Average grocery bill



  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Currently, since I'm sending lunches with my children to school and with my mom to work, our food bill is up - about $120 per week to feed a family of 4. I've had it as low as $60 per week to feed us, but that was when my kids got free lunches and my mom had diet coke and cigarettes for lunch.
  • I feel like a stalker now three post lol, wanted to share some places you can print coupons......

    http://smartsource.com/smartsource/index.jsp?Link=MKRU3JAAR6CCY (cheerioes, smoothies)

    http://www.redplum.com/coupons.aspx?t1id=1118&t2id=1118&t1=grocery&t2=&view=all (truvia)

    also you can buy voupons already clipped from thecouponclippers.com they have sabra 1.00 off!! mmmm plus many mANY more.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    I'm a family of one. I spend 40-50 per week at Trader Joes.

    This is my weekly grocery list (some things I don't run out of weekly)
    Bags of spinach and butter lettuce
    Persian Cucumbers (mini cucumbers)
    Baby Carrots
    Mini Heirloom tomatoes
    Red bell peppers
    Bag of Apples
    0% plain vanilla yogurt (in the huge tub)
    Multigrain oat hot cereal
    Brown rice
    Cuban style black beans
    Turkey meatballs
    Turkey bacon
    Frozen cherry/berry blend
    And that's pretty much it! I highly recommend TJs for their prices and wholesome food :D
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I try to stay under $150 per week, including food, diapers, household supplies, and personal care items (shampoo, soap, etc.). We're 2 adults, 2 toddlers. We save a lot by having a big garden in the summer and canning or freezing what we can. Also, my husband is a hunter, so we have a freezer full of meat at a very low cost.
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    Thanks for the coupon websites:wink:
    We don't have Trader Joes out here, but we have Aldi which is owned by them. I usually try to get my produce and dairy there, but we eat a ton of fruits and veggies and my boys go through 2 gals of milk a week so it still ads up but it's a lot cheaper. My husband is a huge meat eater so that also reflects in our grocery bill. I usually try to only eat 6-7 ozs of meat a day, but he can eat a whole cow.
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    We spend anywhere between $150 and probably $180 per week on groceries for myself, my husband, 3 year old twin boys and a 20 month old baby girl. We generally buy really healthy (produce, whole grains, meats, dairy etc) but sometimes we end up with a few processed items in there. It is such a money sucker, but so worth it for the health of the family :)
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    Use coupons! Join wholesale club! It really helps in the long run.
  • lexximan
    lexximan Posts: 322 Member
    Just my fiance and I, we spend about $100 every other week ($50 a week/$200 a month). Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on whether we need to buy more meat, or dog food.

    Story of my life, exactly.
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    Oh we have a Sam's club membership too. We usually buy our household items, baby items, and some meats and snacks there.
  • i use too buy the big boxes of diapers thinking i was getting a good deal. now i buy the regular size packs. I just recently got 8 packs of those for around 12.00 combining sales and coupons...
  • missy5277
    missy5277 Posts: 88 Member
    I spend no more than $400 a month at my house and i stick to it! 2 adults, 14yr old twins, 13yr old, 11yr old, 2 boxers, and 1 yorkie. I rarely buy junk, i give in when TOM arrives for the girls!
  • OMG um....hard to think since we rarely eat at our own house anymore. Seems like my mother-in law cooks most meals.
    Probably spending about $60-80 on grocies per MONTH...plus what we may eat out some days....probably 2 times eating out at a restaurant for about $30 for 2 people.

    Just me and my husband at my home.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    We are a family of 4 and we spend 200 each paycheck which is every 2 weeks.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Wow, I am getting a little jealous with all these low numbers! I have a family of 5; myself, my husband and three sports playing teenage boys who eat constantly! I spend over a $1000/month on food! Most of my shopping is done at the big stores like Costco. And that is after we grow our own beef and I have a huge garden that supplements our grocery bill in the summer months!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    There's one of me, and it's 45ish
    ETA: per week
  • sarkris
    sarkris Posts: 41
    2 adults and 1 preschooler here and we spend about $130 (ish) a week. I work hard to keep food costs down, plan meals ahead, buy bulk and shop smart. We buy very little processed food as its unhealthy and bad value for the dollar. Yes KD and ramen are cheap at the till but have no nutrition in them. We could go even lower shopping at some of the discount stores but the quality and freshness at our regular store is worth a couple extra $$.
  • 50 to 70 bucks a week
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    $100 a week for a family of 3. I buy generic most of the time and use coupons or my club card savings at Safeway each week.
  • Jladd42
    Jladd42 Posts: 23 Member
    Family of 3. Just spent $150-$200 for the week. We spend $500-$600/mo on healthy groceries.

    It makes me angry that a cart full of junk food costs just as much as my half full cart of healthy groceries!

    I spend about this-it's usually right around $135-$150 with two adults and a very hungry toddler :) and two siberian huskies who go through about a bag of food a week. Healthy groceries are more expensive definitely! We live in SoCal though also, and stuff is definitely more expensive here compared to where my mom lives in NY (where i'm from). And there is no store here like Save-a-lot where everything is generic and a heck of a lot cheaper....
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    WOW, I'm shocked. I easily spend $200/week for 2 adults and I shop at Target and Mariano's. I guess because I live in Chicagoland and that I have to be gluten free that might explain some of it. Wish I could say I was under $100 for a week! But I look at it like this, I can't buy back my health once it's lost, so I'm investing in me and my healthy future. On the flip side I can say we save money not eating out. So net net, I'm saving money eating healthy!