JULY 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    01.07 3.0km 25min 8:20/km - 10x very short interval
    04.07 5.7km 50min 8:49/km - run/walk
    05.07 3.6km 30min 8:21/km - slow

    total 12.29km

    Good distance so far this week. For me that is. Still had to walk a bit again, but only briefly compared to yesterday as my HR still went to about 190. My vt2 is currently at around 176. So yeah, running at that HR feels like sprinting, even at snail pace.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    Nice running @AlphaHowls . I think I know what you mean about just needing the day off. Sorry you didn't seem to get that from your sisters. I hope you mom had a great birthday yesterday.

    Nice running @emptydog . Good luck to you and P on your 5K tomorrow.

    Great wun @yirara ! You're doing great.

    Great running @VO2Maxlet . Great paces on your tempo run.

    Nice running @martaindale . I'm glad your kid is feeling better. How long will it take the eardrum to get better so they can hear again. That has to be frustrating for everyone. I will have a really hard time packing for 2 weeks. Someone suggested not packing 2 weeks of running clothes, but rinse them out every night in the sink and hang to dry. Might help. Nice recovery run and the trail sounds like a great place for your run tomorrow. As for running early, I love to get my run in first thing in the morning, but not at the cost of too much sleep. :wink: So, I only do it if I can get out after 7 am....usually after 8. I am not a fan of getting up at 4 am to run unless it is a race.

    Great holiday running with your friend @ContraryMaryMary . I had to laugh at stopping to buy donuts though. No need to apologize. I vote for dripping sweat. Have a safe trip home and so glad you enjoyed your holiday so much. Nice rest day picture! Have a safe flight home.

    @shanaber It probably was you. Thanks for repeating the information on the air horn. I was thinking that the deer could have been running from a bear. Who knows? Nice walking too. You are amazing. I'm glad the PA gave you the okay to continue with all you are doing when you feel up to it. Caesar Millan is all the time getting dogs on treadmills for walks. You and Hobbes can do it.

    Great running @kgirlhart ! Glad the salt stick chews worked for you.

    @chris_in_cal Great job on the 5K and bettering last year by more than a minute! Also great picture. You are flying!

    @henridw2095 I hope you get your run in tomorrow and fingers crossed you don't have CoVID.

    Great running @tarun_yadavA . Enjoy and looking forward to your "run see" tour of Berlin and the food porn.

    @Laurz9191 Great fartleks. I love those. Shoe porn?

    Thanks @jem302 . Maybe leave Lily at home for the runs and take her out for a cool down walk afterwards....or a warm up walk before your run.

  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,504 Member
    I ate a little bit more before going to bed and had an episode of acid reflux, so slept horribly...as in got a sleep score of 35 from Garmin poor.

    Sorry to hear that. I've had that a handful of times and hate it. I catastrophizes that this is how life is going to be from now on, and get myself worked up. Then I remember I can just avoid eating too much before bed. I hope you no longer have to deal with it and get some quality rest.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,115 Member
    @martaindale Your trip sounds so fun! I have always wanted to visit Japan.

    @henridw2095 I hope your symptoms stay mild and you feel better soon.
  • VO2Maxlet
    VO2Maxlet Posts: 43 Member
    @chris_in_cal I'm somewhat of a morning runner. I used to do evening runs. Fast. Eat rice at ~3PM. Run ~4:30PM. Now I just run whenever I know I won't have meetings somewhere in the morning, fasted. Sometimes it's 6AM, sometimes it's 11AM, sometimes it's 9AM. Depends on the day. Somewhat rare for them to be the start of my day as in it's the very first thing I do in the morning. Morning runs are nice, although I prefer evening to night runs. Agreed with all the morning runners though that mid afternoon just kills. The heat. The sun. I cook.

    @quilteryoyo acid reflux is no fun. Sounds like you made it through the day though with a little strategic nap lol. Hoping you feel way better and get the rest you need today! Sleep is heavily underrated.

    @henridw2095 People can be real bungholes. Get well soon!

    Road trip yesterday, which means I didn't go to the arcade. Complete rest day. I have to check my schedule, but it's either a 5 or 6 mile pacer today. Got some decent sleep in. Garmin says I slept well but any time I sleep between 7-8 hours, I just wake up feeling terrible. So much for that 88 sleep score.
  • jem302
    jem302 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm thinking about starting to run before work during the summer, but I have to leave for work at 6am which means I'd start my run around 5am. I'd probably feel great once it was done and I'd love to beat the heat, but just the thought of the 4:45 alarm is painful! Anybody running that early?

    Today's 5km done, Lily and I had a nice 7:30am run and it wasn't too hot yet. We are heading out camping today and will hike another 5km to the beach :)