mkallie Member


  • I lost about 30 and kept it off for a long time until pregnancy. I think it's doable if it's a lifestyle change. I don't know what happened with me recently but something clicked and I felt like I sprang back into those habits this year and since then the weight has just fallen off.
  • I'm about 2 lb from my pre pregnancy weight with my first kid. Never got back to it postpartum and we're talking 7 years ago. I'm gonna be geeked when I see it on the scale finally!
  • I've lost 50 lb since Jan and I think around 25-30 lb in I started being able to fit smaller sizes although the next smallest in my closet was 2 sizes down but could still wear the bigger stuff. The next 20-25 lb I went down a lot more noticably and finally had to purge things with no hope of fitting anymore. I've been…
  • I'd join too if it's not too late!
  • I struggle with migraines too, although have never gotten them from exercise directly. I do get them with visual triggers though and so there are places/things I avoid because I know they will result in a headache. Have you tracked what you did in the days leading up to the headaches? For example, certain foods, amounts of…
  • There is some evidence that focusing on replacing bad fats or run of the mill fats with "good" fats (walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, omega 3s), plant sterols and increasing fiber can help a little. There are also some medications that tend to increase HDL - niacin, fibrates, and statins. But they have side effects so if you…
  • Lately I've been having an apple and 1.5 oz kale chips. It seems like a weird breakfast, but it is portable and keeps me full.
  • I don't have any experience with Optifast, but I did just cut down to 1200 calories per day and it has been ok. In my experience the first few days are the hardest, and then you kind of fall into a routine. The first few days were a battle and now I actually feel crappy if I try and eat too much. One thing about my diet…
  • Morning is kind of a battle for me most of the time too. I usually try to be in bed by 11 and I get up at 5:15 and especially in the fall/winter when bed is so warm and house is so cold it takes a lot to roll, mostly asleep, into the bathroom and jump in the shower. Things that have kept me going are convincing myself that…
  • 1 c almond milk (no sugar added - 30 cal) 1 scoop chocolate whey protein (my favorite right now is Delicious Protein - it IS delicious) 1 tbsp almond flour 1 scoop greens+ 1/2 banana 1 c frozen blueberries water and ice to taste depending on how thick/cold you like it.
  • I eat breakfast every day (unless I'm sick or ate way too much dinner the night before and am still full). I'm still tired, irritable and restless, have a generally poor attitude at work. I haven't noticed breakfast ever playing a big role in my weight (which fluctuates) -- except that one thing that has worked well for me…
  • I don't know if this is related to putting the spoon in or just movement. It's also pretty well known that sometimes when you first move something that did not appear to be boiling from a microwave, suddenly it is boiling. Some of my cookware seems to bring it on better than others (probably based on the shape of their…
  • That's a joke, right?
  • I use (and reuse) Ziplock bags -- press it down over the exposed part of the avocado, squeeze the air out and basically do a cheap vacuum seal. It keeps for a couple days that way. If you need more power you can give it a rub with lime or lemon juice before you bag it since the acidity also helps prevent it from browning.…
    in Avocados Comment by mkallie August 2012
  • I didn't avoid anything today. I couldn't even save my diet with exercise (and I did over 1200 cals worth of exercise) and I feel horrrrrrible. So congrats to all of you guys who made the right decision. Note to self - next time don't kick off a day with a candy breakfast. It's not the breakfast of champions.
  • Some are right, some are wrong. Sometimes it's good to be vague so you can look at the different options (e.g., if you put in "running" it will pull up a whole variety of runs, and "walking' will pull up a whole variety of walks). In general, I've found that a lot of their calorie counts are pretty overinflated. However,…
  • I was homeschooled, in private school, and in public school. I don't think there's anything wrong with homeschool (actually, if you're smart you can finish it a lot faster), but I wonder whether this might exacerbate her underlying problem. People aren't going to go away because she stays away from them. Sooner or later…
  • Make more opportunities to exercise, even if it's just walking around. I'm also on 1200 when I'm trying to lose weight, but I never eat less than 1600 or so. I just make sure to exercise off those calories (and then some) over the course of the week. Generally I get at least 400 calories/day, but over the weekends a lot of…
  • I had one for a while and had it taken out. Some friends have had them and loved them. I had Mirena, and it was pretty awful to get put in (I almost passed out), and I had bleeding for probably 6 weeks following placement, then was pretty irregular. At about a year I totally stopped having any spotting, but never stopped…
  • I did just read a paper (from a legitimate source) about folks who ate 650 cal + low carb twice weekly and normal diet the rest of the time, low carb twice weekly + normal diet the rest of the time, and normal diet, and the 650 cal folks lost the most weight. I suppose that probably has something to do with zig-zagging --…
  • Be considerate. If you're going to spew germs all over the place exercise at home. Otherwise, (wo)man up and get out there!
  • Even if you don't make it all the way through you haven't failed. You're pushing yourself as hard as you can go, and it's a LOT better than sitting around not doing anything! I always have to remind myself that when I do weight stuff, I get annoyed if I just can't handle the full reps for every set... but it matters more…
  • Me too! My gymmates have to either choose between me slobbering and hacking up a lung after a few miles and no water, or me chewing my gum quietly and breathing ok. :D
  • I love fat. Avocados, nuts, dark chocolate... awesome. Plus it keeps you fuller longer.
  • I have to say I totally disagree with this. I do a lot of studying and work while doing cardio at the gym. Sure, it isn't the most intense (but i have other workouts scheduled for that), but it burns a lot more than sitting in a chair.
  • I don't even look at my sugar consumption... I just don't eat junk food.
  • Oooh that sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing, i will definitely try this!
  • Is it because you don't have enough leg strength so you're using your back muscles instead of your glutes/hamstrings? That happened to me a little bit... I did some lower body strength training and it cleared right up.
  • I usually get bored before I get tired (though they feel a lot alike). Usually I've found if I tough it out for 5 or 10 minutes I perk back up. I also have to keep my playlist really fresh.