fragilegift Member


  • When I see my dr, which is rare and never for 'weight issues', he quite often tells me I should lose weight - no matter what the scales say. If I wasn't healthy (cholesterol and BP are fine, no diabetes) I might believe him. But you know, 'advice' coming from someone who is battling the bulge isn't going to inspire me. The…
  • Not crazy at all. I get better service too. 80lbs ago I was invisible in stores. Now people fall over themselves to greet me - except for that one sports store which has crap service across the board for anyone who doesn't look the part. I get surprised by the person in the shop window when I realise that is ME. The guys…
  • when I was heading that way, I was counting every meal, to the ingredient. Then over time I realised that everything I had, salad sandwich, to a baked dinner was 'roughly' the same sort of calorie content every time. After that I gave up adding the calories to the milligram. I decided to stick to the averages. An 'average'…
  • I use Hermesetas, which is saccharine. This one suits me better than the others. The other types make me feel..'odd.' I cant quite explain how. Anecdotally, a friend switched from real sugar to Stevia (cos it was 'natural') and ended up having a flare up of some liver issue he has. Listen to your body, whichever route you…
  • I was wearing 16DD as well at the start, and I'm sure I could have gone up a size somewhere. The last bras I bought (Triumph Tri Action) were a 12DD, and I think I could safely go down to a 10D. Of course, after breastfeeding the offspring they will never be perky again, but I am not overly fussed.
  • I think I started (at 57kg - age 22) when I was living with a violent guy. Not so much with the weight gain, but the thought processes. If I weighed more he 'couldn't push me around.' I also started smoking weed at the time, which didn't help, and the guy (a chronic user) would get junk food late at night, which I ate. Got…
  • I stopped feeling that way every month when I got rid of the tosser I was living with.
  • I avoid starches, increase read meat intake, and water. Since I have improved my water intake I have barely any cramping (compared to pre-hydration when I wanted to rip my insides out for a week). If cravings look to be bad, I have a multi vitamin for a couple of days. But I also have a LOT more energy the first two days.…
  • I started in August 2011 with more than 30 to lose. 45-53 all told, depending on whether you want to listen to the BMI scale. I've lost 33 and I am planning on losing just a few more kilos. Once there I will assess whether I want to get UNDER 60 kilos. The weight isn't coming off as fast as it did to start (2kg a week…
  • If your body says you are over doing things in the form of getting sick, I'd say listen to it and back off a bit.
  • I'm 5'2" and my goal is 65 kilos (143lbs). When I get there, then I'll reassess. I might well do better with another 5 kilos off.
  • I'm another one who still feels the same. Ask me to describe myself, and I will still say 'short and fat' as I have done for many many years. This of course, gets claims of 'no you're not!' But I don't believe them, regardless of what the tag in my jeans says. :ohwell:
  • I found myself thinking they way you are at the beginning, but over time I found I was making meals/dishes mostly the same way every time. Take a salad sandwich, every time I weighed each component, the weight was within 1-10 grams of the previous sandwich - not worth worrying about. So I made a 'salad sandwich' meal and…
  • My weight fluctuates every day, not just at ttotm. I know this, and understand that food in = higher scale number. Around ttotm, I am more inclined to see a marked drop in weight for some reason, but feel 'full' anyway.
  • I am 5'2" (40yo) and plan to get to 65 kilos (143lbs) That will be fine for me. I wont complain if I go lower though, but I'm not going to try. I have just 6 kilos left.
  • I'm the other way. Low quality seems to deter me more than high - again, probably the sugar content. I can have a proper 'serve' (weighed) of low quality chocolate and leave it at that. But a serve of decent chocolate...and I start making excuses as to why I *can* eat the rest. I have low quality mini easter eggs (from…
  • I have times when chips and chocolate disappear, so, apart from just not buying them, I have a few buckets of 'emergency' mini Easter eggs to dip into if I really really must have some chocolate. It is low grade chocolate, so not moreish and the 4 eggs I allow curbs the craving. Having the mini eggs means I can't just have…
  • I am doing a hell of a lot better than I ever gave myself credit for when I started this, almost two years ago. Back then I had NO faith that I 'could do it' and lose almost 50 kilos. Actually, I still don't think I'l make it to the 50 the BMI chart tells me, but I am more than satisfied to lose almost 40 instead. 8 or so…
  • I've found it at Woolies and Coles (Launceston). Tastes like the old cheese spread (to me. YMMV). I don't think I'll buy it again. For a nice 'soft' cheese I like the bocconcini. I've gotten golf ball sized ones in the deli (excellent when I only want ONE), or you can find the smaller ones in the fridge with the feta types.
  • hi! I'm in Launceston! (but originally a southerner!)
  • Not all that long ago I stopped at the supermarket about bout a triple pack of chocolate eclairs and had them for lunch. To add to this, I told the check out chick I PLANNED to eat them all. She congratulted me for 'being honest about it.' (and really, how long do that last in the fridge anyway :D ) ...cant say I was…
  • Yep, seriously. One Naan has like 300 cals. Sometimes one isn't 'enough' either. :-/
  • Oh! brilliant idea! (Very big DUH moment too!)
  • I just made this and it was good. Not wonderful..needed more ginger/garlic/better soy. I shall adapt! -
  • this. mix the dressing in its own jar and add as needed though. I add garlic to mine)
  • I was thinking it was 'ok' too, until I read the calories. And you can't really heat up a 'serve.' So no more garlic bread unless I am out or have someone to share it with. One stick is almost a full days calories :(
  • dried beans, soup mixes, rice, coffee, UHT milk and cream, sugar, cocoa, flour (plain, SR, corn), those funny 0 cal noodles, canned plain tuna, extra spices (cumin, coriander, etc) heaps of other stuff. But mine isn't there for a 'disaster' - its a survival thing. I'll not know when there wont be enough money for…