JULY 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,504 Member
    That is great to hear. I'm glad you wrote in. I'd encourage you to make up whatever goal you want. It is helpful to practice making goals and keeping them.
    AmunahSki wrote: »
    First time running with other people, as my son and his fiancé joined me - they were happy to jog at my pace but they’re in their early 30’s so it ended up still slightly faster than I have been able to do solo, despite talking along the way.

    Though 99.9% of my runs are solo I always get so much more running with other people. It was nice of the kids to join you.
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 593 Member
    4.8km speed up run last night (3.2km easy + 1.2 tempo + 400m threshold). It wasn't all that hot but I still downed an entire 1L bottle of sports drink at the end of it :|

    @quilteryoyo lovely little ladies and awesome sunset!
    @AmunahSki Welcome! sounds like you're doing great. A lot of people find it difficult to find a slow enough pace starting out, and I second @ContraryMaryMary to keep cadence up and make sure you're not overstriding.
    @myrrha31 we're in similar boats, good to see you back.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,264 Member
    @AmunahSki Welcome! You are quickly learning a lesson a lot of people struggle with when starting out. It took me a long time to slow down. You are doing great! Keep it up!

    @myrrha31 Welcome to you as well! You found a good group for encouragement as you get back to running.

  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 1,178 Member
    @AmunahSki welcome! I am also still a beginner after a long break :)

    Odd question: Has anyone tried running while still testing positive for covid? I am on day four after testing positive, but taking Paxlovid and feeling quite good. I do feel horrible sitting around at home though. I will probably go on a lonely walk today and see how that goes. My test is still insanely positive and I’m thinking of resuming my early morning runs (nobody around to infect) in a day or two, even if still positive. CDC guidance strangely allows returning to work after 5 days, which is not something I would do (out of respect for my coworkers.)
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,352 Member
    @kgirlhart Great running! Glad the salt tabs are working for you.

    Welcome @AmunahSki . Looks like you are doing great. I would recommend a Couch to 5K program, but looks like you are already beyond that. Keep up the good work. Those are not pathetic PRs, btw.

    Welcome @myrrha31 . Sounds like you have a great attitude toward running. You don't want to start out too fast or too far and get injured. Moving forward is the goal for all of us. One foot in front of the other.

    Thanks @noblsheep . Great running. Staying hydrated is so important, whether it is blazing hot or not.

    @martaindale Thanks for checking in. I hope your power doesn't go out and you don't get any major damage from the storm. Same for our other Texas friends too!

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    July 1 – 5.01 miles
    July 3 – 5.10 miles
    July 4 – 3.60 miles
    July 6 – 7.02 miles
    July 8 – 4.51 miles

    Total 25.24 miles/ Goal 100 miles

    I’m way behind on posting but I did go back and finish reading/liking the June posts and am finally caught up with July. My June goal was to run 60 miles and I ran 70.48 miles. For July, I’m setting my goal at 100 miles. I was very happy to see that @Scott6255 has returned!!! I’m definitely in the morning run camp. When I’m working in the office, I get up at 4:00 am to get it done before work. When at home, I don’t have the drive time to factor in so depending on my work calendar, I typically get up around 5:30 and out the door by 6:00 am. I don’t worry about getting in front of my computer screen with wet hair and no make-up when I don’t have any co-workers to scare!
    On my mile 2 this morning, I met this young lady walking up the road. I knew she belonged to the neighbors who lived at the bottom of the hill so I slowed to a walk and drove her back down that way. When I returned, they were putting her back in her fenced lot. I always worry about a driver not seeing the wayward livestock in time to avoid a nasty collision.

    @chris_in_cal – Congratulations on beating your previous time in your 5K race!

    @martaindale – Hope you child is healing and soon 100% and that Beryl doesn’t leave much damage in its wake.

    I enjoyed your vacation pics @ContraryMaryMary. Sorry for the wintery mix you are now having.

    Thanks for sharing your trip too @tarun_yadavA!

    Cute great-nieces and pretty fireworks pictures @quilteryoyo.

    Hope you are feeling better @henridw2095. One of my travel mates came down with COVID after our cruise. I guess one out of six isn’t too bad considering we were flying and cruising with a lot of people. I think its important that you move (take walks) to prevent blood clots but I'm wary of pushing too much in fear it might trigger long COVID.

    Well done on your 5K @emptydog! Having fun is my top priority in any race!