Average grocery bill



  • awkwwward
    My husband, myself, 2 kids ages 9 & 5, 3 dogs, 1 cat, & 2 turtles in our house and it usually costs about 700 a month at the grocery store! It is NOT cheap to buy healthier choices. But look at it this way, if you buy a cheap appliance, it quits on you sooner....you get what you pay for.

    I totally - though respectfully - disagree. When we stopped buying packaged foods, cookies, cereals, convenience meals, cakes, stopped eating meat and cheese, and bought more natural whole foods like grains, legumes, nuts, and things not from boxes - we saw massive drops in our grocery budget (a few hundred a month!).

    It's a misnomer that eating well costs big money. Eating well out of a box does; eating well from whole foods doesn't as much. But of course, that depends on where you live, how many kids one has, pets and the like.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    $80 - $100 a week for two people. We do have a deep freezer, so we try to stock up on the good chicken and beef when its on sale, and we can and freeze veggies from the garden as much as possible, but still spend a lot of perishable fresh stuff!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    We are a family of 7. The ages range from 19, 11, 8, and 5 yr old twins. All boys except for the 8 yr old, who by the way can eat as much as the boys. Our Grocery bill is around $900 to $1000 a month. Yes we eat healthy and that is including one dog and two cats. I think everyone in my house is growing right now!!! The twins can way out eat me, and they are all so skinny!!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    about £100/£120 a week for a family of 5 and a dog.

    dont know what that is in dollars?
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    says its about $160/200 a week
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Family of 3 (and an embryo). We spend around $300 a month at the grocery store (includes paper goods, cleaners, cat food, etc).
  • 0namission
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    I'm glad I'm not the only one that spends a small fortune on groceries. My boys and I were shopping today and the 2 year old was in the front and the 4 year old in the back of the cart and with them both in there our cart wasn't full and we spent $90. It seemed like we didn't even get much. We also still had to go to another store to get our produce and dairy. I think that is what kills us. Produce and dairy are so expensive right now even with sales. I spent $40 at that store and could have easily just bought a couple bags of chips, fruit snacks, etc for the kids and it wouldn't been about $15. I need to learn to extreme coupon I guess, lol.
  • NicolioRussell
    I'm glad I'm not the only one that spends a small fortune on groceries. My boys and I were shopping today and the 2 year old was in the front and the 4 year old in the back of the cart and with them both in there out cart wasn't full and we spent $90. It seemed like we didn't even get much. We also still had to go to another store to get our produce and dairy. I think that is what kills us. Produce and dairy are so expensive right now even with sales. I spent $40 at that store and could have easily just bought a couple bags of chips, fruit snacks, etc for the kids and it wouldn't been about $15. I need to learn to extreme coupon I guess, lol.

    Coupons are where it's at. But you will never get coupons for produce and meat. Best thing to do is to wait for it to go on sale and then buy bulk and freeze. I moderately coupon and save 40-50% off my grocery bill when I go.
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    At home it's me, mom, and dad, and we generally spend $200-250 a week (not including the 150lb dog!). But this also includes paper products, cleaning products, and beer (lots of beer), which usually is anywhere from $20-50 per trip.
    But that bill, though high for only three people even though we live outside NYC, includes 3 meals a day for all 7 days. We rarely go out to eat, and we all pack lunches for work every day (we NEVER get takeout options for lunch at work).

    My family is lucky in that we can afford it, which is really nice because eating healthy is never about cost. We can get leaner meat, organic products, etc, for a few extra dollars and not break our budget.

    However, I'm addicted to Icelandic skyr, which my mom makes me pay for myself since that is SO EXPENSIVE! $2.50 per 6oz container! But it's worth it, I love it so much.
  • doinit4tayzie
    I have a family of four also and I spend about 200 on groceries a month. I coupon tho, So i get about 400 dollars worth of stuff. You know even when you are trying to eat healthy you can still get coupons for that stuff. Just look for the numbers on ur fav snacks or meats call em and ask for coupons.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I spend around 200 every three weeks
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Youre better than me. We spend (family of 4, 2 children) on average $140-$160/wk on groceries. And that is pretty minimal as well. so that averages out to $600/mo sheesh!!
  • doinit4tayzie
    I also dont really ever pay for health and beauty stuff and if i do I only pay maybe .25 cents per bottle. tooth paste, brushes I get for free all the time.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Ours seems to be right around $100 per week. If we don't go for a long time, we can easily end up with more than $400 and several baskets.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    For 2 adults and 2 6 year olds (one of whom eats like an adult), I budget $100/week. Many weeks I'm at around $75, but most weeks, I'm putting the things we don't NEED back, to keep my bill right under $100. And yes, eating healthy is much more expensive than not. I do try to save on veggies anywhere I can, so many of the veggies we eat are the frozen steamable veggies. One bag, which serves 4+, is about $2. Enough of the same fresh veggie is about $4-6. Farmer's markets are a great place to buy super fresh fruits and veggies, as well as bread, for pretty cheap! We just don't happen to have any around us.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    For food only, $60-90 per week. My husband does not eat meat and my children and I eat it sparingly. Meat is SOOOOOO expensive.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Usually $350 a month for me, hubby, kiddo, current leach infesting my body, two cats and a big dog. We shop at the grocery store for odds and ends but I go to Sam's and buy in bulk and that's helped a lot, especially on diapers and things like that.
  • Pea4jjab
    Pea4jjab Posts: 216 Member
    We are a family of 11 (though our oldest lives on his own). So for 10 of us (3 adults (2nd oldest son is 20) and 7 children ages 16 months to 13) plus 2 cats, a dog, a turtle, and a hamster. We spend around $1100 a month on food alone. We also entertain a lot (we love to host barbecues) plus I host every family get-together, birthdays, holidays, etc. here at our house.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member

    We spend $180-200 every two weeks, but I have to go back every week for more fruit and veggies.

    Usually adds up to about $450-500 a month for two of us. I don't think we will ever be able to afford kids... what is everyone's secret?!