

  • I knew you could.... Very proud of you Gin. Your doing so great. And thank you for being there for me ! xo
    in Gym NSV Comment by GregT44 December 2011
  • Love egg nog . Might do half a small.
  • You look fantastic. Keep up whatever your doing. : )
  • Yes they do sound very good. I'll figure out protein as I make a batch today. Thanks again
  • Been having trouble getting enough protein everyday, these may help. Woud you happen to know how much protein per pop? Thanks !
  • I'm in same boat as you but I'm trying to get my wife on board (she's 130lbs)... Slowly turning her onto good food but it's been a struggle. She's well under my weight and still in the mindset of *can eat what I and not worry about the few pounds I've gained*. So I'm dealing with the sweet snacks and higher calories food…
  • Lost my 44lbs and I didn't look that good..... lol Way to keep it coming off and lookin good. Happy Halloween !
  • 1) Oldest girl is dressing as zombie nurse she'll be helping with younger kids. 2) pregant nun 3) Not sure if she is going, being 16 she is tooooo cool for kid stuff. 4) Navy seal 5) Pirate 6) Ladybug Me, I'll be grimm reaper. Wife, She's tooooo cool for dress up kid stuff. Have a Happy Halloween!
  • Depending on whats in the curry dish..... 1 cup of chicken curry with a rice +other goodies could be anywhere from 400cal to 600+calories.
  • Once you complete your daily food log and enter it you'll see it near bottom of that screen. Add picture , some info about you and your goals and make sure you log everything daily in the begining. Oh, and add some friends to cheer you on. Good luck.
    in Newbie Comment by GregT44 October 2011
  • I add chic peas. Have to try the black beans.
  • I used it for a couple months and quit smoking. Nothing bad about it when I took it. Everyone is different and experiences different side effects or symptoms I guess. I started tracking calories on here before I started Chantix so I didn't gain any weight. Haven't smoked in three months.. Good luck to you.
    in Chantix Comment by GregT44 October 2011
  • I tried this one this year and it's the best one I've tried so far.... Alton Brown from Food network.
  • Thats awesome....... Way to kick that bag in the sack.
  • Started working Fire dept and EMS about 24 years ago... after years of sitting at the stations making huge meals for the guys and snacks in between. take a call, come back to station grab a snack and sit around talking about the call or sleep until next one. Soon I would have one huge meal a day to get me through my 24 hrs…
  • I started smoke just out of high school when I hired into fire dept. I smoked for nearly 24 years and enjoyed it. I tried quiting a few times but one thing I noticed different this year was, even though I enjoyed it, I wanted to quit it even more. Yes I used chantix to help with the cravings, but I really wanted to stop. I…
  • I use Boost High Protein they are 8oz and have 15g protein and 240 cal . Chocolate or vanilla, they may even have strawberry.
  • I agree, use a bigger bag, even insulated bag to carry the containers that don't make your food taste bad.
  • Scuba diving... I used to be on our FD dive rescue team years ago. Loved it but since I've gained weight I haven't been at all. And of course the wife would like to go dancing. I don't care as long as I loose the weight, I'll do anything.
  • Sure I would.... This question isn't just for ladies I hope? Awkward .........
  • 16 is huge... Fantastic work..... Proud of you !
  • best snacks 100 calorie or less Sweet treats -5 Nabisco Nilla Wafers -1 Whole Foods Market Two-Bite Brownie -1 Healthy Choice Mocha Fudge Swirl Bar -9 Tootsie Roll Midgees -1 pouch Keebler Sandies Right Bites Shortbread Cookies -½ cup Sharon's Lemon Sorbet with 1/4 cup blueberries -1 Skinny Cow Fat Free Fudge Bar -1 Nestlé…
  • My dietition wants me on 60-80 a day to maintain. I'm in the process of looking into the info on that myself.
  • Relax a bit for starters. before you know it you'll be stress eating. Yes I have friends and family that are so supportive and a few that I swear are trying to sabotage my weight loss. I guess what I'm getting at, is that once in a while we may trip and fall , it's the getting back up that counts. I seen your starting…
  • I agree, first step is done..... Now tell yourself to just do it. excercise even for a few minutes each day. But increase it a little each day and before you know it a week will be gone and you'll feel better. set small goals at first... 1 week straight. not eating fast food for one week... ect. This is awesome site for…
  • I agree...... We're all here for the same thing , a healthier life. Humor is one thing but no need to be mean to one another.
  • Inspired now. Welcome back !