Let me start off by saying congratulations on your decision to really kick your weight loss goals into gear! The hardest step is always the first one, but I'm sure once you begin to habituate yourself to new habits you'll find its actually quite enjoyable. Your concerns with limiting portions and sugary drinks is an…
I have a few suggestions, though I do not know enough about what you consume on a daily basis in terms of foods. For the weight plateau'ing, I recommend you take a break from your workouts and do a rest/stretch week, as well as a short cleanse. Your body may be having trouble obtaining nutrients from the foods you eat,…
While there are no definite ways to reduce the fat on your thighs, if you are lacking muscle in that area you may want to use the weight machines and get some muscle there so your body burns additional calories. It'll also leave you some nice definition later when you have reached your goal. Also, if you aren't already try…
sarah32lee - 9. If 32 is your age, you fooled me :)
I'm actually doing a special this week on my facebook page about healthy alternatives to guilty pleasures and Monday's food of choice was pizza! Here is the link to the video: For more information and healthy recipes, like my facebook group @ .
Just remember that psychologically, removing everything you once loved in your diet can cause endorphins to cease to release, which causes stress, which actually prevents weight loss! Feel free to treat yourself to a margarita here and there, just do so moderately, and you'll likely still see the positive results you are…
Haha don't sweat it, when I stopped drinking the same thing happened, now I am the only one without a gut to show off at the beach this summer! Just keep up your progress and they'll soon just be witnesses to the effects drinking has on the body.
Carbs are probably one of the most debated things in health history. My personal experience is this: If you are weight challenged (overweight, obese) than low carbs is the way to go. If you are a healthy weight and are just wondering about them, then it becomes personal preference. If you are athletic and require lots of…
Hey! Independent Team Beachbody Coach here with some helpful advice about how to adjust MFP's sugar values to better fit you! Let me just say this that I'm glad to see that you're getting your sugars from natural sources such as grapes. These sources of sugar are more detrimental to be avoided by people with weight issues,…
It is good that you quit pop, as that is among one of the biggest contributors to obesity in the United States. It is honestly worse for you than some of the burgers you might order at a fast food place. Don't let it find a way back into your life if you've already kicked the habit. You'll be better off in the long run :)
Joisey right here. Right next to Hackensack, though I school in Newark.
I agree that everybody should take every bit of information with a grain of salt, but not necessarily because something might be misinformation. What people forget is that we are all unique, and that there is no one universal rule for fitness and dieting. Part of the journey is to figure out what personal preferences work…
I very much agree with the idea of freezing them, I used to do it to all my GS cookies before even taking up fitness. This works with lots of other snacks too, even little things like Skittles will last longer frozen. :)
Anthony Birchwood (Middle name + street name)
There are two types of vitamins, liquids and solids. Solids tend to be the ones that get the most flak about not actually providing any health benefits. This is because if you take them while the body isn't digesting other food in your stomach, you are losing a great deal of those nutrients. Taking the pill while eating…
It all depends on what sources you are getting your sugar from. Of course stay away from additive sugars, or minimize them as best you can. But all natural sugars and those that come from complex carbs are necessary to fuel the body.
Hey! This is my number one question, and was my number one question before I started eating healthier. There is actually an article about this on Beachbody's website, and it stats that sugar cravings DO in fact come from a lack of other nutrients in the body. This also goes for general food cravings. Think about the last…
I personally workout at home AND at the gym. When my programs call for me to do something similar to Yoga or Recovery, I make do with the tools at home and save a trip to the gym. When I need pull up bars and dumbbells, thats when I shoot over to the gym.
Hey candykay! Team beachbody coach Michael Poveromo here. No More Trouble Zones is a very good product, I have a few friends who have gotten into that and Brazil Butt Lift as secondary choices after doing other Jillian Michaels exercises. Another one you may be interested in is TurboFire, which has become one of the most…
You can buy some really low grade watch HRM for fairly cheap at a local walmart, 30-40 bucks usually. The difference between most chest and wrist HRMs is that chest ones are generally more accurate, and some are able to give you statistics such as body fat percentage.
This is a very good question, and it has many different answers. Let me just start off by saying, you never want to get into the negative calories gained per day mark. I've been there before when I was new to this, and it leaves you feeling tired and sluggish. You'll definitely want to intake calories specific to your goal…
Hey, this is quite the predicament you are in, but we can work through this. First off, yes you CAN drink lots of water to help with the high sodium levels of all the product there. Drinking water will flush the sodium out of your system. As for the foods, just prepare them in moderate proportions. I know tons of people…
It looks like you've had some great success already. Looking very very good for 155. Keep up the good work :)
You're in the perfect place to meet new people and get support! I'd be glad to help you with any dietary or exercise related questions you may have. That goes for anyone reading this :)
You're in the right place for support! I'll add you as a friend, and I'd be glad to assist you with any questions you may have about diet and exercise :)
Well if you have no energy, you may want to try ingesting some more energy providing foods. My favorite to suggest is the super healthy sweet potato. As for exercises that can help you tone up. simple exercises such as running in place, jumping jacks, and things along those lines can make for a short but effective workout.…
Yeah so, I'm from Jersey so this'll just naturally be funny that I listen to house music when I workout. That pumping beat gets me going, especially between reps when I feel like I can't go anymore. Gets me to push that next exercise out.
I've done most of P90X, though I couldn't help but switch over to X2 after a few months, and phew what a difference. It competes with Asylum and a level playing field depending on what kind of exercise you want to be doing. Message or friend me and I'll gladly help with any P90X questions you may have :)
You're in the right place for support and advice! I'd be glad to give my personal recommendations on food and fitness. Take everyone's advice and come up with a solid meal and exercise plan for yourself. Add me and ask me any questions you might have, and also look for my daily health tips :). Oh and my biggest thing is to…
It really is a matter of personal preference, but ensure that your large meals are earlier in the day if you can. Your body will digest it very slowly if you eat it at night, as it will still be in your stomach when you go to sleep. Everyone's body is different though, so just figure out what works for you.