jeangirl928 Member


  • I just recently found fitnessblender on youtube. They have a ton of great videos. They range from 15 mins to over an hour. You can chose to do all cardio or a mix of cardio and strength. You can also choose certain videos to work out specific parts of your body. I have tried several of them and they are all great.
  • It is an awesome workout. I just sub it in my workout routine every now and then when I need a large calorie burn. I wish there was a little strength training in it too. For a while I was alternating Banish Fat with JM's other DVD No More Trouble Zones which is all strength training. Doing those two workouts several times…
  • wonderful job! you look great!
  • you are rock solid! wow wow wow!
  • Wow! you look so fit! nice job!!!!
  • I would agree that you should try the 30 Day Shred first. It is a much easier workout. The Banish Fat one is sooo much harder and way more intense with cardio the entire 45 mins. Just take it easier and slowly build up once you get more stamina.
  • Congrats! Running a half is one of my goals for myself too. Hoping to be brave enough and dedicated enough to do it later this year. Be proud of your success!
  • I am 5'6 and currently 123. Trying to get done to 120 but I have been stuck at my current weight for the past 3-4 months. My profile has more body pics.
  • Amazing results! Be proud of all your hard work!
  • I did Ripped in 30 directly after doing the 30 DS. I liked it quite a bit more the 30 DS. It has a little harder and since it has 4 levels instead of 3 I didn't get quite as bored with it. However being that it is a short video I usually did some extra cardio most days to get a higher calorie burn in.
  • ok so I have already chimed in but if you are considering getting a Jillian video I would suggest getting her No More Trouble Zones which is 45 mins of total strength training and alternate that with her Blast Fat Boost Metabolism DVD which is about 45 mins of straight cardio- it is a exhausting workout! Both of these…
  • I have done Jillian's 30 DS and then Ripped in 30. I thought they were both good quick workouts but personally were not enough for me. My heart rate usually only stayed in range for about 10 minutes and there is definitely not enough cardio in my opinion. I would usually only burn about 150 -200 calories per session. I…
  • I am 5'6. My starting weight was about 135. I am 123 now, on a good day :) Trying to get closer to the 120 mark. The closer I get the harder it is to stay motivated!
  • Veggie Chips/Straws. My local Walmart sells them. However it took me forever to find them. They aren't with the chips they were right beside the rice cakes. They are salty and crunchy. 38 chips for 140 calories! Great snack and they taste nothing like veggies.
  • I do a step aerobics class twice a week. We actually do the step part for about 25 mins and then do about 25 mins of abs, legs, and butt exercises. After the 25 mins of step aerobics part, my heart rate monitor say I burn around 285 calories, however I know it over estimates. I think it is closer to 175-200 for 25 mins. I…
  • Great job! I def see some abs showing through. You look like you weigh more in the 130's than 150. How tall are you?
  • I did week 4 day 3 today. I am going to be glad when this is over! Ready for something different!
  • I have done it several times and I weigh 125. I usually burn 500-550 calories per my heart rate monitor. However, I know it overestimates some. It is a great workout!
  • I personally I do not think it is enough. When I did it I always did extra cardio as soon as the video finished. Anything to keep my heart rate up for a full 20 minutes or so. Doing 30 DS only I would only burn 150-200 calories per session which I do not think is enough of a daily calorie burn. I suggest doing jumping…
  • I just finished week 3 today as well. So excited to move on to level 4 tomorrow. Glad to be done with those stupid duck walks and those arm exercises killed me. I have heard that level 4 is a little better....guess I will find out tomorrow!
  • I start week 4 on Sat but so far I have also not lost any weight (maybe gained a pound). I measured myself today and I don't think I have lost any inches either. I do feel a little fitter and stronger but I am sad that I have nothing really measurable to show for all the hard work!
  • Made myself workout tonight even though I feel like it at all. Horrible weekend of eating. Hoping to start over tomorrow! And yes I hate the duck walks!
  • ok I would be happy if I looked like your before pic!
  • I am doing week 3 for the first time today. I am excited to move on. I am so tired of those plank jacks and mountain climbers! My weight is still holding steady. I would like to lose a couple more pounds but I am not holding my breath! I am seeing more muscle definition especially in my arms. I am trying hard to not gauge…
  • puppy chow................ 1/2 cup butter 1 cup creamy peanut butter 2 cups milk chocolate chips 1 (17.5 ounce) package crispy corn and rice cereal 1 pound confectioners' sugar total deliciousness and sinful!
  • Planning on working out after the kiddos go to bed tonight. Took yesterday off to go to a marriage retreat with my hubby. Let myself have a total guilt free eating day. Pizza, cookies, chips, candy, puppy chow........ It was delicious and disgusting all mixed in one! Ha :)
  • I started out at 135. Hit my first goal of 125 but still wasn't quite satisfied with the way I looked. My new goal is 120 or so but I am trying not to focus on the scale at this point and just tone up my mid section.