What was the worst thing someone said to you regarding your



  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    Almost all the rude comments I've gotten were from my father. He has been hypercritical about my weight since I was about 5. Some of them include:
    "You'll never find a boyfriend or husband, men don't like fat girls."
    "You'd be much prettier if you lost weight."
    "You're a whale"
    "You're a pig"
    Hmm I could go on and on, then of course when he saw me trying to lose weight he said I'd never have the willpower to do it.

    Now that I've lost 57 lbs he's pretty proud of me and the rude comments have pretty much ceased but he stills keeps on going with the: "You look much better now, but if you keep on going you'll look even better." That comment itself doesn't bother me just the fact that my dad seems pretty insatiable. :grumble:
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    Grandpa: Holy ****! You're bigger than the fridge!

    School-mate: Bet if you ever ran, fat would be dripping off you

    School-mate: Called me Rhino and stuck a picture of a rinosaurus to my locker

    Grandpa: You'd look good with the weight off you kid

    School-mate: You'd be pretty if you weren't fat

    Girlfriend (A few months ago): I just can't understand how you got SO FAT, Seriously I was talking to my husband about it and I just can't figure it out!

    Little Girl at my daycare: You're really fat!
  • sarkris
    sarkris Posts: 41
    I can't believe some of the cruel things on here are said by people's parents. Honestly this thread breaks my heart. ((((((mfp group hug)))))))
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    Grandmother: "You're blowing up like a balloon"

    I got that one alot from my Grandma too. My dad always had all kinds of little remarks. Can't wait to (hopefully) be down 25-30 lbs by the next time I see him at Christmas. He doesn't know I'm trying to lose weight.

  • When trying on wedding dresses one of the salon women said, "im sorry hunny, but we just don't carry sizes that fit people like you"

    I'm sorry, but that's CRAP. I used to work in a bridal salon. Yes, the dresses in stock only come in one size each, but there are ways to try on a dress/get an idea of the look even if it doesn't fit. I was a size 16 when I got married, and I tried on a size 8 dress, and was still able to tell what it would look like (and I LOVED the dress once it came in in my size.) The designers carry an abundances of sizes, because they want to make the sales, and the average wedding dress has an an additional 3-4 inches of extra material in the seams for alterations.

    Ugh, sorry to rant, but that pisses me off. The salon I worked for was not only a fantastic place to work, but a great place to shop, and the owner NEVER would have tolerated one of us saying something like this to a customer. She'd been in business 20 years on word-of-mouth advertising alone.

    People are such jerks. The stories on this thread are just awful - why would people ever say things like that?? One of my friends wrote a blog post a while ago about how one of the worst insults a person can throw at a woman is to call her "fat." I've only had a few crappy things said to me about my weight, but I mostly just got angry and threw it back in their faces.

    One was some old guy standing in line behind me who asked me when my baby was due. When I said I wasn't pregnant, he said, "Are you sure?", to which I replied, "Yes, I'm sure, you idiot." He just sort of gaped at me.

    The best one was when I was out biking last summer, and I came up behind a group of 12-14-ish year old boys on the trail. I missed some of what they said because I was wearing headphones, but I definitely caught them saying something to the effect of "OMG look out, here comes a whale!"

    And then I passed them, sped up, and continued on my ride. They never caught up to me. XD
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    A guy I really liked in high school told my "best friend" that he thought I was really really cute and he liked me... He would date me... But, he was embarrassed to be seen with me since I was overweight. He told her that if I lost 40 pounds that he would date me.

    And of course the mom comments, you're a lazy fat b***t... Those jeans are a little tight. Etc.
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    Whenever my brother would get my mad at me and tell me how fat I was.
    I also had a friend (she's 6) when we were playing, she had her hands on my stomach trying to push me backwards and said something about my stomach being big. She asked if i eat a lot. It doesn't bother me what she said, but it bothers me what my brother said.
    When I was little I had a friend who would say things about the weight limit on things. She had a pogo stick and I remember her checking the limit and asking me how much I weigh before she let me play on it.
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    My mother ALWAYS says mean things to me. When I was in high school my mother told me I was ugly and then turn around and said she told me this so I wouldn't be stuck up WTF. Then I've been overweight for the past 3 years, 1st time EVER and every chance sh gets she has a fat comment. Or says "hey fatty" like that's on my birth certificate. I guess se named me fatty lol.
  • mrslaw85
    mrslaw85 Posts: 34 Member
    My mother-in-law told me one time she didn't like fat people because they are lazy and have no self control. She was talking about her MIL at the time but I know it was directed at me too. She is a 30 year ICU nurse who knows I have diabetes and every time she has us over for dinner she serves nothing but HIGH carb & sugar filled foods. But then she tells everyone how much she "loves and appreciates me". Well if that is the truth quit trying to kill me! lol. I have decided next time we go to her house for dinner, I am taking my dinner with me. I also got the comment from someone else when I started Boot Camp to lose weight "I don't know why you are bothering. You are going to fail. You quit weight watchers and tried Curves". Well that person is going to live to eat those words cause all it did was p*ss me off and make me more determined!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    I still remember some A-hole kid calling me thunder thighs in the eighth grade!
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Doing progressive dances in a public hall when one song finished and another started to a different dance. The man I had finished the previous dance with said, "This one's too fast for for you." And he just walked off the floor!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    -My cousins: they would say lets see your belly i wont laugh at you and when i show it to them they laugh in my face :(

    -Strangers think im prego and say congrads to me!

    - when i was young people would make fun of me in school They would calle me fat midget since im 4 feet 8 and many other names. I had to drop out of school couse of all the bulling. I regret it now. I should of been stronger.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    The most hurtful comments I've had were from children who didn't know better. When my nephew was 6 he asked me why I didn't go on The Biggest Loser (in response to hearing me talk about my weight problem with my mom; he didn't even bring it up). The only reason it hurt is because I hadn't heard of the show, and thought he was calling me a loser! :laugh:

    This past Christmas, my cousin's 4 year old foster son asked me why I was fat. Um, good question! It embarrassed my cousin, and it bothered me, because, really, WHY?

    I'm so blessed because I've been surrounded by such loving people. I've had some students say things that hurt me, but sorta in the opposite way: you're so pretty Ms Fergie, I don't know how you're still single. LOL Well, I don't know either! :mad:
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 219 Member
    Bf at the time grabbing my tummy saying "i thought you were working out"

    I was only 130 lbs! UGH. *kitten* hat lol

    This is what I was going to put. My hubby, not saying it in a mean way, but still saying it stated this EXACT same thing to me once before.

    And six months after my daughter was born, I was at my heaviest EVER in my adult life (aside from pregnancy) a friend's mother *giggling* says "Oh I didn't know you had another one on the way already!?" I was crushed.
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    I worked as a CNA in a nursing home. Was in my scrubs in the elevator when the pharmacy guy joined me and asked me when I was due to have my baby. I had been eating right/working out at least 2 weeks by that time and just left the exercise room. I wanted to give up and cry in a corner somewhere but all I said was. You dont ever say that to a woman I am not pregnant!!! and stormed off
  • My boyfriends roommate called me a "fat ****ing cow" over skype
  • SaraSerene
    SaraSerene Posts: 7 Member
    Brother:"Fat B*****!" "Fat F***!" "

    Uncle: " when is the baby due?" (i was freaking 12!!!!!)
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    My maiden name was Cartwright. A kid on the bus once called me Fatty Fartwright. I don't know which pissed me off more. I whacked him in the head with my metal lunchbox. The bus driver just laughed! True story, 20 years later, he walks up to the door of his ex wife with a shotgun and kills her, then himself.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    Wow this thread brings back awful memories.
    All my friends were thin. I was the "chubby or fat girl"

    My mom said some pretty awful things too but always followed it with "i love you and don't want you to be fat"

    The one comment that really hurt me was when I was walking from my car into Wal-mart...just minding my own business and this car full of teenage guys passes by me and they are laughing.
    One hangs out the window and screams.

    I just felt devastated and humiliated.

    Now I'm 8 lbs from goal and 6 lbs from 100 lost and ...I get hurtful comments but it's the opposite.

    I'm obsessive over my weight now..like I am supposed to just stop trying or I've lost enough..just take a rest.

    Make up your mind people either you want me healthy or you want me fat.

    My 2 younger sons....they used to say things ...I know kids do and they dont' mean it bad.

    Now they are my biggest fans. My baby boy says to me mama you look so beautiful and skinny!

    I am glad i make them proud.

  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    Being old from my father that i would have to start wearing garbage bags as they didn't make clothes big enough to fit me. i was 10.

    being told i was to fat to have sex with

    and about 6 months ago, being asked by a waitress if i would fit into a booth.

    I have many more, but those really stick out. Especially the garbage bag one. =(

    Reading all of these really broke my heart. YOU ALL ARE BEAUTIFUL! If I could give everyone a hug, i would!!!!!