

  • Yup! I'm on week 4 now!
  • Climb a lot of stairs or do lots of hikes with good sized hills!
  • I burn about 330-ish in 35 mins of gentle yoga according to my hrm. But I'm also 207 lbs :)
  • Thanks I'll take a look!
  • The point is that I am no longer 240 pounds. And it made my loss EASY. I did gain 8 lbs back over the 9 months that I wasn't listening to it. I'm going to start up again cause it really did help. And just like with eating right and exercising - you can't expect to do it for just a couple months to have permanent results.…
  • Yes the Paul McKenna one is fantastic. I've tried a few other hypnosis tracks but his is the best - like you said it makes you WANT healthy food and excercise. I lost 38 pounds when I listened to that track every night. I say don't knock it till you try it :)
  • greek yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, roasted pumpkin seeds, almonds, carrots n hummus etc. You can always portion out properly at home
  • Yep I get them -ugh they suck! I find that putting a warm compress on the back of my neck helps but it still takes a long time for them to go away. I still excercise but it does make it tough. I'll be watching this thread - hopefully we will get some good advice on this one
  • Keep your meals as simple as possible and plan your meals and grocery lists ahead of time. Also cook in larger batches - leftovers are your friend!
  • Oatmeal Greek yogurt Cottage cheese Almond milk Red peppers Zucchini Cabbage Squash (fall and winter) Apples These things are always on the grocery list
  • I was hit and miss at first but now I make a point to burn 500 cals (I use an HRM) everyday doing whatever as long as my heartrate is up - it can be a walk, yoga, dancing, workout DVD - whatever! I find this a very effective way to keep me exercising - it's very freeing to give myself options but always burning a minimum…
  • I was raw on and off for about 4 years. Yes I lost weight and felt absolutely amazing but it is a difficult diet to maintain longterm. I would feel extremely deprived after a while a binge. It also can be quite expensive or not too bad depending on how you do it. And no you don't "need" expensive supps or a juicer although…
  • I can't believe some of the cruel things on here are said by people's parents. Honestly this thread breaks my heart. ((((((mfp group hug)))))))
  • Half cup of cottage cheese Half cup of Greek yogurt A few almonds Banana Protein shake
  • thank you everyone. Im going to make myself some oatmeal and buy myself some handweights today.
  • I work nightshifts as a care aide. I notice that when I eat a lot of carbs/sugar at work I'm starving and eating all night long. The other night I had over 700 cals on my shift and most of it was carbs and I was still starving. I like to have a fairly large meal before work (dinner at about 10, I work at midnight) a…
  • First off I am so sorry for your loss. It is so painful to lose a friend. I found yoga helpful in times of grief - it let's out that energy that needs to get out. Its ok if you stop mid-pose to have a cry. Other things I suggest is pet therapy. Do you have a dog or cat or can you borrow one? They are great listeners. Also…
  • I'll add both of you :) I can use more friends myself
  • Real sugar and real cream in my coffee - and lots of it!!! I have cut back from 3 fat and sugar laden coffees a day to 1 doppio espresso every Sunday with my daughter. Other coffees are restricted to when I feel a headache coming on or if I need one to stay awake till the end of my nightshift. I'm slowly cutting back on…
  • I work graveyards and I always start my new log day at midnight. Seems to be the simplest for me.
    in Nights Comment by sarkris October 2011
  • I am 29 five seven and 202 lbs and try to eat 1700. I often eat part of my excerise cals. Im in a plateau right now so I think I need to lower my cals on non- work days and increase them on work days (I work part time in a physically demanding job)
  • I use them once in a while to get through the end of my ver busy nightshifts. They are B vitamin based and not too horrible for you (although I'm not a fan of the sucralose). If you are sensitive to niacin you will want to give these a pass.
  • 2 adults and 1 preschooler here and we spend about $130 (ish) a week. I work hard to keep food costs down, plan meals ahead, buy bulk and shop smart. We buy very little processed food as its unhealthy and bad value for the dollar. Yes KD and ramen are cheap at the till but have no nutrition in them. We could go even lower…
  • Thank you! You gave me hope!
  • 135-140 but I think that might be really tough to do at this point. Honestly I'd be happy as a fit, toned 160 - I have a larger frame. I just want to comfortably rock a size medium :)
  • Yep this is me! My "mommy pouch" drives me crazy! If I get to goal and still have it I'm going for a tummy tuck but I'd rather save myself 7 grand if I can. Add me if you'd like another mfp friend - Ill update you if I see anything working. PS - my scar is 4 years old and still hurts occasionally. Do any other moms have…
  • I had one 3 years ago and am so happy I did. My back pain was gone, my confidence and self-image have increased. I don't know what the right thing is for you - but I am so very happy I had my surgery and definitely recommend to anyone on the fence about it. Send me a message if you have any questions :)
  • I'm sorry about your employment situation - that is very stressful and difficult. It can also be a blessing in disguise however. You have time now to excercise and make healthy food! You have time to focus on you. Money is probably tight right now but you don't need fancy food or a gym membership. Go for long walks and…
  • I say just buy 2 shirts and 2 pairs of pants that fit. Do you have any friends that sew? Perhaps they could "take in" a couple pieces for you. It's important to have at least a couple things you feel presentable in. You've worked hard! It would be a shame to feel bad about your appearance after all this work! Congrats on…