mkatzb3 Member


  • Thanks to all of you that posted!
  • thank you so much! youre advice is very inspiring!
  • Im willing to suffer too! Its gonna be a struggle though seeing as I work around desserts AND bake when Im stressed, happy, etc. I really need the support so if youre willing to work through it I am too!
  • I was just thinking about making zuchini bread! Thanks!
  • Maybe switch up your routine from runnring to light weight lifting. Light weights tone which will not only help lose weight but also tone. If you go to a gym try taking some classes they offer. Your boy gets bored with the same day to day exercises so challenge it! :wink: Good Luck!
  • So... I love my room mate but she is a bit compulsive about her weight. We sometimes over do "free days" so to speak but instead of trying better the next day, she will result to purging or starving herself until she feels better. That or she will go on a serious work out/ strict diet routine, lose 15 lbs and then go back…
  • Try baking from this website: I found recipes with nutrition facts too so I know exactly how much I'm consuming! Good Luck!
  • yep summers almost here... that means finals are too :sad: anyone in college trying to lose weight knows about the late night crunch and munch sessions and who can forget the celebrations that proceed after finals?! any advice or tips to avoid those frappuccinos in the mornings, beers at night or the all over cravings for…
  • just returnng to MFP and so stoked I saw this! H: 5'6" W: 140 Goal: 127 I need to start by cutting back on the late night munchies and alcohol... quite difficult when finals are around the corner. Gym 4x - 5x a week and eat at least one serving of fresh produce with every meal! Ill add on more goal when I acheive these!
  • Im feeling really discouraged! I started with a great mind set and wanting to lose the weight, totally determined. I thought that giving myself a "free day" couldnt hurt and it ended up be a "free" 3 weeks. Now Im heavier than i started and feelinng even worse... sorry. I needed to vent! Any advice if theres anyone else…
  • I read an article in SHAPE saying that your body fluctuates about 5 lbs a day! When did you wiegh yourself? your "true weight" is right after doing your business in the morning completely nude. Also make sure 1200 calories is the correct intake... sometimes when your body doesn't have enough calories it goes into…
  • I read it and some of the information is factual and interesting. On the other hand it also tells you to eat when your on the point of "starvation." We all know for people trying to lose weight that leads to overeating (or at least in my case :blushing:) I follow some of the food menus they provide but if you actually take…
  • I feel most motivated to exercise outdoors. However, its been raining for the past 2 days with no sign of stopping. My gym is closed for a month for renovations and I am starting to make excuses for not working out! I just started getting back on track and I would HATE to stop now! Any suggestions for "exciting" inside…
  • So my friend from out of town is coming and wants to go to dinner. I am really trying to be good but I havent eaten out since I joined MFP! Any healthy (but yummy) suggestions for sushi?
  • I know it can be hard believe me! Ive been trying for a few weeks and even though I am not getting quick results I am eating healthier, exercising more and I feel overall healthier! Recognize little changes. For example, I made little changes here and there about my eating habits and I realized I wasn't as tired in the…
  • Hello! I just started a few weeks ago and Ive already had some ups and downs but from experience... stick with it! In the end, its up to you to make those healthy decisions and get the results you deserve! Good luck! Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Hello! Im pretty new too and have the exact same problem! I try to eat filling proteins like eggs and lean meats... also make a leafy salad before you chow down on the good stuff!:wink: Good Luck!
  • I'm 19 and a second year. I'm really trying to lose the weight but college life really makes it difficult!