
Looking for people who have tried Chantix. This is my quit day. I smoked one cigarette at 6am and that is it. Haven't had cravings that were too bad. I want to know others experience with this drug. Did you experience any side effects? Did you gain any weight? Thanks!


  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    My brother is using it. He hasn't gained any weight but he does get some pretty nasty nightmares now, which he never did before.
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    bump... I am interested in this response also :wink:
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    My brother is using it. He hasn't gained any weight but he does get some pretty nasty nightmares now, which he never did before.

    So far I've taken it a week with no side effects, but I did hear about the crazy dreams. I wonder how long it takes for symptoms to show up.
  • GregT44
    GregT44 Posts: 28
    I used it for a couple months and quit smoking. Nothing bad about it when I took it. Everyone is different and experiences different side effects or symptoms I guess.
    I started tracking calories on here before I started Chantix so I didn't gain any weight.
    Haven't smoked in three months.. Good luck to you.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I did not have the crazy dreams. I did gain weight because I ate instead of smoked on my breaks, not because of the drug or the act of quitting. I only used Chantix for half the time, that was all I needed to quit. I still smoked through the first week on and off and found that while on it cigarettes tasted disgusting.

    I haven't smoked for a year or so now and could never go back.

    Good luck!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    My brother is using it. He hasn't gained any weight but he does get some pretty nasty nightmares now, which he never did before.

    So far I've taken it a week with no side effects, but I did hear about the crazy dreams. I wonder how long it takes for symptoms to show up.

    Well hopefully you can miss all the side effects. He said it took almost 2 before the dreams started. He doesn't know if its because of the Chantix, or just the withdrawl from the smoking.
  • I'm currently taking Chantix. My quit day was 8/17. I take it twice a day. I have to take it with food or I will get an upset stomach. The only side effect I have experienced is vivid dreams. Not nightmares, but movielike dreams. I get cravings every now and then, but they usually pass. The good thing about taking it along with MFP, is that you're logging your food so you are aware if you overeat or doing too much snacking. So, no I didn't gain weight. I ran my second race this season (10-miler) this past Saturday, being a nonsmoker has definitely helped with my lung capacity and breathing. So, IMO, the side effects didn't outweigh the benefit of quitting. Good luck to you!
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i am in the UK and we have champix, i think its the same thing. I did this about 1 year ago and was totally fine with no side effects. I did smoke again so i think that i wasnt ready to give up. I am stopping again on 1st march and will be using the champix again. If u wonder why im waiting till march its because i have tried to give up quite a few times and failed, this time its for good so waiting till xmas, new year and my birthday are by as these will b times im more likely to start again. Good luck.x :0)
  • I have tried it. I think I did better quitting cold turkey tho. The sick feeling you get after taking it, and the nightmares made me stop taking it.

    I was around 29 at the time took it, and the dreams that I was having made me wish I was a kid so I could go sleep with my Mommy and have her hug me and tell me everything was going to be ok.....LoL!

    I did not gain any weight, but for some reason, it made me want to smoke more too...Weird.......But anyways, we all have our own reactions to the pill. Good Luck!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I quit using Chantix. I took it twice actually. I did have some weird dreams, but nothing too bad...they were just interesting.
    I have been smoke free for over a year. I did not have any other 'issues'. WIshing you the best.
  • bsalvato
    bsalvato Posts: 63 Member
    This was a pretty interesting article I read on it. My friend took it and he got very depressed.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Sorry have not tried the drug but quit In June using by using an inhalator.

    I am so glad to get that big fat monkey off my back. I feel so free. Not only can I breathe properly with no more "smokers" cough. But I am saving money, I don't have to panic when I am down to my last *kitten*, I dont have to work out when I can have my next one. Where I can smoke and if I have a light.

    And above all I can kiss my husband knowing my breath is clean and fresh and I don't stink of smoke any more

    Respect to you for quitting and believe me you can still lose weight but it might be a struggle for the first few weeks as you may tend to substitute for your ciggy with food but don't give up!!! Once you get past the first month your body settles down and you will be able to excercise more easily and so lose any weight. It really it is the best thing you could ever do for yourself. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lyngoode
    lyngoode Posts: 197 Member
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    No weight gain for me on Chantix, but I had totally psychotic dreams and when I'd wake up, I seriously didn't know if the things that happened in them were real or not. I didn't like it, but a lot of people have had great success.

    After that, I used the patch with much success (CVS brand worked as good as Nicoderm and was a lot cheaper), but started again after 9 month because of a couple of majorly traumatic things happened in a short time. Planning to get back on the quitting track again by the end of this year though.

    Just try to focus on working out and eating good...don't replace the oral fixation with eating crap!

    Best of luck and good for you!

    BTW...if you have a smartphone, check out the "quitnow" app. It tracks health progress and money saved...might be helpful for motivation!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I really wanted to use Chantix to help me quit smoking. I took one pill & wigged out - depression, suicidal thoughts, etc.,. My doctor says that it was due to my head injury, but she didn't think I would react the way I did. DUH, if you Google Chantix side effects, the first thing you see is possible SERIOUS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC EVENTS.
    I still have the same doctor but now I check every prescription she gives me with the pharmacist before I get it filled
    So, now I have to try to quit on my own or with the patches & that is my New Year's resolution & to succeed this time.
    Sorry if this isn't the answer you were looking for. All I can say is seriously talk with your doctor about it & have your friends & family be aware of any changes in how you act when starting it.
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    I have been using Chantix, and am being very successful with it. I am not having any side effects except for the occasional upset tummy. It is better if you take it after you eat something. Other than that, it has really helped me. Good luck to you, and no, I have actually lost weight because I also changed my lifestyle and exercise several times a week.
  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    I used Chantix to quit back in February of this year. I gain weight, but back then I wasn't using MFP. I don't think that I gained weight because of what I was really eating, I think it really had to do with the fact that I was not as active anymore. Sounds funny, but when I smoked, I got up from my desk every 45-60 minutes to go smoke. Once I quit, I only got up to use the restroom. I did not experience any nightmares, but everyone is different. I used Chantix for a month, and then felt that I was ok on my own.
  • Be careful and watch your moods. My roommate took it and his mood went from easy going carefree guy to raging Jerk very quickly. He decided not to take it anymore after a night that ended in seriously offending our new neighbors, which still won't talk to us by the way. He felt very horrible and tried to make it up to them, but the damage was already done. I know that he definately recommends to anyone that they NOT take that drug...whatever you're decision..good luck :)
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    No weight gain for me on Chantix, but I had totally psychotic dreams and when I'd wake up, I seriously didn't know if the things that happened in them were real or not. I didn't like it, but a lot of people have had great success.

    After that, I used the patch with much success (CVS brand worked as good as Nicoderm and was a lot cheaper), but started again after 9 month because of a couple of majorly traumatic things happened in a short time. Planning to get back on the quitting track again by the end of this year though.

    Just try to focus on working out and eating good...don't replace the oral fixation with eating crap!

    Best of luck and good for you!

    BTW...if you have a smartphone, check out the "quitnow" app. It tracks health progress and money saved...might be helpful for motivation!

    Already ahead of ya :) So far it's been 6 hr 52 min and 51 sec since my last smoke for a savings of $1.43. Longest time without a cigarette or nicotine product, like the patch, for me since I started six years ago.