I'm depressed. I'm having doubts again.

A few different things are weighing me down. I haven't got a job, am hoping to have one soon, but the facts that I still can't say that I do hurts. Another thing that hurts, is that there's a girl I wanna ask out, but I just don't feel like I deserve to ask her out. Plus, she hasn't been talking to me lately.

The two of us never really hung out, mostly only saw each other on special occasions. But I started upping the amount I was talking to her, now I don't get to talk to her at all. She's one of my reasons for wanting to do this. It's getting hard. My reasons for doing this are fading away and I can't stretch out my hands to grab them. I can only struggle after them and hope that I can reach them.


  • Everything in life will fall into place. Things take time but no worries. However when it comes to weight loss...if you do not do it for yourself it will never last. Good luck!
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    don't let any woman get you in a funk. Get a job and get into a healthy routine (eating right and going to the gym), everything else will fall into place.
  • Ekmw
    Ekmw Posts: 8
    Your main reason to losing weight should be for yourself & your health.

    Keep trekking, and you'll reach your goal. :))
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    If your eating foods that are not of nutritious value then the chemicals sugars ect can cause hormone flucuations and depession.
  • FlexAppeal79
    FlexAppeal79 Posts: 146 Member
    Everything in life will fall into place. Things take time but no worries. However when it comes to weight loss...if you do not do it for yourself it will never last. Good luck!

    SO TRUE! God Bless you in ALL aspects!
  • Hang on... Things will get better!:bigsmile:
  • I am doing it for myself as well. But she also had some part. It's like a house built on several foundations. I can hold myself up if I lose a few, but if I've only got one or two left, I dunno whether I can do it.
  • i would suggest losing the weight for yourself not anybody else. its hard enough to get yourself motivated without trying to please someone else! good luck x
  • Kaimana94
    Kaimana94 Posts: 165 Member
    You have to do this for yourself not anyone else. I started back into exercise as a release from my depression. I'm currently going through a divorce after 22 years of marriage. I'm doing this so I can feel better about myself and the hell with the rest of the world. I would tell you do this for yourself, when you start feeling better about yourself, other people will see it and the relationships will come. Good luck
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    Look at your situation from the outside. Who's going to get what they want: A. the guy who sits around feeling sorry for himself B. the guy who gets up and gets stuff done? Don't be guy A.
  • xBeautifulBreakdown
    xBeautifulBreakdown Posts: 167 Member
    I am doing it for myself as well. But she also had some part. It's like a house built on several foundations. I can hold myself up if I lose a few, but if I've only got one or two left, I dunno whether I can do it.

    You can do it just continue to do focus just on each meal and each workout, take it day by day. Soon you will feel so good you will be able to get any girl you want. There are a lot of fish in the sea haha
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    The good part, is those two things- no job and no girl - are temporary. Keep focusing on the changes you CAN make for yourself on a daily basis. Keep focusing on working towards a job, because that will instantly boost your mood. The girl (her or another) will fall in to place. I know that when you feel stable and confident, the caliber of girls you attract completely increases :)
  • yea like everyone else said. you can do it somewhat for her but, she might not be like me but i know as you get more mature you start to not care as much about appearince and more personality so if you are sweet and someone who would be a good partner, i know i dont care to much what the person looks like, i would go out with them so maybe you should just kinda see if she has any potential to be with you or if its just an appearince thing. hope that helps :3
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Think of yourself, set your own objectives, for you. Good luck on the job front! Are you worth doing this for? I hope you say yes!!!! Go for it get you to be the best you that you can
  • don't let any woman get you in a funk. Get a job and get into a healthy routine (eating right and going to the gym), everything else will fall into place.

    sounds like someone has his own problems with women..see you're not alone!
  • Lol. :)
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    A few different things are weighing me down. I haven't got a job, am hoping to have one soon, but the facts that I still can't say that I do hurts. Another thing that hurts, is that there's a girl I wanna ask out, but I just don't feel like I deserve to ask her out. Plus, she hasn't been talking to me lately.

    The two of us never really hung out, mostly only saw each other on special occasions. But I started upping the amount I was talking to her, now I don't get to talk to her at all. She's one of my reasons for wanting to do this. It's getting hard. My reasons for doing this are fading away and I can't stretch out my hands to grab them. I can only struggle after them and hope that I can reach them.

    I am sure you have heard this before, but I am speaking from my own personal experience. You have to do this, and everything else for yourself. Bcuz it is important to you. Because you want to be healthier, stronger, and feel better about yourself. Each small goal that you attain for yourself will make you feel better about yourself and that will make you stronger and the cycle will repeat. And as you gain more self esteem the other things like finding a job and the girl of your dreams are more likely to fall into place. I know that I need to go job hunting atm since I would like to change careers but I dont feel confident enough to ace those job interviews. But I know it will come in time. So that just proves my point. You must do this for yourself. And give yourself credit for every goal accomplished and build up your self esteem. Do this for you, do everything that you do in your life for you. Bcuz people can come and go in your life. But if you decide what is important to YOU and you decide that nothing and no one is going to get in the way of YOUR dreams then you will get what you want. Wether it is weight loss, getting the job that you want, the house that you want the car that you want, the education that you want. And as you go on that journey hopefully you come across someone that wants to go on that journey with you. My suggestion is right now to be her friend. It is not that you dont deserve her, I dont want to ever hear you talking about yourself like that. But it is possible that right now you are not in a place with yourself to start a new relationship. You need to focus on you. Again these are just my opinions, speaking from my own personal experience.
  • sarkris
    sarkris Posts: 41
    I'm sorry about your employment situation - that is very stressful and difficult. It can also be a blessing in disguise however. You have time now to excercise and make healthy food! You have time to focus on you. Money is probably tight right now but you don't need fancy food or a gym membership. Go for long walks and find a bodyweight excercise program on the net that you can do at home. Get books on nutrition from the library and learn how to feed your body. You have a little more time right now - why not use it to better your health? The way I see it - you can let yourself get sucked into depression by your circumstances or you can use them to show the world the strong man that you are. A year from now you can continue to be depressed and unhappy with your body or you can be fitter and more confident.
    I know it's not this simple - believe me I have struggled with depression my whole life. The only thing that keeps my head above water is taking good care of myself - nourishing my body and exercising, getting enough sleep and taking my fish oil religiously. Best of luck to you. You deserve a great life!
  • don't let any woman get you in a funk. Get a job and get into a healthy routine (eating right and going to the gym), everything else will fall into place.

    sounds like someone has his own problems with women..see you're not alone!

    lol -
  • don't let any woman get you in a funk. Get a job and get into a healthy routine (eating right and going to the gym), everything else will fall into place.

    sounds like someone has his own problems with women..see you're not alone!

    lol -