How do you deal with emotional eating?

Just wondering how people stay focused when something traumatic has happened in their life.

A friend of mine has just passed away and I'm finding it really difficult to keep focused and all I want is to reach for some comfort food but I know in my mind it will undo all the great progress I have already achieved!

I feel like my mind is fighting against itself!


  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss and can imagine the last thing you want to think about is healthy eating! I'd encourage you to consider counseling so you learn how to healthily deal with emotional issues - I've been going for about 10 months now and it's really been such a positive experience for me. Please friend me if you want to talk more!
  • mjersh
    mjersh Posts: 46
    I'm sorry for your loss. I am an emotional eater as well. If I slip I try harder the next time or next day. Sometimes going for a walk, watching tv, being on the computer distracts me from the fridge.
    If that doesn't work then getting out of the house away from food helps.. The park, the library etc..
  • sarkris
    sarkris Posts: 41
    First off I am so sorry for your loss. It is so painful to lose a friend. I found yoga helpful in times of grief - it let's out that energy that needs to get out. Its ok if you stop mid-pose to have a cry. Other things I suggest is pet therapy. Do you have a dog or cat or can you borrow one? They are great listeners. Also go easy on yourself - this is a very difficult time so some self compassion is in order. Take care to eat as well as you can but don't beat yourself up if you cave. Love and peace to you

  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm so very sorry about your loss.

    Unfortunately, emotional eating is a crutch for a lot of us on this site. Even though I've hit my goal weight and have been maintaining it - I still find that when I'm overly stressed, I want to just eat. It is a hard habit to break - and whereas I thought I'd broken it, I learned that I haven't (I found out my dad has cancer on his face). I spiraled out of control and ate and ate and ate. I'm back on track now, but it was a rough period.

    Basically, it is about self control. Finding something else to do to comfort yourself. Is it easy? Absolutely not. But, I try and do SOMETHING that doesn't allow me to sit idle - which when I'm upset or stressed is when I want to eat. I take my dogs for a walk or take them outside and play with them. I clean. ANYTHING that keeps my mind and hands busy.
  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    Sorry for your loss. =\

    Personally, I try to exercise it out instead of grabbing something to eat. Or if that doesn't seem like an appealing option, I compile a playlist of music that I feel like fits my mood. Or, worst case scenario, I surround myself around plenty of people and put myself in an environment where that isn't an option.
  • Thank you everyone for all your wisdom!

    I think I'm finding it really hard because I'm stuck at work and I'm in an office job so its really easy to just get up and head to the canteen and grab some chocolate! I'm trying my very best though :)