Glad you were able to get meds early; hopefully your youngest will be fully recovered soon.
    Sorry about the loss of your friend @chris_in_cal.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,303 Member
    Sounds like a nice run this morning @emptydog . I hope you enjoy your 5K this weekend.

    I really like that picture too @AlphaHowls ! Great running.

    You did great getting the run in @chris_in_cal . So sorry to hear about your friend.

    Great run this morning @Teresa502 . The weather was pretty perfect this morning. Thanks for the good wishes on my fingers. They are still a little swollen, but they continue to be better every day. They should be back to normal soon.