JUNE 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    edited June 15
    @quilteryoyo I'm not sure if this should be considered nice running considering these are supposed to be rest/easy runs. For the last few runs I have been breaking the regiment a bit. Also, nope! No pain in the tibia or shin! They just burn my soles whenever I don't wear moleskin, but honestly, that's any pair of shoes I run with.

    @shanaber yes. It's Garmin. Fitness age is 22 but every time I look at my VO2 max I'm reminded of just how average I am. I will never amount to being a freak of human nature managing to run at 5:30min/mile for a marathon.

    How do you like the Apple Watch? I
    My wife has one and it looks so slick. The current year is 2024 and the only company that can make a device with such seamless UI and some of the haptic feedback I've felt is Apple. The Garmin watch sometimes feels laggy even though the FRs can go as high $500. Although I cheaped out with a Venu 2S

    "Rest" day today. I think I can call it rest considering I barely even hit my Zone 5.

    PIU/ITG session today at the arcade. Think Dance Dance Revolution.
    Average HR 139
    Maximum HR 190

    I'm not sure what other metric could be used here. I would like to know my SPM, but cardio function doesn't track it.
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    @Laurz9191 I have to agree with @quilteryoyo here. >5year age difference in fitness space sounds pretty impressive. I don't know the exact form for fitness age on Garmin, but assuming it's correlated to VO2 max, then i assume the further you go out in real age, the harder it is for you to attain a VO2 max that is more in line with someone a year or two younger than you. Even more difficult if it's a 5 year gap. Likewise, it's easier for a 25 year old to get a fitness age of near 20 simply because they're younger and the body can recover much more easily.

    Again, I don't know the exact form, I'm just assuming because Garmin really likes to humiliate encourage you to look at your fitness age when you look at your VO2 max.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    WOW! Congratulations @ContraryMaryMary ! That's fantastic and I love that you beat the little ginger kid. :smiley:

    Very nice @chris_in_cal . Enjoy the beach runs!

    You are doing great @shanaber ! I love that you and DD are working together to get your steps in.

    @VO2Maxlet I thing you are right and your run today was not a rest day - hitting 190 bpm HR is definitely NOT an easy run. :wink: Have fun at the arcade.

    Nice run @tarun_yadavA . Your trip to Germany sounds like fun.
  • steviebee888
    steviebee888 Posts: 909 Member
    Today, I ran/walked 4 pavement miles. With today's run/walk, I'm over half of my goal of 40 miles. Total: 20.9/40. WooHoo! :)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    You're doing great @steviebee888 .

    June 1 - Walk 0.70 miles - Ran 1.40 miles - driveway laps - trimmed trees
    June 2 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 3 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 1.15 miles - driveway laps - Gym 21:03 - trimmed trees
    June 4 - Walk 1.09 miles - Ran 1.66 miles - driveway laps
    June 5 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill wun - Gym 45:31 - trimmed trees and fell
    June 6 - Walk 2.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill - Gym 46:51
    June 7 - Walk 1.25 miles - Ran 1.75 miles - driveway laps - push mowed at mom's
    June 8 - Walk 4.10 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - driveway laps wun - trimmed trees
    June 9 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill
    June 10 - Walk 1.10 miles - Ran 1.40 miles - driveway laps - Gym 42:19
    June 11 - Walk 1.20 miles - Ran 1.80 miles - driveway laps
    June 12 - Walk 1.00 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - treadmill - Gym 37:32 - tennis 1h36m31s
    June 13 - Walk 0.80 miles - Ran 2.20 miles - driveway wun
    June 14 - Walk 2.25 miles - Ran 0.00 miles - driveway wun - Gym 30:56 min
    June 15 - Walk 1.44 miles - Ran 1.56 miles - driveway wun - trimmed trees

    35.85/80.0 mile goal

    I got up earlier than normal on a Saturday morning so I could get a longer run in before mom and worked some more on trimming trees along the driveway.

    I wasn't feeling the best, tummy issues, but went out to run at 8:50, about 20 min later than I had hoped. I was short on time, as I was supposed to get mom at 10 and I wanted time to cool down and rest a little first.

    I wasn't horrible, once I got started. I decided to do a wun and keep track of the running separately with the segments button. I walked 0.35 miles for warm up, ran/walked mostly 0.3/0.15 miles and then walked 0.5 miles for cool down. Avg running pace was 12:18 min/mile. Avg HR was 129 with a max of 153 bpm.

    I was a real sweaty mess when I finished (75F - 23.9C) and 78% humidity. It shouldn't have been that bad, but it was. Then, I just couldn't get cooled down and was still dripping sweat 20 min later, in the AC. I finally went to the potty and cleaned out my colon. :wink: TMI? I was dripping sweat in the floor. I finally got cooled down and I felt better.

    I weighed myself, and after having eaten breakfast and coffee, running, and all the other stuff, I had lost over a pound from "right out of bed" weight.

    Mom and I did trim trees for about 1.5 hours (working time). We did 3 Gator loads. I guess I wasn't completely better because I had to take a couple of extra breaks I didn't feel I should have had to...mom was still working. :lol: I didn't take any before and after pictures today.

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,264 Member
    June total: 47.1/100 miles
    YTD: 435/1200 miles

    6/2: 4.9 miles
    6/3: 3.1 miles
    6/5: 8 miles
    6/7: 6.5 miles
    6/8: 2.8 miles
    6/10: 6.4 miles
    6/11: 3 miles
    6/12: 6.5 miles
    6/13: 3.3 miles
    6/15: 2.6 miles

    I had to work today and was feeling tired so I opted for a short easy treadmill run. After work we took my kid to see their boyfriend. My husband and I saw a movie while they climbed. Now we're sitting on the couch watching TV. We watched a documentary about a murder in a town with a population of 11. Intertbunch of characters!
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,504 Member
    Neighborhood 1Mile (at 12"54 pace). Day 47.

    I'm hot. Is summer almost over?
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    @steviebee888 Right on track to hit that mark!

    @AlphaHowls how are the Mizus? I've been expanding to new shoe territory. Hokas are okay. Asics are always my go to. OnCloud are the best for the first 10-30 miles and then I feel like they're worse than my oldest pair.

    @quilteryoyo that was an arcade session. My program doesn't have me doing intervals or stride sprints yet :disappointed: very nice with the run session though with the stomach issues. Hopefully tomorrow turns out better!

    @ContraryMaryMary Garmin really goes the extra mile to tell their users "you could do better". How are you getting it to tell you your unproductive though? The only way mine scolds me is by reminding me of my fitness age and VO2 Max constantly.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    @VO2Maxlet if you look under ‘performance stats’ and then go to ‘training status’ it’ll let you know how it thinks you’re doing. The only one worse than ‘unproductive’ is ‘detraining’. You want to get either ‘maintaining’, ‘productive’,‘peaking’, or ‘recovery’
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    Today I hit the treadmill. I woke up really late since I came home from the arcade yesterday at 2AM. Afterwards, tried to get a new inner tube for a bike, went to a food fest, ate a turkey leg and then ran on the treadmill by the end of the day. My vision is so bad. I can't be running at night like I used to.

    Garmin claims my average speed was 7:44 min/mile. I'm flattered. But that's not the case. I was running on it for 6.3 mph.


    Here it is with HR overlaid.


    So I took the data and normalized it accordingly to the pace of the treadmill. I honestly don't know where I got that 4.49 number in my data, but I'm too lazy and too tired to fix it. My predicted pacing is on the right. Regardless, my pace is pretty all over the place no matter what. Kind of to be expected-and probably more indicative of my cadence than anything.


    I took my recorded pace and got two numbers out of them. My average pace, which I think would be reflective of the treadmill pace I would be at if Garmin was correct. I also got my simple moving average (SMA) trend, because it may be more indicative of my steps per minute (SPM). In hindsight, this might've been was stupid, since if you're on a treadmill and your SPM increases you are still at the same treadmill pace, but I did it anyways.

    Once I had that, I calculated the signed distance from those two trends to the recorded pace.


    The 4-5 min/mile range is most likely from the point of me actually starting to run. It's probably safe to ignore that.

    The signed distance from the average is super far weighted to the right regardless, indicating that I probably accelerated a lot during the run. It was a long treadmill so I have the opportunity to change my static running in place position.


    Anyways, when I look at the histogram for the errors on the predicted pace, it's flipped. Now that I'm actually looking at it and thinking more critically, maybe it would've been worth it for me to omit the right tail of the errors in the previous histogram just to see where it really is weighted. This doesn't make much sense to me in terms of my scaling. But my desire was to reflect that an object moving at a high speed needs more time to slow down with some force. If we apply that same force to the same object moving slower, then it slows down faster. This reflects non-linear behavior because the impact of deceleration is more significant at higher speeds. However, this non-linear behavior does not apply in the same way to positive acceleration, where increasing speed does not follow the same proportional relationship.

    My running pace-or rather my cadence-is still varied pretty wildly, regardless of whether or not I was running slow or fast. Interesting considering my behavior is different on the ground.

    Easy run for Sunday. 30 minute run, easy pace.
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary interesting. I don't see this feature. I'll finagle around with the app to see if I can get it to appear
  • Laurz9191
    Laurz9191 Posts: 487 Member
    @tarun_yadavA That will be really cool to get to see a quarter finals game when you are in Berlin. As for bar suggestions, I really have to disappoint. I can’t remember ever going to a bar in Berlin. Museums however…. :). Although I must say my favourite thing to do when we are in Berlin is to visit the surround areas or just walk through the city. There are lakes and bike/foot paths everywhere and it’s a very green and clean capital city. You shouldn’t have any reason not to keep getting your daily runs in when you’re in Berlin. As you seem to be able to run no matter how many beers you’ve had the night before. It’s also completely flat. Not unlike Hamburg, if you switch port city stuff for culture stuff.

    @ContraryMaryMary I didn’t know Garmin had a “peaking” comment. Never got that one…. I have gotten the “unproductive” one several times.The last time being after I completed a 10 mile hike. I didn’t appreciate it.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    @martaindale Great job getting in a TM run after work. Sounds like a great evening and interesting movie.

    Great pace @chris_in_cal . Summer is almost over - in Australia. :lol:

    :lol:@ContraryMaryMary . I never agree with the productive/non productive evaluation of Garmin, but it is spot on with your fitness age. :wink:

    Thanks @VO2Maxlet . I do seem to be feeling better today. With all of those graphs, which I don't really understand, what do you do for a living? When I run on the treadmill, I always take the distance from the treadmill display, but use my calorie count from the Garmin. If you don't have a foot pod or have calibrated your Garmin to the TM, it is almost always off. I don't worry about too much else. LOL

    @TheMrWobbly Glad to see you back and hope you can figure out how to motivate yourself to get back to running. I don't like the loss of the newsfeed either. I mean, what's the point of having a friends list if you can't easily see what they are doing?

    Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there.