JULY 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,504 Member
    Off to Olympic Stadium now for Holland v Turkey ⚽
    Social Media is saying this was the best match in the tournament. How was it?

    German pretzels with cheese dip! 🤯

  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,764 Member
    edited July 6
    I’ll chime in on the morning run - I love the dawn and super early starts but I love my bed more, so unless I have an event, am meeting a friend, or have a jam-packed day, super early runs don’t happen. But I know that getting my run over and done with in the morning is great - it sets me up for the day. Fortunately, I only work part time, and from home, so I get to run after I drop my daughter at school, anywhere between 8 and 9am. It’s perfect. Not quite sure how things will pan out next year when she heads to junior high and will be catching the bus at 7:30…
  • Laurz9191
    Laurz9191 Posts: 487 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary That’s exactly when I do almost all of my runs too- right after drop off. Then it always feels good to go to work knowing I’ve already been so productive ;).

    Today, I overslept, so I couldn’t get my run in until late afternoon. I went on a very easy 9.5km and am hoping to work in another easy run tomorrow. I just will need to get up fairly early to squeeze it in.

    @tarun_yadavA I hope you enjoyed the game and are liking Berlin! I watched both on tv :) and found them very entertaining. And I was only half right on my prediction the other day. Too bad for Germany, but England gets to move on and I’m a bit glad Turkey didn’t win, because the fans are a bit too over the top for me. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    69.6/200km for June.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    I was never a morning person, but I started running before work because I just couldn't handle the heat. Now I love my early morning runs. It takes me about an hour to get going so I usually get up around 4:30 to get out the door around 5:30. I love running just as it is starting to get light out, but in the winter it is usually dark the whole time. I can usually get up good on the weekdays, because I have to go to work at 8, but on the weekends it is harder to get up early and I don't usually get out until 7 or 8.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,856 Member
    01.07 3.0km 25min 8:20/km - 10x very short interval
    04.07 5.7km 50min 8:49/km - run/walk
    05.07 3.6km 30min 8:21/km - slow
    07.07 4.1km 35min 8:29/km - slow

    total 16.42km

    Went ok, HR only went out of control in the last km, still had to walk three very short times though. Btw, I'm doing quicker strength training on non-running days. This seems to help as well in getting my HR down when being active.
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    @tarun_yadavA nice! Looks like fun!

    @ContraryMaryMary this is the type of consistency I aim for. Lol

    @jem302 I used to wake up at 4:45 for workouts. Out the door. Run to the gym. Slip on black ice. Back with an hour to spare. It was honestly great. I napped during my lunch hour which made me feel even better throughout the day. I stopped because I hated slipping. By the time summer rolled around I was used to the rush hour everyone-has-the-squat-or-bench reserved scenario so waiting 30 minutes between workouts was something I was accustomed to.

    @quilteryoyo happy birthday to your nieces! Looks like nice times!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    Well shoot. I had a post about ready and refreshed my page and lost it. So, I'll try again.

    Thanks @chris_in_cal . I don't have acid reflux as much as I used to. I should have known better than to eat something spicy just before going to bed. Nice running. I think I am the opposite of you though. I would much rather have the hills and dips at the beginning of the run when I'm fresh than at the end when I'm already tired. Nice longer run today! What is happening on Thursday?

    @henridw2095 Sorry you tested positive. I hope you continue to have only mild symptoms and get well quickly. I don't understand why people think it is okay to travel when they know they are sick.

    Thanks @VO2Maxlet . I would love to get a Garmin sleep score of 88. Mine averages between 50 and 75 with a few breaking those barriers on either extreme. Nice treadmill run yesterday. I'm not a huge Panera fan, so I wouldn't be tempted.

    Great running @Scott6255 . I've never tried those hydration drops. I'm really glad I didn't if that is what they taste like.

    Great running while on vacation @tarun_yadavA . Nice pictures. Enjoy the games.

    Nice running @jem302 . I think there are several on here who run that early. I AM NOT one of those. LOL

    Great running @Laurz9191 .

    @emptydog Congrats to you on the 5K. I think they should give a medal for having the most fun. :lol: Congrats to P too. I guess she just felt she could have done better. Is she super competitive with others and herself?

    @martaindale Good luck with the packing. I have never done laundry on vacation, but don't think I would like it either. LOL Sounds like you had a nice run yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the new restaurant.

    @AlphaHowls Beautiful sky for you run this morning.

    @ContraryMaryMary That's a huge contrast in running conditions and after run routine. You did great getting out there. I think that would have been really hard after the runs on the beach for a week.

    @noblsheep Great job on getting out the door in those conditions.

    Nice running @yirara .