
Re-posting this here: Has anyone else starting C25K had a problem with it triggering your migraines? I had my 2nd post workout migraine yesterday... I first started C25K last year & life got in the way & I stopped, this year I have been working out for almost 4 months & started C25K again just 2 weeks ago, although I have done a bit a jogging during my 4 months back to exercising. I don't jog fast or long, just a few minutes at a time at a slow pace (4-5 on treadmill). Now, I've had my 2nd post workout migraine & can only attribute it to the strenuous exercise - has anyone else had this issue & how have you dealt with it?


  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    I get exercise related migraines occasionally. I found that switching to barefoot running and focusing on smooth movements over jarring ones seemed to help. It may also just be your gym --- fluorescent lights? Extra noises? The air? There's a lot of environmental stuff going on at a gym that could contribute. Are you hydrated? What about other stress in your life?

    Triggers tend to be additive. If it's just a cloudy day but I'm in a great mood, a migraine won't happen. If it's a cloudy day, I'm stressed, and I'm tired from the night before, a migraine is definitely going to happen.

    As far as fixes go, maybe take a pain killer (2.5 Aleve is what I use, as per my doctor) as a "preventative" before you go to jog. It might help.
  • fabtofat
    fabtofat Posts: 27 Member
    I find that I get a headache if I am dehydrated. You may want to start drinking (more) water during and after work-out. I hope that helps.
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    I struggle with migraines too, although have never gotten them from exercise directly. I do get them with visual triggers though and so there are places/things I avoid because I know they will result in a headache. Have you tracked what you did in the days leading up to the headaches? For example, certain foods, amounts of water, time of day, smells, etc? It might just be that there is another thing triggering them that the running is making worse and maybe if you can figure that out you could run happily. Also, have you had a physical exam with a doctor lately? If not maybe you should because they might be able to give you better advice about the migraines (or meds to help with it) or see if it's possibly related to another medical condition that could possibly be more serious that strenuous exercise could make worse. Curious to see what everyone else has to say.
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    I have found the opposite to be true. If I am starting to get a migraine and I start to run I can postpone the migraine for a few hours. That being said, I have had a heck of a time with triggers and try to avoid them at all costs.
    A couple suggestions; are you wearing a good bra and good shoes?, Are you properly hydrated?, Are you running on a tred mill or outside? Maybe, try drinking a lot of water and taking a few ibuprofen before running. Could it be an allergy issue if you are running outside? I'm not sure what your triggers are, unfortunately, running may just be one :( Maybe try running a little without c25k and see what happens. Does it happen when you walk?
  • fitcrt
    fitcrt Posts: 76 Member
    I'm running (jobbing really) on a treadmill at home. My normal triggers are bright lights, excessive heat, stress & hormones. I don't have any unusual stress right now & it wasn't a hormone issue yesterday, I control the light & heat as I'm indoors at home. I can't attribute it to anything else, I've been getting migraines for over 20 years & I usually only get about 4-6 each year, so having 2 within a few weeks of each other right after "running" makes me wonder if anyone else has this issue. Just walking or other light exercise has never caused a migraine, I'm healthy right now & no other issues going on (had a recent check-up w/ blood work & all). I drink a LOT of water all the time & haven't had issues with dehydration.

    Edited to add - I have a good sports bra & proper running shoes.
  • SamLD88
    SamLD88 Posts: 111 Member
    Maybe stick to walking? I know it sucks, but your health is more important than using a specific exercise that also triggers migraines.