Does everyone exercise?



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I was doing, but had arm and leg injury, started again when arm eased off, but leg swelling wasn't shifting much so stopped for complete break then TOTM came with stomach cramps which delayed me getting back into after leg healed... hoping to restart by the end of this week, if I can find the energy!

    I heard some people say they lose quicker from diet alone. maybe cos not building muscle at same time or body not storing water after exercising as much... I don't know if not exercising as made much of a difference for me yet (nearly 2 weeks now) until I weigh in at end of week, as I'm still carrying water weight.

    I wanted to lose faster at first but now feel I'd rather tone up as I go, so I don't end up with loads of loose skin (as I'm 42) and my only solution to be plastic surgery to remove it all, if you're a lot younger you probably won't have as much of an issue with that?
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    In order to have not only weight loss but good body composition, you should be xedoing both diet and exercise.
  • sarkris
    sarkris Posts: 41
    I was hit and miss at first but now I make a point to burn 500 cals (I use an HRM) everyday doing whatever as long as my heartrate is up - it can be a walk, yoga, dancing, workout DVD - whatever! I find this a very effective way to keep me exercising - it's very freeing to give myself options but always burning a minimum of 500. I also do 30 pushups and some arm toning exercises - I'm going to add abs and squats/lunges this week too.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    no. I Zumba like a boss, walk and jog, swim, and lift heavy stuff. I don't consider it excercise b/c I am having fun. so I call it fun time. ( =
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not me. Not yet. Soon.

    And you lost 32 pounds, awesome!

    Actually I lost 68 lbs.

    That ticker says 32 "to go". :)

    Can I ask, do you not want to exercise? Or do you have a medical condition stopping you?

    I was working a lot and now I'm prepping for a move. I have prioritized other things. Also, yes, I don't particularly enjoy regular exercise. I'm sure that will change in time once I start doing it. I was very athletic in school so it's not a new concept for me.

    But now that I am closing in on goal and aiming to enlist in the military, beginning next month, fitness will become just as important to me as weight loss.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    I exercise because it makes me feel good (and healthy!) and also because it increases my calorie intake :)
  • DrkDancr
    DrkDancr Posts: 8 Member
    I joined Curves 2 years ago and love it. While the weight hasn't come off as I had hoped, the inches certainly have. I have lost two pant sized since I began and am really loving the way I look and feel.
  • sadye58
    sadye58 Posts: 55
    Kind of I can only fit it in my schedule on Saturday mornings (4miles). But I am losing weight primarily but not going over my calories set for my weight loss goals.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I lift weights and get great satisfaction doing it. Results are great too, but I enjoy the process.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I exercise have to admit I have really begun to enjoy it but also enables me to eat more
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    I lost alot of my beginning weight without exercising which was fine as I lost at a steady pace but now I wish I had started exercising earlier as I am sooooo wobbly. I enjoy exercise now. I don't really get out the house much so for me a trip to the gym is an excuse to get dressed, aside from work that is. I get home and even though I'm unift I feel alot better in myself for going :)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yep, I'm 61 and I exercise most days.
    Currently 45 min to an hour 15 of fat burning exercise either elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike or hiking in the woods. I also do a half hour of weights 5 or 6 days a weeks. When I can, I throw in swimming , just to relax.
    I also have practiced Tai Chi for many years.
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    I lost all but the last 2 or 3 pounds without exercise. I knew if I tried to start a new eating healthy plan and exercise too, that I'd end up giving up and quitting. I just started exercising a couple of weeks ago. I haven't seen a significant loss with exercise, of weight or inches, so we shall see...
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    THis has been said many times, but dieting makes you look good with clothes on, exercise and lifting make you look good naked.

    THats good 'nuff for me ;)
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I exercised a lot at first, for a couple of weeks everyday. Then I slowed down a bit and I hardly ever exercise now but I'm only 9lbs from my Christmas goal and the loss has slowed down so I will start to add more exercises to my week now to help me lose more weight and become healthier.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well.. when I first started on this journey - I exercised a lot (everyday for an hour). As I've progressed in this journey, my exercising has dropped off some (some is due to injuries, some to illnesses and some is due to just a lack of interest). I recently took a month off from the gym and I'm feeling more interested in going now - but, I am easing SLOWLY back into it in order to avoid aggravating the injuries I have.
  • You can lose weight without exercise but exercise gives better results and great for your body. i exercise 6 days a week my energy..endurance and strength is sooo much better.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    THis has been said many times, but dieting makes you look good with clothes on, exercise and lifting make you look good naked.

    THats good 'nuff for me ;)

    Very good, I'm going to remember this quote.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm sure everyone is not exercising. For me, weight loss all comes down to exercise. If I exercise regularly, I stay at a healthy weight. If I stop exercising regularly, I gain weight.

    So yeah, I exercise.
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    My first week on here I just watched my calories and kept them under the amount I was suppose to and lost 4lbs, was so happy! This last week I started exercising thinking that now the weight would come off more quickly and instead I haven't lost anything :sad: I'm starting to get a little discouraged.

    Don't get discouraged... when you first start excercising (or increase your load), you build muscle and it can slow weight loss, or even cause an increase!! My weight goes up a pound or so every time I increase my workload, but my clothes are getting looser... That's why it's important to look to things other than the scale for indicators of your progress... You can TOTALLY do this!! :-D