knjantz Member


  • I just ordered mine today. Any follow up reviews from you guys using it?
  • Ya'll don't have to try it- In fact I never asked for anyone's opinions on this. I am telling people MY results and they are amazing. I am down 2 jean sizes and still losing about 2-3 pounds a week while eating normal foods. I have tried every other diet and exercise out there and nothing has given me results like this.…
  • That is actually not true- your body DOES care when you eat. It is a proven fact. Your body is designed to go into a fast - and most people eat too many hours a day to allow the body to do it's natural fast. I am actually eating worse than I was before on the 6 small meals a day and am losing on average 3 pounds a week.
  • Ahhh makes sense. Thanks!
    in Fitbit help Comment by knjantz July 2012
  • Overall I really love it. It pushes me to walk those few extra steps every day. I like to meet my daily goal in steps so it really is pushing me, I just cannot figure out why the readings are so far off! Or which one to trust. I recommend getting one though!
    in Fitbit help Comment by knjantz July 2012
  • I have a MEGA sweet tooth! When I am really, really craving chocolate I try those 100 calorie packs of oreos, or brownies, or chocolate chip cookies- they are just enough to kill the craving. The Special K Pastry Crisp chocolatly Delights are also just 100 calories and really good. Chocolate fat free pudding is a good…
  • Oh so many options here lol. My favorite is to cook it in a skillet with some garlic and pepper. You can also put it in the crockpot and let it simmer all day with some bbq sauce and have shredded chicken, baked chicken, you can even get some shake and bake and put it on there for something very different, try different…
  • What a piece of work! I mean, it is fine to have a 'type' and want just that type, but first, say it a little....idk nicer and leave it at that. Don't keep trying to get with you after you get on 'his level' as he is inferring. I mean if he doesn't like you that way now, then he doesn't like you for you so he is not worth…
  • I personally add every little thing, including coffee creamer, drink mixes, veggies, fruit, even if I know it is a 0, I still log it. :)
  • I started also by just walking, slowly and short at first- then adding longer/fast walks until I was at a very brisk pace and walking about 3-4 miles at a time. I joined Planet Fitness just to use the Circuit training room- it is great and I got super fast results. One of the key things to remember is to tone while you…
  • My nutritional director told me I could eat as much fiber and protein as I wanted as it's never a 'bad thing' but she did warn about keeping sodium as low as possible.
  • It is important to do toning exercises as you are doing cardio and weight loss exercises that way the skin isn't as flabby and you don't have to tone it up all at once. if you tone while you lose you won't have a problem. If you have already lost and not toned just work on machines at the gym, do something like a circuit…
  • Your body probably just hit a wall. I lost 50 pounds in about 8 months then stopped, didn't lose anything again for 4 more months, not even a pound! I went back to my nutritionist who told me my body was used to what I was doing and eating and to change things up. I always did 45 mins of elliptical at the gym and took in…
  • it is normal to hit a wall and to feel 'blah' my nutritionist gave me a ton of recipes that are different but still good for you- it certainly has helped. if you would like some send me a message and I will be happy to share. Eating the same foods over and over and over will make you feel blah. Hang in there, you will get…
  • Hey I grew up "near Peoria" in a small town outside Princeton (Walnut to be exact) do you know of it?
  • San Antonio, TX (From Illinois- here with Military)
  • Our deployed soldiers love it too!
  • yes please let me know!
  • bodybugg looks nice but its more than i want to spend. im not looking to spend a whole lot on it- i know im working in the right zone i just want to get a generalized idea of how many calories we burn since its hard to find online for 30 day shred.
  • I lost motivation- then i had a friend take a full body shot of me from front, side, back, and didn't let her edit it or airbrush it or anything......and my motivation was is my profile picture on here and on my fridge and in my pantry....all i have to do is look. it works.
  • i used it- some people said they crapped their pants but i never had any problems like that. the biggest thing is it makes you get rid of extra fat/grease so just watching your intake of that should stop the poopy pants problem. i didnt see any results from it though so i stopped using it. its the otc version of meridia so…
    in Alli? Comment by knjantz October 2011
  • It started when I was pregnant, I always had to watch what I ate and worked out very hard but when I got pregnant I had this mindset of 'well I am pregnant I am allowed to eat like a pig....' we ended up with a stillborn birth and after that the depression was awful. My husband was away with the Army so I had to go at it…
  • I would highly suggest 30 day shred but i know you don't want an actual dvd program. you could take moves you would learn on p90x or 30 day shred and just do your own thing. kind of combine them together.
  • I have a TON a lot involve chicken though. one thing we started to do was cook what we like and what we want but use healthy alternatives for instance when we make spaghetti now (once a month) we use low-fat Italian turkey burger and whole grain fiber plus noodles little things like that help. Some of my favorite recipes…
  • I did that every time my husband deployed (he is in the Army) i always gained 20-30 pounds every time he left! It was awful. When he moved to Germany with the Army and I stayed stateside I knew I had to do something or I would be gaining 20 pounds every 6 months. I made sure i ONLY had healthy food in the house apples,…
  • water is key to weight loss. my nutritionist told me that and now i believe her. it flushes out all the bad toxins in your body, speeds up your metabolism, and makes you feel full so you eat less. besides the obvious of keeping you hydrated. I don't like the taste of water, strange i know, but I found sugar free water mix…
  • we just started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and we are seeing a lot of success already from it!
  • I was the SAME EXACT WAY!!!! I started doing Just Dance 2 with the timed cardio - i liked it cuz it was fun felt like a game but i was getting into shape. When i first started p90x i spent most of the first week gasping for air but i pushed through it and after a week i was able to keep up. when i do jillian michaels now i…
  • I highly suggest light muscle milk. Get the already made kind. It tastes good and has a ton of protein without a bunch of calories. You can find it on just put it in the fridge and after a work out, its ready to go.